device - Español Inglés Diccionario



Significados de "device" en diccionario español inglés : 74 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
device dispositivo [m]
device aparato [m]
device ingenio [m]
device mote [m]
device artefacto [m]
device divisa [f]
device viñeta [f]
device instrumento [m]
device artificio [m]
device artilugio [m]
device artificio [m]
device mecanismo [m]
device expediente [m]
device medio [m]
device aparejo [m]
device equipo [m]
device trebejo [m]
device emblema [m]
device lema [m]
device manejo [m]
device utensilio [m]
device cifra [f]
device insignia [f]
device leyenda [f]
device traza [f]
device dibujo [m]
device estratagema [f]
device embromar [v] AMER
device artizar [v] disused
device estratagema [m]
device aparato [m]
device aparato [m]
device dispositivo electrónico [m]
device proyecto [m]
device artefacto [m]
device aparato [m]
device dispositivo [m]
device invento [m]
device aparato [m]
device artificio [m]
device aparato [m]
device dispositivo [m]
device invención [f]
device invención [f]
device unidad [f]
Molecular Biology
device mosquetón [m]
device ingenio [m]
device mecanismo [m]
device aparato [m]
device legado [m]
device dispositivo [m]
device arbitrio [m]
device recurso [m]
device aparato [m]
device artificio [m]
device dispositivo [m]
device instrumento [m]
device dispositivo [m]
device órgano [m]
device aparato [m]
device ingenio [m]
Cold Roll Terminology
device invento [m]
device dispositivo [m]
device parte [f]
device gancho de seguridad
device aparato [m]
device aparato [m]
device dispositivo [m]
device mecanismo [m]
device aparato [m]
device dispositivo [m]
device unidad [f]
device aparato [m]
device cinta [f]

Significados de "device" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 500 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
stamp (device for stamping designs) sello [m]
tripping device disparador [m]
tripping device disyuntor [m]
measure (measuring device) metro [m]
siren (device) sirena [f]
work (machine, device) andar [v]
lock (device) seguro [m]
(machine, device) run ir [v]
rack (torture device) rueda [f]
incendiary device alquitrán (árabe) [m]
anti-theft device antirrobo [m]
device to arm crossbows armatoste [m]
explosive device artefacto [m]
anti-suckling device betijo [m]
heating device calefactor [m]
electronic device for storing and reading ebooks libro electrónico [m]
hands-free device manos libres [m]
numbering device numerador [m]
respiratory device pecho [m]
incendiary device petardo [m]
incendiary device petarte (francés) [m]
printer's device pie de imprenta [m]
mnemonic device remediavagos [m]
rear sight device alza [f]
device at a window to throw light downwards claraboya (francés) [f]
a device used to give an electric shock during electrical torture electrica picana [f]
a device used to give an electric shock during electrica picana [f]
a device used to give an electric shock during electrical torture picana eléctrica [f]
captioning device signoguía [f]
squid (superconducting quantum interference device) squid [m]
numbering device numerador [m]
ejection device eyector [m]
tripping device desconectador [m]
display device indicador [m]
tripping device basculador [m]
safety device mecanismo de seguridad [m]
output device dispositivo de salida [m]
a device for transmitting conversations teléfono [m]
tap (device) machuelo [m]
device which is used to cut internal threads machuelo [m]
photomultiplier (device) fotomultiplicador [m]
device which uses a photocathode fotomultiplicador [m]
taxicab device calculating the fare taxímetro [m]
radiator (device) radiador [m]
a device which is used for two-way talking with other people teléfono [m]
a device that measuring and ndicating the current speed of a vehicle velocímetro [m]
television (device) televisor [m]
device which is used for receiving television signals televisor [m]
pincushion (device) agujero [m]
pincushion (device) acerico [m]
device which is used to receive sewing pins agujero [m]
device which is used to receive sewing pins acerico [m]
radiometer (device) radiómetro [m]
sphygmomanometer (device) esfigmomanómetro [m]
device which is used to measure blood pressure esfigmomanómetro [m]
device which measures radiant energy radiómetro [m]
seismometer (device) sismómetro [m]
device which is used by seismologists to measure seismic waves sismómetro [m]
spring (device) resorte [m]
spring (device) muelle [m]
a device using atomic energy to produce heat reactor [m]
vibrator (device) vibrador [m]
device which is used for massage or sexual stimulation vibrador [m]
sensor (device) sensor [m]
sequencer (device) secuenciador [m]
plotter (device) plóter [m]
plough (device) arado [m]
device pulled through the ground arado [m]
plunger (device) desatascador [m]
device which is used for removing blockages by suction desatascador [m]
set (device) aparato [m]
device which is used for receiving broadcast radio waves aparato [m]
stamp (device) sello [m]
device which is used for stamping designs sello [m]
shadoof (device) cigüeñal [m]
shadoof (device) cigoñal [m]
device which is used to gather water cigüeñal [m]
device which is used to gather water cigoñal [m]
water cannon (device) cañón de agua [m]
device shooting water cañón de agua [m]
water clock (device) reloj de agua [m]
device which is used for measuring time reloj de agua [m]
waterer (device) abrevadero [m]
water meter (device) medidor de agua [m]
device which is used for measuring water volume usage medidor de agua [m]
sharpener (device) sacapuntas [m]
water softener (device) suavizador de agua [m]
wattmeter (device) vatímetro [m]
device which is used for measuring electric power vatímetro [m]
device which is used for making things sharp sacapuntas [m]
polygraph (device) polígrafo [m]
device which is used to discern if a subject is lying polígrafo [m]
device that is used to measure temperature termómetro [m]
thermostat (device) termostato [m]
device which maintains the desired temperature termostato [m]
remote control (device) telemando [m]
remote control (device) control remoto [m]
remote control (device) mando a distancia [m]
remote control (device) control [m]
remote control (device) mando [m]
distillation device alambique [m]
whistle (device) silbato [m]
whistle (device) chifle [m]
whistle (device) pito [m]
device which is used to make a whistling sound chifle [m]
device which is used to make a whistling sound pito [m]
device which is used to make a whistling sound silbato [m]
stove (device) hornillo [m]
device which is used for heating food hornillo [m]
stove (device) calentador [m]
device which is used for heating food calentador [m]
timer (device) temporizador [m]
device which is used to measure time temporizador [m]
device that is used to measure air pressure in a tyre manómetro [m]
sieve (device) tamiz [m]
device which is used to separate larger objects tamiz [m]
device which is used to separate larger objects cedazo [m]
device which is used to separate larger objects colador [m]
sight (device) visor [m]
device which is used in aiming a firearm visor [m]
device which is used to stretch shoes or gloves ensanchador [m]
stretcher (device) ensanchador [m]
windshield wiper (device) limpiaparabrisas [m]
device which is used to clear a windshield limpiaparabrisas [m]
transformer (device) transformador [m]
device which changes the characteristics of ac electricity transformador [m]
trap (device) cepo [m]
pump (device) surtidor [m]
device which is used to practice punching saco de boxeo [m]
punching bag (device) saco de boxeo [m]
switch (device) interruptor [m]
device which is used to turn electric current on and off interruptor [m]
tachometer (device) tacómetro [m]
device which is used for measuring rpm tacómetro [m]
a device which is used to temporarily raise and support pieces of material burro [m]
scanner (device) escáner [m]
device which scans documents escáner [m]
sonar (device) sónar [m]
tuner (device) afinador [m]
board (device) tablero [m]
boiler (device) calentador [m]
device which is used for heating circulating water calentador [m]
a device that charges or recharges cargador [m]
bottle opener (device) destapador [m]
device which is used to open bottles destapador [m]
doorbell (device) timbre [m]
device which is used to measure a dose dosímetro [m]
dosimeter (device) dosímetro [m]
adapter (device) adaptador [m]
device which is used for straightening teeth frenillo [m]
braces (device) frenillo [m]
device which is used to slow or stop a vehicle freno [m]
brake (device) freno [m]
a device measuring alcohol in expired air alcoholímetro [m]
a device measuring alcohol in expired air alcotest [m]
device which is used for measuring time cronómetro [m]
chronometer (device) cronómetro [m]
alkalimeter (device) alcalímetro [m]
closure (device) cierre [m]
coalescer (device) coalescedor [m]
coalescer (device) conglutinador [m]
device which is used to perform coalescence coalescedor [m]
device which is used to perform coalescence conglutinador [m]
device which measures an electric current amperímetro [m]
ammeter (device) amperímetro [m]
buzzer (device) zumbador [m]
electroscope (device) electroscopio [m]
device which detects the presence of an electric charge electroscopio [m]
emulator (device) emulador [m]
device which acts as something else emulador [m]
calipers (device) calibre [m]
device which is used to measure thickness between two surfaces calibre [m]
collar (device) collar [m]
collar (device) yugo [m]
device which is used for restraining animal yugo [m]
device which is used for restraining animal collar [m]
device for measuring amount of heat calorímetro [m]
answering machine (device) contestador automático [m]
defibrillator (device) desfibrilador [m]
device which automatically records voice mail contestador automático [m]
candle snuffer (device) apagavelas [m]
candle snuffer (device) matacandelas [m]
birdcall (device) reclamo [m]
device which is used to imitate the cry of a bird reclamo [m]
device which is used to open tin cans abrelatas [m]
e-reader (device) lector de libros electrónicos [m]
blower (device) fuelle [m]
blower (device) ventilador [m]
device which is used for cutting into a specified shape troquel [m]
die (device) troquel [m]
device which is used for adjusting the accuracy of mathematical instruments nonius [m]
nonius (device) nonio [m]
nonius (device) nonius [m]
device which is used for adjusting the accuracy of mathematical instruments nonio [m]
match (device) fósforo [m]
device which is used to make fire fósforo [m]
match (device) misto [m]
device which is used to make fire cerillo [m]
device which is used to make fire misto [m]
nuclear reactor (device) reactor nuclear [m]
device which is used to measure crystals goniómetro [m]
goniometer (device) goniómetro [m]
a device that is used to increase the humidity of the air humidificador [m]
device producing beam of light láser [m]
laser (device) láser [m]
a device is used to cut grass cortador de hierba [m]
a device is used to cut grass cortador de pasto [m]
a device which is used in music metrónomo [m]
a device is used to cut grass cortador de césped [m]
filter (device) filtro [m]
device which is used for separating impurities from a fluid or other substance filtro [m]
ibook (device) ibook [m]
device which opens something abridor [m]
opener (device) abridor [m]
device which warns people of a possible fire alarma anti-incendio [m]
fire alarm (device) alarma anti-incendio [m]
flamethrower (device) lanzallamas [m]
device which projects a flame lanzallamas [m]
injector (device) inyector [m]
device which is used to inject inyector [m]
pager (device) buscapersonas [m]
pager (device) bíper [m]
pager (device) mensáfono [m]
a device that opens and closes an electrical circuit interruptor [m]
intrauterine device dispositivo intrauterino [m]
iphone (device) iphone [m]
ipod (device) ipod [m]
hard drive (device) disco duro [m]
device which is used for storing large amounts of data disco duro [m]
harrow (device) rastra [m]
device that is used to separate the components of a mixture by fractionation fraccionador [m]
jack (device) gato [m]
jack (device) crico [m]
device which is used for raising and supporting a heavy object gato [m]
device which is used for raising and supporting a heavy object crico [m]
multiplexer (device) multiplexor [m]
device which interleaves several activities multiplexor [m]
a device accelerating electrically charged particles to extremely high speeds acelerador de partículas [m]
muzzle (device) bozal [m]
device which is used to stop an animal from biting bozal [m]
heater (device) calefactor [m]
device which produces and radiates heat calefactor [m]
macbook (device) macbook [m]
heliostat (device) heliostato [m]
heliostat (device) helióstato [m]
furnace (device) horno [m]
device which is used for heating in a factory horno [m]
fuse (device) fusible [m]
device preventing overloading of a circuit fusible [m]
device which is used to administer medicine nebulizador [m]
nebulizer (device) nebulizador [m]
pedometer (device) podómetro [m]
pedometer (device) odómetro [m]
pedometer (device) cuentapasos [m]
galvanometer (device) galvanómetro [m]
device which is used to detect electric current galvanómetro [m]
device which is used for the pivoting of a door gozne [m]
hinge (device) gozne [m]
peripheral device (device) dispositivo periférico [m]
peripheral device (device) periférico [m]
device which is outside the computer's system unit periférico [m]
device which is outside the computer's system unit dispositivo periférico [m]
geiger counter (device) contador geiger [m]
device which is used to extinguish candle matacandelas [m]
a device is used to cut grass cortapasto [m]
pitter (device) descarozador [m]
plunger (device) (costa rica/cuba/república dominicana/nicaragua) destupidor [m]
device which is used for removing blockages by suction (costa rica/cuba/república dominicana/nicaragua) destupidor [m]
tachometer (device) cuentarrevoluciones [m]
device which is used for measuring rpm cuentarrevoluciones [m]
primer (device) ignitor [m]
harrow (device) escarificador [m]
device for unloading railroad freight cars by tipping them volquete [m]
a device that holds teeth in position after orthodontic treatment retenedor [m]
drinking fountain (device) bebedero [m]
device which is used to provide water to drink bebedero [m]
device which is used to absorb shocks amortiguador [m]
snuffer (device) matacandelas [m]
part or device tambor [m]
shutting device cierre [m]
incendiary device artefacto incendiario [m]
oxygen scuba diving device dispositivo de buceo con oxígeno [m]
breathing device dispositivo respiratorio [m]
ascender device dispositivo de ascensión (escalada) [m]
capture device dispositivo de captura [m]
electrical device aparato eléctrico [m]
dummy device dispositivo de carga falsa [m]
doomsday device dispositivo desencadenante del apocalipsis [m]
electrical device dispositivo eléctrico [m]
dummy device dispositivo de carga ficticia [m]
ascender device blocante (escalada) [m]
locking device traba [f]
aerial (device) antena [f]
breast pump (device) sacaleche [f]
device which is used to extract breast milk sacaleche [f]
capotasto (device) ceja [f]
capotasto (device) cejilla [f]
battery (device) pila [f]
device producing electricity pila [f]
battery (device) batería [f]
device producing electricity batería [f]
device which is used for launching large objects catapulta [f]
catapult (device) catapulta [f]
boiler (device) caldera [f]
bomb (device) bomba [f]
buzzer (device) bocina [f]
cement mixer (device) hormigonera [f]
device which is used to make concrete hormigonera [f]
centrifuge (device) centrífuga [f]
device which is used for separation of substances centrífuga [f]
fin (device) aleta [f]
device which is used by divers aleta [f]
emulator (device) emuladora [f]
device which acts as something else emuladora [f]
device which is used for cutting into a specified shape matriz [f]
cleat (device) cornamusa [f]
device which is used to secure a rope cornamusa [f]
coat hanger (device) percha [f]
device which is used to hang up clothes percha [f]
device which is used to assist in motion as a cane muleta [f]
crutch (device) muleta [f]
furnace (device) calefacción [f]
device which is used for heating a building calefacción [f]
furnace (device) caldera [f]
fuse (device) espoleta [f]
gag (device) mordaza [f]
device which is used to restrain speech mordaza [f]
harrow (device) grada [f]
fairlead (device) gatera [f]
device which is used to guide a line gatera [f]
device which is used for the pivoting of a door bisagra [f]
device which is used for the pivoting of a door charnela [f]
hinge (device) charnela [f]
hinge (device) bisagra [f]
device which is used to separate larger objects criba [f]
sieve (device) criba [f]
sight (device) mira [f]
device which is used in aiming a firearm mira [f]
signal (device) señal [f]
device which is used to give indication señal [f]
toaster (device) tostadora [f]
device which is used for toasting bread tostadora [f]
device which is used for making a sound alarm sirena [f]
device which is used with early firearms baqueta [f]
ramrod (device) baqueta [f]
slew (device) arma [f]
device which is used for slaying arma [f]
trap (device) trampa [f]
match (device) cerilla [f]
device which is used to make fire cerilla [f]
device that is used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for the hatching of eggs incubadora [f]
device that is used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for a newborn baby incubadora [f]
valve (device) válvula [f]
valve (device) llave [f]
device which controls flow of gas or fluid llave [f]
device which controls flow of gas or fluid válvula [f]
device which forms a high-voltage spark for fuel ignition bujía [f]
spark plug (device) bujía [f]
spinning wheel (device) rueca [f]
device which is used for spinning thread with a wheel and a spindle rueca [f]
video camera (device) videocámara [f]
device which is used for recording video videocámara [f]
jack (device) gata [f]
device which is used for raising and supporting a heavy object gata [f]
device which is used for killing mice ratonera [f]
mousetrap (device) ratonera [f]
a device that distills liquids alquitara [f]
stove (device) cocina [f]
device which is used for heating food estufa [f]
stove (device) estufa [f]
device which is used for heating food cocina [f]
a device circumventing a locking mechanism palanqueta [f]
juicer (device) licuadora [f]
judas cradle (device) cuna de judas [f]
a device that whows the direction of the wind veleta [f]
scales (device) báscula [f]
scale (device) balanza [f]
key (device) llave [f]
scales (device) balanza [f]
device which is used for weighing goods for sale balanza [f]
weighing device báscula [f]
device which is used in aiming a projectile mira [f]
scope (device) mira [f]
device which is used for catching fish red [f]
lamp (device) lámpara [f]
device producing light lámpara [f]
device which is used to apply pressure prensa [f]
prod (device) aguijada [f]
prod (device) picana [f]
device which is used to goad livestock into moving aguijada [f]
prod (device) garrocha [f]
device which is used to goad livestock into moving picana [f]
a device is used to cut grass cortacésped [f]
device which is used to goad livestock into moving garrocha [f]
device which is used for moving liquid or gas bomba [f]
pump (device) bomba [f]
television (device) televisión [f]
device which is used for receiving television signals televisión [f]
shower (device) regadera [f]
shower (device) ducha [f]
device which is used for bathing regadera [f]
device which is used for bathing ducha [f]
juicer (device) exprimidora (reamer) [f]
a device is used to cut grass cortahierba [f]
clapperboard (device) claqueta [f]
device which is used in film claqueta [f]
stapler (device) (colombia/méxico/venezuela) engrapadora [f]
device which binds together paper (colombia/méxico/venezuela) engrapadora [f]
tap (device) (colombia) pluma [f]
device which is used to dispense liquid (colombia) pluma [f]
lock pick (device) ganzúa [f]
foolproof (device) seguro [adj]
beep (device) sonar [v]
turn on (light/device) prender [v]
install an electronic listening device in colocar micrófonos ocultos [v]
braces (device) frenos [m/pl]
device which is used for straightening teeth frenos [m/pl]
a device in its own right enseres [m/pl]
flyswatter (device) matamoscas [f/pl]
device which is used for swatting flies matamoscas [f/pl]
behavioral device dispositivo de comportamiento
locating device dispositivo localizador
numbering device dispositivo de numeración
intrauterine device dispositivo intrauterino
glory hole (sexual device) agujero glorioso
ankle monitor (device) tobillera electrónica
bong (device) tuberia de barrilete
device which is used for rapidly consuming beer tuberia de barrilete
fire alarm (device) alarma de incendios
a device that is used for performing execution by electrocution silla eléctrica
device which warns people of a possible fire alarma de incendios
dirty bomb (device) bomba sucia
a device installed under a kitchen sink trituradora de basura
device which is used to travel in time máquina del tiempo
time machine (device) máquina del tiempo
simple machine (device) máquina simple
improvised explosive device bomba caminera
inkjet printer (device) impresora de chorro de tinta
device which prints using droplets of ink impresora de chorro de tinta
device which prints using droplets of ink impresora de inyección de tinta
inkjet printer (device) impresora de inyección de tinta
video camera (device) cámara de vídeo
video camera (device) cámara de video
device which is used for recording video cámara de video
device which is used for recording video cámara de vídeo
water fountain (device) fuente de agua
3d printer (device) impresora 3d
device which is used for making three-dimensional solid objects impresora 3d
drinking fountain (device) fuente de beber
device which is used to provide water to drink fuente de beber
a device purifying water purificador de agua
improvised explosive device bomba casera
doomsday device instrumento o arma hipotética que podría aniquilar la vida en el planeta
knight's device sobreseñal [f]
say (of a measuring device) marcar [v]
device which is used to open bottles abrebotellas [m]
computer (device) ordenador [m] ES
computer (device) computador [m] CL CO
stapler (device) engrapador [m] PE
device which binds together paper engrapador [m] PE
plunger (device) chupón [m] VE
device which is used for removing blockages by suction chupón [m] VE
boiler (device) boiler [m] MX
device which is used for heating circulating water bóiler [m] MX
boiler (device) bóiler [m] MX
device which is used for heating circulating water boiler [m] MX
device used to carry packages on the back bambador [m] HN NI
electronic images and sound reproduction device betamax [m] CO HN SV NI PA CL rare CR EC PE disused
electronic device beeper [m] US DO GT HN SV NI PA disused
breaker (electrical device) breaker (inglés) [m] US HN NI CR CU PR VE
breaker (electrical device) breiquer (inglés) [m] DO VE EC
breaker (electrical device) breque (inglés) [m] PA CU
breaker (electrical device) bréquer [m] CR CU
device used for sweepstakes, consisting of a container with numbered balls and a mechanism to extract them one by one bolillero [m] AR UY
mouth opening device for feeding livestock abreboca [m] UY rur.
clutch (device) cloch (inglés clutch) [m] US MX GT HN SV CR CU DO PR CO VE
clutch (device) cloche (inglés clutch) [m] NI CU DO PR CO VE
clone (especially a credit card/electronic device) clonamiento [m] CL
telephone device for communication between units in the same building citófono [m] CO EC CL
constant failure of a person, instrument, or mechanical or electronic device fallazón [m] HN
device for measuring the length of artificial spurs on fighter cocks cepo [m] PR
theft of parts from one device or vehicle to put them in another canibalismo [m] CU
musical device composed of a turntable and a radio in one piece with integrated speakers combinado [m] AR UY rare
device that controls the operation of a mechanism or apparatus comando [m] AR UY
electronic device used to alter a taximeter and fraudulently increase the cost of a trip pipiripí [m] AR
reading a barcode using a device pistoleo [m] CL
locking device trabador [m] CR EC
electrical device composed of a radio receiver, turntable and recorder tres en uno [m] CU BO
device that flattens and levels the cane before it is ground gallego [m] CU
computer (device) computadora [f] LAM
stapler (device) abrochadora [f] AR UY
stapler (device) corchetera [f] CL
stapler (device) cosedora [f] CO
stapler (device) grapadora [f] ES
device which binds together paper corchetera [f] CL
device which binds together paper cosedora [f] CO
device which binds together paper abrochadora [f] AR UY
device which binds together paper grapadora [f] ES
plunger (device) sopapa [f] CL
device which is used for removing blockages by suction sopapa [f] CL