common - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "common" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 124 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
common común [adj]
common regular [adj]
common vulgar [adj]
common general [adj]
common ordinario [adj]
common solidario [adj]
common ambiguo [adj]
common andado [adj]
common plebeyo [adj]
common populachero [adj]
common corriente [adj]
common ramplón [adj]
common frecuente [adj]
common habitual [adj]
common turno [m]
common arrabalero [adj]
common banal [adj]
common barriobajero [adj]
common común [adj]
common comunal [adj]
common concejil [adj]
common corriente [adj]
common exotérico [adj]
common ficticio [adj]
common frecuente [adj]
common general [adj]
common menudo [adj]
common plebeyo [adj]
common plebeyo [adj]
common populachero [adj]
common suelto [adj]
common tirado [adj]
common usual [adj]
common vehicular [adj]
common vulgar [adj]
common ejido [m]
common chabacano [adj]
common mutuo [adj]
common achinado [adj]
common orillero [adj]
common común y corriente [adj]
common del montón [adj]
common de la calle [adj]
common normal [adj]
common campillo [m]
common colada [f]
common bajo [adj]
common adocenado [adj]
common baldío [adj]
common comunal [adj]
common comunero [adj]
common concejil [adj]
common burdo [adj]
common exotérico [adj]
common familiar [adj]
common pedestre [adj]
common público [adj]
common menudo [adj]
common natural [adj]
common trivial [adj]
common terreno comunal [m]
common tener derecho de pastos comunes [v]
common vivir juntos [v]
common pastos comunes [m/pl]
common naco [adj] MX BO
common chafalote [adj] AR rare
common chancletero [adj] CU
common chancletudo [adj] MX GT HN VE
common tupido [adj] AMER
common andado [adj] disused
common usual [adj] disused
common vulgado [adj] rare
common comunes [adj/pl]
common achinada [adj/f]
common ordinaria [adj/f]
common chancletera [adj/f] CU
common chancletuda [adj/f] MX GT HN VE
common solidaria [adj/f]
common ambigua [adj/f]
common andada [adj/f]
common plebeya [adj/f]
common populachera [adj/f]
common arrabalera [adj/f]
common tupida [adj/f] AMER
common ramplona [adj/f]
common baja [adj/f]
common barriobajera [adj/f]
common pública [adj/f]
common adocenada [adj/f]
common comunera [adj/f]
common exotérica [adj/f]
common menuda [adj/f]
common baldía [adj/f]
common burda [adj/f]
common corrientes [adj/pl]
common de a pie [adj]
common de cortos vuelos [adj]
common de pocos vuelos [adj]
common de surtido [adj] rare
common de a pie [adj]
common chulo [adj] CL
common rasca [adj] CL
common niche [adj] VE derog.
common cuma [f] CL
common flaite [m/f] CL
common chula [adj] CL
common pulento CL
common charcha CL
common punga CL
common chano CL
common chulo CL
common cuma CL
common común [adj]
common conjunto [adj]
common recíproco [adj]
common consuetudinario [adj]
common ordinario [adj]
common artículo corriente
common derecho conjunto
common usual [adj]
common corriente [adj]
common ordinario [adj]
common epiceno [adj]
common católico [adj]

Sens de "common" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 500 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
the common people vulgo [m]
common informer delator [m]
(slang) the common people gentuza [f]
common people plebe [f]
common place lugar común
common land ejido [m]
lower orders (the common people) pueblo [m]
common people pueblo [m]
common people vulgo [m]
common sense imaginativa [f]
by common consent mancomunadamente [adv]
common cold resfriado [m]
common sense sensatez [f]
common good bien común [m]
common property acervo [m]
common year año civil [m]
common year año común [m]
common year año vulgar [m]
fruit of the common barberry bérbero [m]
prepared drink made from fruit of the common barberry bérbero [m]
common land boalar [m]
common pasture boalar [m]
common land campillo [m]
common cold catarro [m]
common denominator denominador común [m]
common denominator común denominador [m]
common law derecho común [m]
book of common prayer episcopal [m]
place with abundant common guava guayabal [m]
flower of the common jasmine jazmín [m]
field planted with common bean judiar [m]
common place lugar común [m]
field of common myrtle murtal [m]
common noun nombre común [m]
common name nombre común [m]
the common people pueblo [m]
common wine made in tuscany quianti [m]
common sensorium sensorio [m]
common sensorium sensorio común [m]
common sense sentido común [m]
common sensorium sentido común [m]
common sensorium sentido interior [m]
common people vulgo [m]
field of common smilax zarzaparrillar [m]
common pasture land dula [f]
cattle that pasture common land dula [f]
common pasture land adula [f]
cattle that pasture common land adula [f]
water from the common sowthistle agua de cerrajas [f]
common law marriage barraganería [f]
common cause causa [f]
common ownership copropiedad [f]
ownership in common copropiedad [f]
common cold coriza [f]
common era era cristiana [f]
common era era de cristo [f]
common grave fosa común [f]
seed of the common bean judía [f]
common service mita [f]
common people multitud [f]
book of common prayer with the octave of the epiphany octava [f]
common remark ordinariez [f]
common law marriage pareja de hecho [f]
common people plebe [f]
office of common crier pregonería [f]
common salt sal común [f]
common sorrel vinagrera [f]
common will voluntad general [f]
common knowledge pública voz y fama [f]
sharing common placenta bivitelino [adj]
common wheat candeal [adj]
pertaining to the community or common property comunero [adj]
linked by a common interest pegado [adj]
common knowledge sabido [adj]
consider common adocenar [v]
make common cause coaligarse [v]
common woodlands montes en mano común [m/pl]
common mounts montes en mano común [m/pl]
common corn rust flores de maíz [f/pl]
common rafter cabio común [m]
the common people pueblo [m]
common raven cuervo [m]
common fig hicoxcuahuitl [m]
common gate amplifier amplificador de puerta común [m]
common periwinkle bígaro [m]
subtropical cherry similar to common cherry capulín [m]
common bird's-foot-trefoil cuernecillo [m]
common bond aparejo común [m]
common flax lino [m]
common cathode cátodo común [m]
common hepatic duct conducto hepático común [m]
common algorithmic language lenguaje algorítmico común [m]
common customs tariff arancel aduanero común [m]
common nail clavo común [m]
common sense conocimiento [m]
common salt sal común [m]
common ash fresno común [m]
common dandelion diente de león [m]
common marmoset tití común [m]
common noun nombre común [m]
common noun sustantivo común [m]
common name nombre común [m]
common sense sentido común [m]
common whitefish lavareto [m]
greatest common divisor máximo común divisor [m]
common area for dining paseo de comida [m]
lowest common denominator mínimo común denominador [m]
common sense asiento [m]
a type of music common in the caribbean merengue [m]
enclosed pasture which is common land potrero [m]
common-law marriage concubinato [m]
common enemy enemigo común [m]
common dolphinfish lampuga [f]
common sennit cajeta de filástica [f]
common cause solidaridad [f]
common-law wife concubina [f]
common ownership colectividad [f]
common chickweed álsine [f]
common-law trust asociación voluntaria [f]
common aerial antena colectiva [f]
common crier pregonera [f]
common coot focha común [f]
common hepatica hepática [f]
common whitefish farra [f]
common wood pigeon torcaz [f]
common misspelling of hostia ostia [f]
fence in common on the border between two ranches medianería [f]
a member of the common people plebeyo [m/f]
a member of the common people comunero [m/f]
common-place tópico [adj]
shared in common solidario [adj]
having a common goal convergente [adj]
pertaining to the common people plebeyo [adj]
pertaining to the common people popular [adj]
commonplace (ordinary; common) corriente [adj]
commonplace (ordinary; common) común [adj]
stock (common; usual) corriente [adj]
prevailing (common at the present time) corriente [adj]
make common cause solidarizarse [v]
become common adocenarse [v]
have in common compartir [v]
have something in common tener algo en común [v]
be common practice ser una práctica común [v]
be the second most common cause of death ser la segunda causa más común de mortandad [v]
by common consent de común acuerdo [adv]
in common en común [adv]
by common agreement mancomún [adv]
common knowledge historia patria [expr] CO
common quality standard norma común de calidad
common channel exchange central de canal común
common language lenguaje común
common carrier transportista general
common bend vuelta sencilla de escota
common creditor acreedor quirografario
common channel signalling system sistema de señalización por canal común
common collector colector común
common law derecho angloamericano
common trunk circuito común
common bail fianza ordinaria
common council consejo municipal
common mode rejection ratio factor de rechazo en modo común
common difference diferencia común
common-mode rejection supresión de modo común
common instance caso común
common of pasture derecho de pastoreo
common area área común
common mode range margen en modo común
common multiple común múltiplo
common air interface interfaz aérea común
common creditor acreedor no asegurado
common wine vino de mesa
common gateway interface interfaz de puerta común
common iliac artery arteria ilíaca primitiva
common law copyright derechos de autor
common control channel canal de control común
common logarithm logaritmo común
common brick ladrillo de construcción
common carrier empresa de telecomunicaciones
common seal sello social
common logarithm logaritmo de briggs
common carriers empresa de transporte público
common denominator denominador común
common mode failure avería unimodal
common counts gastos generales
common stock acción ordinaria
common access method método de acceso común
common lime tilo silvestre
common block bloque común
common channel signalling señalización por canal común
common battery system sistema de batería central
common bail fianza común
common base base común
common wire hilo neutro
common wall muro medianero
common internet file system sistema común de archivos de internet
common supply alimentación común
common mode modo común
common carrier empresa de servicios públicos
common right derecho común
common carrier empresa de transportes
common logarithm logaritmo decimal
common matrix matriz común
common emitter emisor común
common trunk línea común
common inheritance patrimonio común
common jury jurado de juicio
common crossing cruzamiento agudo
common divisor común divisor
common drive accionamiento común
common concern interés común
common battery batería común
common battery batería central
common mode voltage tensión en modo común
common impedance coupling acoplamiento directo
common agricultural policy política agrícola comunitaria
common trunk enlace común
common user access acceso común de usuario
common service servicio común
common wine vino común
common system sistema común
in common en común
common ground base de acuerdo
common gateway interface interfaz de pasarela común
common law derecho civil
common law derecho inglés
common equipment equipo común
common ownership propiedad común
common divisor divisor común
common pool fondo común
common item elemento común
common market mercado común
common business-oriented language lenguaje común para actividades comerciales
common law derecho de gentes
common customs tariff tarifa exterior común
a common goal un objetivo común
a common mistake un error habitual
a common mistake un error común
a common idea una idea común
a grain of common sense una pizca de sentido común
common people pueblo llano
common starling estornino común
common minke whale rorcual aliblanco
common starling estornino europeo
common-law marriage unión libre
common starling estornino pinto
common wood pigeon paloma torcaz
common era era común
common era era vulgar
common hepatica hierba del hígado
common-law marriage unión de hecho
common law derecho consuetudinario
the common market el mercado común
common room sala de estudiantes
english common law el derecho consuetudinario inglés
common thread hilo conductor
common sense sentido común
book of common prayer libro de oración común
common denominator común denominador
points in common puntos en común
things in common puntos en común
common-law marriage pareja de hecho
common-law marriage la unión de hecho
common-law marriage unión de facto
common-law marriage matrimonio de hecho
common ground retorno común
common-room salón [m]
common sewer albollón [m]
common pasture acampo [m]
common boundary aledaño [m]
a pretty creeping bird common in mexico and brazil aní [m]
common hazel-nut tree avellano [m]
common burdock cadillo [m]
common labourer calcatrife [m]
common prawn cámaro [m]
association of persons with a common purpose cofradía [m]
common sewer caño [m]
common bile duct colédoco [m]
common chestnut tree castaño [m]
common public land ejido [m]
common feverfew expillo [m]
common hedge-nettle galiopsis [m]
common water-hemlock felandrio [m]
common meeting-place for young people horuelo (asturias) [m]
common juniper enebro [m]
common dill eneldo [m]
common hearth for field hands fogarín [m]
common thorn-apple estramonio [m]
wild common pear guadapero [m]
common wine peleón [m]
owner of a house having a common wall medianero [m]
common chervil perifollo [m]
common tuberose nardo [m]
common prawn camarón [m]
common use uso común [m]
common use uso corriente [m]
common sea-shell ajobilla [f]
common pasture-ground adula [f]
common balm cidronela [f]
common cinquefoil cincoenrama [f]
kind of blackish duck common in the bay of biscay corconera [f]
common-sense cordura [f]
common scurvy-grass codearía [f]
species of common inedible watercress berraña [f]
common fennel plant cañareja [f]
common name of the main staysail carbonera [f]
common motherwort cardíaca [f]
common possession comunión [f]
common gum-succory condrila [f]
common dodder cuscuta [f]
common pasture-ground dula [f]
common goat's-rue galega [f]
common talk fábula [f]
common pasture land facería (navarra) [f]
common clary esclarea [f]
common heath garbeña [f]
common avens gariofilea [f]
common celandine hirundinaria [f]
common yard crowfoot francesilla [f]
common use regularidad [f]
crustacean very common in the bay of biscay mulata [f]
office of common crier pregonería [f]
common girl from madrid manola (siglos xviii y xix) [f]
authority or force that things receive by saying or common opinion voz [f]
common motherwort agripalma [f]
out of the common agigantado [adj]
extremely common comunísimo [adj]
neat (a less common word for net) líquido [adj]
resolve by common consent acordar [v]
be common talk correr (rumor/noticia) [v]
contribute to common expense escotar [v]
be common talk difundirse [v]
by common consent acordemente [adv]
according to the common law civilmente [adv]
in common comunalmente [adv]
common pasture land alijares [m/pl]
the common man el hombre medio [m]
the common man el hombre de carne y hueso [m]
common soldier soldado raso [m]
common people populacho [m]
common weal bien público [m]
common ground base de acuerdo [f]
common people gentuza [f]
common people gentualla [f]
common herd gentuza [f]
common weal res pública [f]
common (of low or lower quality) inferior [adj]
particular (surpassing what is common or usual or expected) extraño [adj]
rife (of common or frequent occurrence; prevalent; widespread) corriente [adj]
be out of the common no estar en el mapa [v]
allocate (a less common word for locate) localizar [v]
common people masas [f/pl]
a very common bird chirigüe [m] CL
common spindle-tree bonetero [m] BO
very common small bird resembling the european sparrow chogüí [m] PY AR
a common plant of edible roots ocumo [m] VE
a fish common in lake titicaca umanto [m] BO
very common small bird resembling the european sparrow chagüís [m] EC
any association or group meeting organized to analyze and solve common problems activo [m] CU
common name for jaguar tigre [m] AMER
bird hybrid between a breed rooster and a domestic common hen. atravesado [m] VE
variety of the avatí plant (of tunicated grain and larger in size than the common variety) avatí guaycurú [m] AR:Ne
variety of the avatí plant smaller in size than the common variety (with fine and short grain of a pearled shiny color) avatí pororó [m] AR:Ne
common brandy balarrasa [m] MX
common fund among several people to buy drugs ángulo [m] PR
common ice plant rocío [m] MX
small, flat, sandy island that floods frequently and is largely covered by mangroves, very common near the antilles cayo [m] HN CU DO PR CO VE
species of brown horsefly, very common and annoying colicoli [m] CL
building with a common entrance, patio, and services with rented rooms conventillo [m] CL
work or social environment where gossip is common conventillo [m] EC CL PY AR UY
working together for a common cause (several people) compadrazco [m] CL rare derog.
traditional rural character common in the center and south of the country huaso [m] CL
traditional rural character common in the center and south of the country guaso [m] CL
fictional character that represents the common venezuelan juambimba [m] VE
common land ejido [m] MX
common man marchante [m] DO
common cold quebranto [m] VE
common louse toribio [m] SV
common louse torito [m] HN
place with abundant common alder alnedo [m] disused
common law marriage amancebamiento [m] rare
common sense calletre [m] disused
holder of a share in common lands ejidatario [m] MX
common heather erreal [m] ES local
common thorn apple tapa [f] HN
facial ulcers common in the andes uta [f] PE
common spindle-tree bonetera [f] BO
bird hybrid between a breed rooster and a domestic common hen atravesada [f] VE
group of people participating in common experiences or activities camada [f] MX HN NI CR CO BO PY AR UY DO rare
common caiman baba [f] VE
common name used to designate all types of floating aquatic plants bora [f] VE
mistake caused by lack of common sense burrera [f] BO
(among the paperers) a common paper that is usually placed under the final piece for a better fix camisa [f] BO CL
a wild tropical plant of the convolvulaceae family, very common in cuba, that flowers at easter and christmas campanilla [f] CU
money collected from colleagues or friends for a common good cuernuda [f] SV
common earthworm culicha [f] HN SV
group of people working together toward a common goal fraternidad [f] MX GT NI DO BO CL
group of workers who carry out a common task faena [f] BO
voluntary financial contribution of several people for a common purpose ajustadilla [f] HN
amount of money contributed by several people for a common goal guaca [f] HN
common people galucha [f] CL
common name for several species of trees in the dominican republic coaba [f] DO
traditional rural character common in the center and south of the country huasa [f] CL
traditional rural character common in the center and south of the country guasa [f] CL
party or feast that is celebrated after the harvest or other work done in common junta [f] PA
common remark leperada [f] CR rare
common remark leperada [f] MX GT HN SV NI
social grouping of farming families with common ancestry marca [f] BO
territory occupied by the inhabitants of a country with common laws and government marca [f] BO
common marijuana strain moño rojo [f] PE drug
crazy saying or action without common sense mulada [f] GT SV NI
common people plebada [f] SV
series of structures used for a common purpose planta física (inglés plant) [f] PR EC BO
meeting for a common purpose reconcentración [f] NI
group of people with a common purpose vaca [f] NI
common law marriage barraganía [f] disused
voluntary contribution to a common cause cabuda [f] HN SV
common furniture beetle corca [f] ES local
common house borer corca [f] ES local
common smooth-scaled gecko cuija [f] MX HN
holder of a share in common lands ejidataria [f] MX
common era era vulgar [f] rare
common pasture land facería [f] ES local
common bean moncheta [f] ES local
common thief arpista [m/f] CL
common fop roto [adj] MX
not having much common sense (person) atarantado [adj] SV NI VE
who lacks common sense descriteriado [adj] PE BO CL UY EC rare derog.
common or not highly esteemed (thing) charralero [adj] CR disused
common (person or thing) chapi [adj] BO
common (thing) de correntada [adj] CR disused
pertaining to common pasture land facero [adj] ES local
league for a common purpose acomunarse [v] disused
come together under common interests aclanarse [v] CL
join together for a common interest aglutinarse [v] MX HN CU DO VE BO
ally people, institutions, or companies for a common purpose amachinarse [v] HN
group of people working together or agreeing to do something in common, usually something illegal coludirse [v] MX CL
gather several people with common interests nuclear [v] CU BO PY AR UY PE cult
gather several people with common interests aglutinar [v] MX HN CU DO VE BO
be common menudear [v] HN NI
meet for a common purpose reconcentrarse [v] NI
by common consent acordadamente [adv] disused
shared in common solidaria [adj/f]
out of the common agigantada [adj/f]
common fop rota [adj/f] MX
extremely common comunísima [adj/f]
it's nothing out of the common no es cosa del otro jueves [m]
the common herd el común de las gentes [m]
common run of men el común de las gentes [m]
a common thing moneda corriente [f]
common sense pasado en autoridad de cosa juzgada [adj]
have nothing in common no tener nada en común [v]
reach a common ground encontrar un término medio [v]
have a lot in common with somebody tener muchas cosas en común con alguien [v]
have something in common (with) tener algo en común con [v]
have no common sense no tener juicio [v]
be common as muck ser de medio [v]
be as common as dirt ser de medio [v]
be common as an old shoe ser de medio [v]
follow common sense guiarse por el sentido común [v]
be guided by common sense guiarse por el sentido común [v]
have common sense tener la cabeza bien amueblada [v]
have common sense tener la cabeza en su lugar [v]
have common sense tener la cabeza en su sitio [v]
have common sense tener la cabeza bien puesta [v]
have common sense tener la cabeza sobre los hombros [v]
achieve a common goal ganar capítulo [v]
join for a common cause hacer causa común con alguien [v]
join for a common cause formar causa común con alguien [v]
have something in common tener algo en común [v]
be common knowledge ser del dominio público [v]
be common andar algo en manos de todos [v]
be very common estar muy visto (algo o alguien) [v]
by common consent por aclamación [adv]
in common en común [adv]
in common de comunidad [adv]
the common touch don de gentes
the common touch el don de saber tratar con el pueblo
the common touch el don de saber sintonizar con el pueblo
the common touch el don de saber tratar con la gente sencilla
a common spirit of comradeship espíritu de equipo
make common cause with someone hacer causa común con alguien
make common cause with somebody hacer causa común con alguien
a common spirit of comradeship espíritu de camaradería
a common spirit of comradeship espíritu de unidad
make common cause with someone unir fuerzas con alguien
as common as muck bruto
as common as an old shoe común y corriente
as common as dirt común y corriente
as common as muck basto
as common as muck tosco
as common as muck de clase baja
as common as muck rudo
as common as an old shoe de lo más ordinario
as common as dirt de lo más ordinario
as common as an old shoe basto
as common as dirt de clase baja
as common as an old shoe de clase baja
as common as an old shoe del montón
as common as muck del montón
as common as an old shoe desaliñado