base - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "base" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 189 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
base base [f]
base basa [f]
base basar [v]
base pie [m]
base fundar [v]
base soporte [m]
base zócalo [m]
base peana [f]
base villano [adj]
base fundamentar [v]
base cuartel [m]
base nacimiento [m]
base pie [m]
base tímpano [m]
base peana [f]
base peaña [f]
base raíz [f]
base suela [f]
base tiesta [f]
base apoyar [v]
base fundamentar [v]
base sustentar [v]
base fondo [m]
base estribo [m]
base cimiento [m]
base puerco [m]
base arranque [m]
base barandal [m]
base basamento [m]
base nacimiento [m]
base concentración [f]
base sede [f]
base bajuno [adj]
base bastardo [adj]
base establecer [v]
base cifrar [v]
base sostener [v]
base emplazar [v]
base pedestal [m]
base lecho [m]
base asentamiento [m]
base componente principal [m]
base fundamento [m]
base cama [f]
base raíz [f]
base fundación [f]
base parte inferior [f]
base bajo [adj]
base nefando [adj]
base rastrero [adj]
base ruin [adj]
base vil [adj]
base soez [adj]
base vincular [v]
base afianzar [v]
base afirmar [v]
base cimentar [v]
base suelo [m]
base juego de baras [m]
base despreciable [adj]
base común [adj]
base vergonzoso [adj]
base grave [adj]
base ilegítimo [adj]
base poltrón [adj]
base infame [adj]
base indigno [adj]
base mandria [adj]
base cobarde [adj]
base basar en [v]
base apoyar sobre [v]
base fijar sobre [v]
base hablando de oro y plata [adv]
base fundillo [m] NI
base adúltero [adj] fig.
base astroso [adj] fig.
base bahúno [adj] rare
base humilde [adj] fig.
base lépero [adj] CAM MX
base zarrio [adj] AL
base baja [adj/f]
base bajuna [adj/f]
base bastarda [adj/f]
base villana [adj/f]
base adúltera [adj/f] fig.
base rastrera [adj/f]
base lépera [adj/f] CAM MX
base astrosa [adj/f] fig.
base nefanda [adj/f]
base bahúna [adj/f] rare
base ilegítima [adj/f]
base vergonzosa [adj/f]
base indigna [adj/f]
base de base [adj]
base gurrumino [adj]
base gurrumina [adj/f]
base bastardo
base droga (anfetamina)
base anfeta
base fundamento [m]
base base [f]
base básico [adj]
base estación [f]
base deshonesto [adj]
base casquillo [m]
base base [f]
base base [f]
base material de base
base culote [m]
base casquillo [m]
base fondo [m]
base culote [m]
base basamento [m]
base pasta [f]
base bancada [f]
base base [f]
base base [f]
base bancada [f]
base inestable [adj]
base bases [f/pl]
base bajo de ley
base pie de talud
base material de base
base base [f]
base base [f]
base cali [m]
base base [f]
base pie [m]
base base [f]
base base [f]
base base de numeración [f]
base basar (en) [v]
base la base
base casquillo [m]
base zócalo [m]
base base [f]
base base [f]
base zócalo [m]
base base [f]
base línea de base [f]
base bloque de base
base línea de base
base zócalo [m]
base zoco [m]
base basa [f]
base suela [f]
base marrano [m]
base pasta [f]
base fijar [v]
base sustentar [v]
base adulterar la moneda [v]
base pie del tipo de imprenta [m]
base base [f]
base soporte de película
base base [f]
base pigmento [m]
base asignar a una base
base base aérea
base punto de apoyo
base servir como base
Maritime Transport
base bastidor [m]
base fundamento [m]
base lecho [m]
base plancha de fondo
base plancha de base
base línea de base
base apoyo [m]
base basamento [m]
base zócalo [m]
base casquillo (lámpara) [m]
base fundamento [m]
base base [f]
base armazón [m/f]
base fundamentar [v]
base ingrediente principal
base bajo [m]
base soporte [m]
base fondo [m]
base soporte [m]
base soporte de película [m]
base base [f]
base cojín [m]
base almohada [f]
base almohadilla [f]
base base [f]
base estación [f]
base base [f]
base bajo [adj]
base violoncelo [m]

Sens de "base" dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 119 résultat(s)

Espagnol Anglais
base [f] basis
base [f] base
base [f] baseline
base [f] foundation
base [f] rule
base [f] stipulation
base [f] bottom
base [f] point guard
base [f] seating
base [f] conditions
base [f] rules
base [f] requirements
base [f] base form
base [f] base line
base [f] mounting
base [f] basic
base [f] provisional
base [f] draft
base [f] foundation (cosmetics)
base [f] rootstock
base [f] background
base [f] grounding
base [f] ground
base [f] ground-work
base [f] base-line
base [f] footing
base [f] foot
base [f] bed
base [f] fundus
base [f] hypostasis
base [f] rest
base [f] MX GT NI DO BO CL PY AR perm
base [f] UY sneakers
base [f] MX GT NI DO BO CL PY AR permanent wave
base [f] UY tennies
base [f] station
base [f] EC BO crack
base [f] base
base [f] basis
base [f] basis
base [f] baseline
base [f] support
base [f] fundament
base [f] base
base [f] base
base [f] footstall
base [f] stock
base [f] root
base [f] tee
base [f] baseline
base [f] base
base [f] basis
base [f] header
base [f] radix
base [f] stem
base [f] sleeve
base [f] socket
base [f] socket outlet
base [f] rail flange
base [f] base
base [f] basis
base [f] seating
base [f] root
base [f] radix
base [f] base
base [f] base
base [f] mount
base [f] base
base [f] alkaline
base [f] base
base [f] base
base [f] sole
base [f] flange
base [f] basis
base [f] bottom
base [f] base
base [f] foundation
base [f] tee/kicking tee
base [f] base
base [f] basis
base [f] substrate
base [f] base
base [f] bed
base [f] foot
base [f] toe
base [f] sole
base [f] column base
base [f] playmaker
base [f] radix
base [f] base
base [f] substrate
base [f] base
base [f] groundwork
base [f] essence
base [f] rationale
base [f] seat
base [f] measured mile
base [f] rest
base [f] foot
base [f] foundation
base [f] basis
base [f] seat
base [m] basis
base [m] seat
base [m] ground
base [m] socket
base [f] base
base [f] lexical base
base [f] base
base [f] kicking tee/tee
base [m/f] guard
base [m/f] point guard
base [m/f] playmaker
base [f] fuse-mount
base [f] mound
base [f] GT NI DO PR base
base [f] base
base [f] base
base [f] nitrogenous base

Sens de "base" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 500 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
tax base base imponible [f]
base act bajeza [f]
bed base somier [m]
base (of a column) basa [f]
customer base clientela [f]
base of the cloth alto primero [m]
measure of a body from its highest point to its base altor [m]
base color celestre [m]
base pairing emparejamiento [m]
gravel base course layer firme [m]
stirrup base hondón [m]
tail base macho [m]
base or stem of a plant mástil [m]
square base orlo [m]
square base plinto [m]
mattress base somier [m]
bed base tablado [m]
base text texto base [m]
base text texto de base [m]
base act abyección [f]
military air base base aérea [f]
air base base aérea [f]
skull base base del cráneo [f]
naval base base naval [f]
military base casa militar [f]
active base dynamite dinamita de base activa [f]
inert base dynamite dinamita de base inerte [f]
base act ratería [f]
base act ruindad [f]
base-ten decimal [adj]
set on a base basar [v]
base pair emparejar [v]
base on fundar [v]
base on informar [v]
suffix used to form abstract feminine nouns determined by the derivative base ncia [suf]
suffix used to form abstract feminine nouns determined by the derivative base ancia [suf]
suffix used to form nouns that indicate relationship with the derivative base aria [suf]
suffix indicating place where the meaning is from the derivative base aria [suf]
base cover embasamiento [m]
base of a column basamento [m]
base of the bed somier [m]
base camp campamento base [m]
acid base imbalance desequilibrio de la base ácida [m]
acid-base imbalance desequilibrio de la base ácida [m]
base color color de base [m]
base for living lo justo para vivir [m]
base colour color base [m]
base case lease arrendamiento de base [m]
acid base imbalance equilibrio ácido-básico [m]
acid base ácido-base [m]
acid base imbalance equilibrio acidobásico [m]
acid-base imbalance equilibrio ácido-básico [m]
base effect efecto de base [m]
base case lease arrendamiento de base [m]
base colour color base [m]
base colour color de base [m]
base effect efecto básico [m]
base for living costo de vida [m]
base effect efecto base [m]
stone base solera [f]
base of the spine rabadilla [f]
data base base de datos [f]
second base segunda base [f]
base form base [f]
base line base [f]
data base la base de datos [f]
candlestick with handle and plate-like base palmatoria [f]
acid base base ácida [f]
base fare tarifa básica [f]
base for living base para vivir [f]
base of the neck base del cuello [f]
american base base norteamericana [f]
american base base militar estadounidense [f]
base explosive masa base explosiva [f]
base fare tarifa base [f]
base fare precio base [f]
base of the neck base del cuello [f]
base temperature temperatura inicial [f]
base fare tarifa básica [f]
base temperature temperatura base [f]
trunk base cepa [f]
pertaining to the base or origin basal [adj]
base oneself basarse [v]
become base or vile encanallarse [v]
base upon basar [v]
base one's arguments apoyarse [v]
make vile or base encanallar [v]
base something on basar algo en [v]
base upon respaldarse con [v]
base upon respaldarse en [v]
base oneself fundamentarse [v]
base on fundar en [v]
base oneself on basarse en [v]
base upon a scientific foundation basarse en fundamentos científicos [v]
base oneself on basarse uno mismo en [v]
base on a scientific foundation basarse en fundamentos científicos [v]
base (something) on (another) basar (algo) en (otra cosa) [v]
catch (someone) off base coger a uno fuera de base [v]
get to first base llegar a la primera base [v]
ask for base pedir base [v]
base (something) on (another) basarse en (algo) [v]
base on apoyarse en [v]
base on basar (algo) en [v]
base on basar en [v]
base on basarse en [v]
base on establecerse en [v]
base on fundamentar en [v]
base on fundamentarse en [v]
base on a scientific foundation basarse en fundamentos científicos [v]
base oneself on basarse uno mismo en [v]
base oneself on estar basado uno mismo en [v]
base upon a scientific foundation basarse en fundamentos científicos [v]
base (something) on (another) basar (algo) en (algo) [v]
base upon a scientific foundation basarse científicamente [v]
at the base of al pie de [prep]
base construction el grueso [n] AR
base build el grueso [n] AR
binary base base 2
common base base común
binary base base binaria
base model modelo base
base jumping salto base
base rate tipo de interés base
base rate cuota de abono
base of the hill falda de la colina
base of the mountain falda de la montaña
base of the mountain el pie de la montaña
base of cupola cimborio [m]
salt formed by combining lactic acid with a base caseato [m]
base of the cedar oil cedreno [m]
base-rocket gualdón [m]
doll weighted in the base tentemozo [m]
a child's doll weighted in the base tentempié [m]
base of cupola cimborrio [m]
base-line base [f]
base of a sugar-loaf cara [f]
base of harp cubeta [f]
base of a statue peana [f]
base action perrada [f]
stone base in oil mills yusera [f]
base of a statue peaña [f]
base action vileza [f]
legal base base legal [f]
establish upon a base basar [v]
start from a fixed base-line basar [v]
base one's opinion basarse en [v]
grow base degenerar [v]
clean the base of a sugarloaf carear [v]
place or set down on a support or base descansar [v]
base one's opinion on/upon fundarse en [v]
base-court patio [m]
base-born hijo natural [m]
prisoner's base rescate (juego de muchachos) [m]
base-born espurio [adj]
base-born bastardo [adj]
base-minded ruin [adj]
base-minded vil [adj]
base action acción baja
base line punto de partida [m]
base gold made by indians guanín [m] CO PR DO
mound of soil around the base of a tree or plant aporco [m] MX SV rare
mound of soil around the base of a tree or plant aporco [m] HN NI CR
mound of soil around the base of a tree or plant aporque [m] MX HN CU CO EC PE BO
base on balls boleto [m] HN NI CU
cocaine base bazuco [m] PE CL
a cut of beef meat from the base of the neck azotillo [m] AR UY
mound of soil around the base of a tree or plant aporca [m] MX SV HN CR CL rare
mound of soil around the base of a tree or plant aporcada [m] SV NI
person who traffics sulphate cocaine base bollero [m] BO:N,E
wound made by a cock next to the crop, at the base of the neck (cockfights) buchisangre [m] PA
base plate of a column flanche [m] CL
base (light bulb) cepillo [m] NI
combined lottery with a base number guantú [m] PA
fighter cock shaved around the base of the crest or behind the ears gallo afeitado [m] PR
semicircular home base in hopscotch cono (del inglés) [m] HN child
base hit hitazo (inglés hit) [m] MX HN SV
base coat imprimante [m] PE
very large pot with straight walls, a flat base, a wide rim, and two handles used to cook the sugar cane juice down to syrup or honey dulcero [m] HN
bed base elástico [m] AR UY
base of a horse's tail marlo [m] AR UY rur.
home base machín [m] PA disused
home base palenque donde rascarse [m] AR UY
cocaine base paste pastel [m] PE drug
us soldier living at the palmerola air base in honduras palmerolo [m] HN
home base pepino [m] HN
base cocaine paste package quete [m] PE
game where one must arrive to a base in order to not be hit with a ball quechi [m] CL
blow to the base of the yagua yaguazo [m] DO
hoop base to support a water container tacín [m] EC:N
large clay pot with a wide mouth and small base vilque [m] AR:Nw
large clay pot with a wide mouth and small base virque [m] BO AR:Nw
large clay pot with a wide mouth and small base virqui [m] BO AR:Nw
base act abatimiento [m] disused
trunk base cerno [m] ES local
mattress base colchón de tela metálica [m] disused
base ore in the opening of a mine desmonte [m] CU EC BO CL
base gold guanín [m] DO PR CO
base gold jewelry guanín [m] DO PR CO
base of a horse's tail marlo [m] BO AR UY rur.
mattress base tambor [m] MX
flat board base/cover tesón [m] ES local
base material materia prima [f]
a sauce or marinade with a lime-fish base leche de tigre [f] PE
base action sinvergüenzada [f] CO EC
mound of soil around the base of sugar cane to promote growth almeada [f] PE
mound of soil around the base of a tree or plant aporcada [f] SV NI
small house built on a base barbacoa [f] EC:W
house built on a base barbacoa [f] CU
wooden container with a small base used to wash clothes batea [f] CU BO PY
person who traffics sulphate cocaine base bollera [f] BO:N,E
cocaine base angustia [f] CL
machine used to cut the horns off a cow from the base desmochadora [f] UY rur.
base act catutería [f] SV
fringe or ribbon that forms a design on the surface a smooth base guarda [f] AR
base (children's games) guarimba [f] VE
hole in the base of the plow handle where the shaft of the plow is affixed coz [f] HN rur.
clay pot with flat base used to roast coffee, corn, beans, and other grains kanalla [f] BO:S
base of a cow's tongue molleja [f] NI
cocaine base paste pasta base [f] CO PE BO CL AR UY drug
cocaine base paste pasta [f] PE BO CL drug
home base pica [f] UY
base act putería [f] MX
base drum tintaya [f] BO:W rur.
large clay pot with a wide mouth and small base virquina [f] BO rur.
soil around the base of a tree taza [f] CL
base act oscuridad [f] rare
mattress base parrilla [f] BO UY
addicted to cocaine base paste pastero [adj] HN CL AR UY drug
base (something) on basamentar [v] GT HN NI DO PY
tie tobacco leaves at their base cabecear [v] MX HN NI CU PR disused
weave reeds into a base out of which various craft products are made entular [v] MX
cut the base of palm fronds for use in roofing relajar [v] VE
base-born bastarda [adj/f]
base-born espuria [adj/f]
having straight walls, a flat base, a wide rim, and two handles to cook the sugar cane juice down to syrup or honey dulcera [adj/f] HN
get to first base with something culminar la primera etapa de algo [v]
touch base with someone ponerse en contacto con alguien [v]
not to reach a base no quedar en nada [v]
do something without solid base edificar en la arena [v]
do something without solid base edificar sobre la arena [v]
do something without solid base construir sobre la arena [v]
do something without solid base construir en la arena [v]
be off base estar equivocado [v]
reach first base tomar la iniciativa [v]
reach first base with something dar un paso importante en algo [v]
reach first base hacer el primer intento [v]
reach first base with something tomar la iniciativa en algo [v]
reach first base with something pasar la primera etapa de algo [v]
reach first base with something comenzar algo con el pie derecho [v]
reach first base with something empezar algo con buen pie [v]
cut trees at the base of the trunk cortar por el pie [v]
make first base llegar a la primera base
make first base llegar a la primera etapa
get to first base with something dar el primer paso en algo
get to first base with something alcanzar el primer escalón en algo
get to first base with something superar la primera etapa de algo
way off base totalmente equivocado
base one's opinion on something basar la opinión en algo
base stealing robo de base [m] NI CU DO PR VE
run to the next base correr las bases [v] CU
create a base hacer cama [v] NI
get on base embasarse [v] SV NI CU DO PR VE
give up a base embasar [v] SV NI CU DO
twist the base of the corn cob to speed up grain maturity quebrar el maíz [v] AR rur.
not even get on base no llegar alguien a primera base [v] MX
base something upon basar algo en [v]
off base/beam equivocado
as the base como la base
be base cochinear [v]
off base desatinado
off base fuera de lugar
get to first base alcanzar la primera meta
get to first base tener un buen comienzo
get to first base pasar la primera etapa
cocaine base basuco [m] CL
cocaine base paste pasturri [m] CL drug
cocaine base paste pasta [f] PE
that has a base coat of paint upon which another color or a special finish can be applied (thing) fondeado [adj] EC
with a large base potón [adj] PE CL
with a prominent base potón [adj] PE CL
paint something with a base coat of paint to then apply another color or a special finish fondear [v] EC
cur (a base or cowardly person) perro [m]
four-base hit jonrón [m]
four-base hit cuadrangular [m]
consolidated tax base base imponible consolidada [f]
data base (db) base de datos [f]
relational data base base de datos relacional [f]
tax base (base) tributaria [f]
taxable base base imponible [f]
taxable base base gravable [f]
client base clientela [f]
tax base base gravable [f]
base tax contribución base [f]
broad-base tax contribución de base amplia [f]
customer base base de clientes [f]
broadening the tax base ampliación de la base imponible [f]
client base base de clientes [f]
base tax rate tasa de contribución base [f]
customer base cartera de clientes [f]
client base cartera de clientes [f]
rule base base de reglas
tax base base del impuesto
depreciation base base de amortización
data base management system (dbms) sistema de gestión de bases de datos
base period período de base
zero-base budgeting presupuesto base cero
data base management system sistema de gestión de bases de datos
on a base of en base a
tax base hecho impositivo
index base base de un índice
production base base de producción
depletion base base de depreciación
base tax rate impuesto básico
base in radicar en
data base administrator (dba) administrador de base de datos
base pay sueldo básico
base index índice base
knowledge base base de conocimientos
base rate tipo base
base lending rate tipo base
base lending rate tasa base
base rate tasa base
economic base base económica
insurance premium base base de prima de seguros
change of base cambio de base
premium base base de prima
merchant base base de comerciantes
base cost costo base
base freight carga base
base price precio base
base premium prima base
base period período base
base interest rate tasa de interés base
base rent alquiler base
base salary salario básico
base remuneration remuneración básica
base stock existencias base
base time tiempo base
base value valor base
depreciation base base de depreciación
net tax base base contributiva neta
variable base base variable
card base base de tarjetas
zero-base budgeting presupuestación de base cero
zero-base budget presupuesto de base cero
consumer base base de consumidores
cost base base de coste
acb (adjusted cost base) base de coste ajustada
adjusted cost base base de coste ajustada
salary base base de salario
acb (adjusted cost base) base de costo ajustada
base amount importe base
base income ingreso básico
base pay retribución base
base pay retribución básica
base tax impuesto básico
base wages salario básico
base wages salario base
base tax impuesto base
cost base base de costo
adjustable base base ajustable
adjusted cost base base de costo ajustada
base index índice base
shopper base base de compradores
base agreement convenio base
base cost coste base
base cost costo base
cost base base del coste
cost base base del costo
base remuneration remuneración base
base remuneration remuneración básica
index base base del índice
base money dinero primario
assessment base valor de la propiedad en un distrito fiscal
base remuneration retribución base
base remuneration retribución básica
base agreement acuerdo base
insurance premium base base de prima de seguros
interest rate base base tasa de interés
base salary salario base
base salary salario básico
base currency moneda base
base pay sueldo base
base rent alquiler base
base tax rate tasa de impuesto base
base wage salario base
broadening the tax base ampliación de la base impositiva
base-year analysis análisis de año base
base date día base
base year año base
base money dinero base
base amount monto base
base salary sueldo básico
base amount suma base
base level nivel base
base inventory level nivel de inventario base
base rate tasa base
base rate of pay tasa base de sueldo
buyer base base de compradores
base interest rate tasa de interés base
base pay rate tasa de sueldo base
depreciation base base de amortización
calculation base base de cálculo
capital base base de capital
merchant base base de comerciantes
computation base base de cómputo
depreciation base base de depreciación
investment base base de inversión
premium base base de prima
card base base de tarjetas
rate base base de tasa
cardholder base base de tenedores de tarjeta
rate base base de tipo
cardholder base base de titulares de tarjeta
market base base del mercado
economic base base económica
industrial base base industrial
monetary base base monetaria
salary base base salarial
solid base base sólida
variable base base variable
card holder base base de titulares de tarjeta
card member base base de titulares de tarjeta
cardmember base base de titulares de tarjeta
equity base base de recursos propios
base time tiempo base
tax base base impositiva
base rate tipo base
base rate of pay tipo base de sueldo
manufacturing base base de manufactura
base interest rate tipo de interés base
base interest rate tipo de interés básico
base pay paga base
base pay rate tipo de sueldo base
change of base cambio de base
base total total base
base amount cantidad base
valuation base base de valuación
base capital capital base
base stock existencias base
base period período base
broad-base tax tributación de base amplia
base date fecha base
broad-base tax tributo de base amplia
base salary sueldo base
base wage sueldo base
base period plazo base
base freight flete base
base value valor base
base policy póliza base
base market value valor de mercado base
fiscal base base fiscal
base price precio base
net tax base base contributiva neta
base compensation compensación base
zero-base budgeting presupuestación de base cero
zero-base budget presupuesto base cero
base premium prima base
Social Security Terms
financial base of statutory social insurance schemes base financiera de los regímenes del seguro social obligatorio
base pension pensión básica
base or bottom fondo [m]
tax base base de impuesto
base cup parte inferior de una botella [f]
coupled lid-base bottle tray bandeja para botellas con tapa movible incorporada [f]
skid base base de calzo [f]
taxable base base imponible [f]
tax base base imponible [f]
depreciation base base de depreciación
base rate tasa base
base cost costo base
base rate tipo básico
zero-base budgeting presupuesto base cero
base stock method método de la existencia base
base stock inventario base
base period período base
base rate tasa de interés base
base stock stock básico
base stock method método de stock básico
tax base base de recaudación de impuestos
tax base tasa de recaudación de impuestos
capital base a base de efectivo
capital base base de capital
capital base a base dé efectivo
tax base base gravable [f]
broadening of the tax base ampliación de la base imponible [f]
tax base base imponible [f]
emigration of the tax base emigración de la base imponible [f]
assessment base base imponible [f]
base interest rate tipo de interés básico
base financing financiación básica
accounting base base contable
equity base base (la) del patrimonio
asset base base del activo
base cost costo de base
tax base base del impuesto
base title or basic title título base o título básico
fixed base rate tasa de base fija
base period período de base
zero base budget presupuesto en base cero
tax base erosion erosión de la base tributaria