drawn - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "drawn" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 36 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
drawn estirado [adj]
drawn de dibujo [adj]
drawn corrido [adj]
drawn demacrado [adj]
drawn demacrado [adj]
drawn abierto [adj]
drawn revenido [adj]
drawn arrastrado [adj]
drawn dibujado [adj]
drawn señalado [adj]
drawn sorteado [adj]
drawn remolcado [adj]
drawn formulado [adj]
drawn tirante [adj]
drawn macilento [adj]
drawn flaco [adj]
drawn ojeroso [adj]
drawn consunto [adj] rare
drawn corrida [adj/f]
drawn macilenta [adj/f]
drawn flaca [adj/f]
drawn ojerosa [adj/f]
drawn en blanco [adj] disused
drawn consumido [adj]
drawn girado [adj]
drawn librado [adj]
drawn etiolado [adj]
drawn librado [adj]
drawn girado [adj]
drawn movido [adj]
drawn inducido [adj]
drawn estirado [adj]
drawn trefilado [adj]
drawn estirado [adj]
drawn estirado [adj]
drawn estirado [adj]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "drawn" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 256 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
solid-drawn embutido [m]
drawn tight tirante [adj]
horse-drawn carriage break (inglés) [m]
figure drawn on the ground by witchdoctors cerco [m]
mule-drawn coach coche de colleras [m]
each of the lots drawn of a large area of land divided to sell pastures cuarto [m]
drawn out story cuento largo [m]
number drawn in a lottery extracto [m]
inconsistency of a drawn line garrote [m]
horse-drawn carriage milord (inglés) [m]
lot drawn in the national lottery premio [m]
horse-drawn tram tranvía de sangre [m]
horse-drawn streetcar tranvía de sangre [m]
horse-drawn railway tranvía de sangre [m]
horse-drawn roman litter basterna [f]
two-horse drawn cart biga [f]
chariot drawn by four horses cuadriga [f]
drawn line línea [f]
five numbers drawn quinterna [f]
horse-drawn four-wheel vehicle telega [f]
drawn-out difuso [adj]
drawn-out dilatado [adj]
be drawn out abotagarse [v]
be drawn back arredrarse [v]
be drawn to atraerse [v]
a kind of horse-drawn carriage carruaje de lujo [m]
something which is from which omens are drawn presagio [m]
something which is from which omens are drawn augurio [m]
something which is from which omens are drawn agüero [m]
something which is from which omens are drawn auspicio [m]
a kind of horse-drawn carriage carroza [f]
long-drawn-out estirado [adj]
drawn up atraído [adj]
drawn up six deep elaborado [adj]
drawn up captado [adj]
let oneself be drawn towards dejarse atraer por [v]
be long and drawn out ser largo e interminable [v]
be long-drawn-out ser largo e interminable [v]
horse-drawn wagon carro de caballos
horse-drawn wagon carro tirado por caballos
horse drawn carriage carroza (de caballos)
valentine drawn by lot on new year's eve año [m]
drawn work deshilado [m]
pipe through which liquor is drawn erogatorio [m]
number drawn in a lottery extracto [m]
five numbers drawn quinterno [m]
line elegantly drawn rasgo [m]
lines elegantly drawn rasgueo [m]
cards drawn robo [m]
ill-drawn figure mamarracho [m]
horse-drawn roman litter basterna [f]
chariot drawn by four horses cuadriga [f]
wine drawn from the lees vinaza [f]
drawn out dilatado [adj]
drawn (of metals) estirado [adj]
drawn tight tieso [adj]
drawn tight teso [adj]
have a bow drawn ready to shoot flechar [v]
be drawn salirse [v]
long drawn out tedio [m]
long drawn out prolijo [adj]
long drawn out pleonástico [adj]
long drawn out latoso [adj]
long drawn out larguísimo [adj]
long drawn out prolongado [adj]
be at daggers drawn haber moros y cristianos [v]
be at daggers drawn estar como perro y gato [v]
horse-drawn carriage barco de vela [m] CU DO
horse-drawn cart used to carry firewood and other miscellaneous items birloche [m] CL:S
line drawn in the sand monumento [m] HN
long, drawn-out, repetitive conversation pereré [m] HN
drawn out conversation teque que teque [m] PR
horse-drawn carriage seat vidrio [m]
figure drawn on the ground by witchdoctors circo [m] disused
heavy goods vehicle drawn by three mules carretilla [f] AR UY
bullet featuring a cross drawn on the back bala cruciada [f] HN
numbered sheet with chapters to study in an exam (drawn by lot) balota [f] PE
first important piece of mineral drawn from a mine and preserved as a relic aguicha [f] BO
the main piece of mineral drawn from a mine and preserved as relic aguicha [f] BO
horse drawn carriage calandria [f] MX
container where lottery numbers are placed and drawn from ánfora [f] PA
two-wheeled horse-drawn buggy cabrita [f] CL disused
exaggerated, drawn out, and thoughtful action contumenia [f] PA disused
children's game where the players throw their tops to try to take the others out of a circle drawn on the ground cocina [f] PE
drawn-out and boring lecture lateada [f] AR:Nw
drawn-out and boring chat lateada [f] AR:Nw
game of spinning a top in a circle drawn on the ground mancha al aire [f] HN
game of spinning a top in a circle drawn on the ground mancha brava [f] HN SV NI
game of spinning a top in a circle drawn on the ground mancha mansa [f] HN
long and drawn out process longaniza [f] CU DO PR
drawn-out conversation regada [f] HN
circle drawn on the ground to play trolla troya [f] AR:N UY
horse-drawn plow ganga [f] AL
approach the ball as much as possible without going over the line previously drawn on the ground (marbles) cantearse [v] DO
be drawn out alongarse [v] disused
have drawn up a document in regular form estilarse [v] disused
traditional game where a steel ball is used to knock out other balls that are inside a circle drawn on the ground cocos [m/pl] EC
drawn out dilatada [adj/f]
drawn (of metals) estirada [adj/f]
drawn tight tiesa [adj/f]
drawn tight tesa [adj/f]
long drawn out prolongada [adj/f]
long drawn out prolija [adj/f]
long drawn out pleonástica [adj/f]
long drawn out latosa [adj/f]
be drawn and quartered ser arrastrado y descuartizado [v]
be drawn and quartered ser severamente castigado/criticado [v]
be drawn like a moth to a flame ser atraído como una mosca a la miel [v]
be at daggers drawn with someone estar de uñas con alguien [v]
be at daggers drawn andar a la melena [v]
be at daggers drawn odiarse a muerte [v]
be drawn to the wall estar entre la espada y la pared [v]
be at daggers drawn estar de monos [v]
be at daggers drawn estar de piqueé [v]
be at daggers drawn with someone estar a la greña con alguien [v]
be at daggers drawn with someone estar a matar con alguien [v]
be at daggers drawn with someone llevarse a matar con alguien [v]
be at daggers drawn with someone estar a pleito con alguien [v]
be at daggers drawn with someone estar regañado con alguien [v]
be at daggers drawn with somebody estar a malas con alguien [v]
be at daggers drawn with somebody estar enemistado con alguien [v]
be drawn and quartered ser criticado con dureza
get drawn into something ser atraído por algo
be at daggers drawn with estar a punto de pelearse con
be at daggers drawn with someone estar a punto de pelearse con alguien
the battle lines are drawn las guerra está declarada
the battle lines are drawn la lucha está planteada
the battle lines are drawn las líneas de combate están marcadas
i've drawn them a map les hice un mapa
as can be drawn como puede verse
be at daggers drawn estar de monos alguien [v]
be at daggers drawn haber montescos y capeletes [v]
be at daggers drawn haber moros y cristianos [v]
be at daggers drawn estar en malas relaciones
be at daggers drawn estar a punto de pelearse
aged or physically frail, thin, or drawn (person) dado [adj] CR
trying to convince using fallacies and inconsistent and drawn-out arguments grupiento [adj] CL
drawn work in linen calado [m]
person in whose name a document is drawn titular [m/f]
drawn bond bono pagado
drawn check cheque librado
deep-drawn packaging embalaje embutido [m]
rough drawn bosquejado [adj]
drawn down dispuesto [adj]
drawn up in advance preconcebido [adj]
horse drawn implement apero de tracción animal [m]
tractor drawn implement apero para tractor [m]
drawn off side provocado [adj]
drawn-out alargado [adj]
drawn-out adelgazado [adj]
drawn (tubing) estirado [adj]
hard-drawn estirado en duro [adj]
hot-drawn estirado en caliente [adj]
cold-drawn estirado en frío [adj]
hard-drawn estirado en frío [adj]
solid-drawn tube tubo estirado
drawn aluminium aluminio estirado
deep-drawn metal metal embutido
drawn steel acero estirado
machine-drawn estirado a máquina
hot drawn steel acero estirado en caliente
drawn tube tubo estirado
tractor drawn tirado por tractor
hard-drawn copper cobre estirado en frío
horse-drawn arrastrado por caballos
animal-drawn de tracción animal
cold-drawn steel wire alambre de acero estirado en frío
drawn brass tube tubo de latón estirado
drawn by librado por
drawn wire alambre trefilado
machine-drawn de descarga mecánica
drawn bond obligación amortizada por sorteo
drawn vehicle vehículo arrastrado
drawn metal metal estirado
cold-drawn steel acero estirado en frío
hard drawn estirado en frío
double drawn doble estirado
line-drawn de líneas
horse-drawn de tracción animal
drawn up by redactado por
drawn bond bono sorteado
soft drawn estirado con recocido
hard drawn estirado duro
cold drawn estirado en frío
check drawn cheque expedido
hot-drawn estirado en caliente
hand-drawn oven horno de descarga a brazo
drawn bond bono amortizado
drawn glass vidrio estirado
wet-drawn trefilado en húmedo
hot drawn estirado en caliente
solid-drawn estirado en frío
cold-drawn tube tubo estirado en frío
drawn steel acero revenido
hard-drawn copper wire alambre de cobre estirado en frío
medium-hard-drawn wire alambre estirado medio duro
cold-drawn wire alambre estirado en frío
drawn grader nivelador de arrastre
drawn metal metal estirado
drawn road broom barredora remolcada
horse-drawn hipomóvil AR
cold-drawn estirado en frío [adj]
hot-drawn termoestirado [adj]
hot-drawn estirado en caliente [adj]
hot-drawn estirado en caliente
cold-drawn estirado en frío
line that cannot be drawn on a single plane línea de doble curvatura [f]
Food Engineering
drawn from the wood sacado del barril [adj]
a straight line is drawn from a to b. se traza una recta desde a hasta b.
cold-drawn steel acero laminado en frío [m]
be drawn in retraerse [v]
cold-drawn steel acero estirado en frío [m]
cold-drawn steel acero estirado en frío
cold-drawn wire reinforcement alambre para armadura estirado en frío
cold-drawn wire alambre estirado en frío
Construction Machinery
drawn steel acero estirado
drawn-out estirado [adj]
be drawn sortear [v]
cold-drawn estirado en frío
drawn tubing tubo estirado
drawn-type carrying scraper traílla de arrastre
drawn tubing tubería estirada
bright hard-drawn wire alambre brillante estirado en frío [m]
long-drawn-out prolongado [adj]
soft-drawn recocido [m]
drawn vehicle vehículo arrastrado
cold drawn estirado en frío
drawn iron hierro laminado
drawn full size dibujado a tamaño natural
as drawn según dibujo
hot drawn estirado en caliente
tractor drawn arrastre por tractor
drawn tube tubo estirado
drawn wire alambre estirado
animal drawn vehicles vehículos de tracción animal
animal-drawn por tracción animal
fine-drawn sutil [adj]
iron-drawn de hierro laminado [adj]
cold drawn estirado en frío
drawn-out limb flanco estirado
soft-drawn recocido [adj]
bright drawn estirado pulido
cold-drawn estirado en frío
cold-drawn estirar en frió
cold drawn estirado en frío
hard-drawn copper cobre estirado en frío
hard-drawn copper cobre crudo estirado
drawn animation animación dibujada [f]
drawn on paper dibujo en papel
drawn directly on film dibujo directo en película
drawn on reversed film dibujo en película reversible
antique drawn glass vidrio estirado [m]
be drawn to the ball moverse con el balón [v]
badly drawn desdibujado [adj]
badly drawn desdibujada [adj/f]
cold-drawn estirado en frío [adj]