monkey - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "monkey" in Spanish English Dictionary : 25 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
monkey mono [m]
monkey simio [m]
monkey mona [f]
monkey mico [m]
monkey maimón [m]
monkey mono [m]
monkey trinquete [m]
monkey macaco [m]
monkey maimón [m]
monkey fiador de martinete [m]
monkey chango [m] MX
monkey mico [m] CO
monkey picaruelo [m]
monkey diablillo [m]
monkey funcionario de prisiones
monkey martillo [m]
monkey crisol [m]
monkey grapa [f]
monkey maza [f]
monkey mordaza [f]
monkey trinquete [m]
monkey grapa [f]
monkey maza de martinete
British Slang
monkey 500 libras esterlinas
monkey chango [m] MX

Meanings of "monkey" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
mexican howler monkey saraguato [m]
brown howling monkey bugio [m]
chamek spider monkey marimono [m]
monkey block motón [m]
red-backed squirrel monkey titi [m]
colombian red howler monkey roncador [m]
a female monkey mona [f]
monkey nut cacahuete [m]
long-tailed monkey mico [m]
female monkey mona [f]
male rhesus monkey macaco [m]
male monkey mico [m]
trained monkey in circuses and barracks mono sabio [m]
female rhesus monkey macaca [f]
female monkey mica [f]
female monkey mona [f]
monkey business monada [f]
monkey business monería [f]
colombian squirrel monkey mono ardilla [m]
african monkey cebo [m]
black howler monkey manechi [m]
black-headed squirrel monkey frailecito [m]
guatemalan howling monkey saraguato [m]
central american squirrel monkey titi [m]
little monkey trasto [m]
monkey boy enganchador [m]
brown howler monkey barbado [m]
northern bahian blond titi monkey sauá [m]
black howling monkey manechi [m]
little monkey macaquito (literal) [m]
spider monkey mono araña [m]
monkey puzzle piñonero [m]
monkey puzzle pino chileno [m]
monkey puzzle pehuén [m]
howler monkey coto [m]
howler monkey araguato [m]
action of a monkey monada [f]
monkey business monería [f]
female macaque monkey macaca [f]
be a monkey wrench in something causar problemas [v]
be a monkey wrench in something poner trabas [v]
be a monkey wrench in something sabotear algo [v]
be a monkey wrench in something ser un aguafiestas [v]
be a monkey wrench in something ser un saboteador [v]
howler monkey mono aullador
spider monkey mono araña
monkey wrench llave inglesa
kind of long-tailed monkey cercopiteco [m]
kind of monkey cebo [m]
large african monkey cefo [m]
a central-american monkey olingo [m]
a large american monkey papión [m]
very small monkey titi [m]
squirrel monkey saimirí [m]
south american monkey sapajú [m]
american monkey zambo [m]
howler monkey mono aullador [m]
howling monkey guanaba [f]
female monkey mica [f]
monkey trick monada [f]
she-monkey mona [f]
capuchin (monkey) titi [m] AMER
howler monkey carayá [m] AR PY
howler monkey saraguate [m] GT
howler monkey manechi [m] BO
howler monkey olingo [m] HN
howler monkey saraguato [m] MX
monkey nut maní [m] AMER
small yellow monkey chichilo [m] BO
small white monkey caparro [m] PE VE
a catarrhine monkey colobo [m] MX
monkey of the genus cebus carablanca [m] CO CR HN
black-faced monkey of the ateles group caranegra [m] CO CR VE
howling monkey carayá [m] AR CO BO PY
a monkey cuatí [m] AR CO
capuchin monkey cay [m] AR
howler monkey congo [m] CR SV
variety of howling monkey cebú [m] AR
a black monkey obiubi [m] VE
a monkey of the cebid family uacari [m] AMER
a kind of monkey saraguate [m] CAM
monkey business brujul [m] NI
monkey (children's game) monito [m] PR UY
monkey in the middle monito [m] PR UY
seed of the monkey puzzle piñón [m] CL
collecting of seeds of the monkey puzzle piñoneo [m] CL
monkey business volado [m] NI
male monkey machín [m] MX CO VE EC
monkey brain mono [m] disused
species of monkey peculiar to s. america chuva [f] PE
species of monkey coaita [f] AMER
little monkey bicha [f] DO
female monkey chita [f] HN
monkey business transa [f] MX EC PY AR UY
monkey business macacada [f] UY
climb a tree like a monkey monear palos [v] VE
collect seeds of the monkey puzzle piñonear [v] CL
howler monkey mono colorado CO
howler monkey mono congo CR NI
howler monkey mono coto EC PE
howler monkey mono cotudo CO
be mixed up in monkey business andar en negocios raros [v]
throw a monkey wrench into the works echarlo todo a perder [v]
throw a monkey wrench into the works fastidiarlo todo [v]
throw a monkey wrench in something impedir algo [v]
throw a monkey wrench in something evitar algo [v]
throw a monkey wrench in something sabotear algo [v]
throw a monkey wrench in something estropear algo [v]
throw a monkey wrench in something bloquear algo [v]
throw a monkey wrench in something entorpecer algo [v]
throw a monkey wrench in something hacer naufragar algo [v]
throw a monkey wrench in something poner un palo en la rueda a algo [v]
throw a monkey wrench in the works evitar los planes de alguien [v]
throw a monkey wrench in the works sabotear los planes de alguien [v]
throw a monkey wrench in the works impedir los planes de alguien [v]
throw a monkey wrench in the works estropear los planes de alguien [v]
throw a monkey wrench in the works entorpecer los planes de alguien [v]
throw a monkey wrench in the works hacer naufragar los planes de alguien [v]
throw a monkey wrench in the works (usa) bloquear los planes de alguien [v]
throw a monkey wrench into the works sabotear algo [v]
throw a monkey wrench into sabotear los planes de [v]
throw a monkey wrench into the works evitar algo [v]
throw a monkey wrench into the works impedir algo [v]
throw a monkey wrench into the works estropear algo [v]
throw a monkey wrench into the works entorpecer algo [v]
throw a monkey wrench into the works bloquear algo [v]
throw a monkey wrench into the works hacer naufragar algo [v]
throw a monkey wrench into the works poner un palo en la rueda a algo [v]
get one's monkey up salirse de sus casillas [v]
make a monkey out of someone hacer la pava a alguien [v]
put a monkey wrench in the works (usa) entorpecer los planes [v]
make a monkey out of someone poner a alguien en solfa [v]
throw a monkey wrench in the works poner trabas a alguien [v]
throw a monkey-wrench in the works poner palos en la rueda [v]
throw a monkey wrench in the works salir la paloma cuco [v]
throw a monkey wrench in the works salir a alguien la paloma cuco [v]
throw a monkey wrench in the works embotar los filos [v]
make a monkey out of poner en ridículo a
make a monkey out of hacer queda como un tonto a
make a monkey out of someone poner en ridículo a alguien
make a monkey out of tomarle el pelo a
make a monkey out of someone hacer quedar como un tonto a alguien
get one's monkey up ponerse de mal humor
get one's monkey up encabronarse
get one's monkey up enfadarse
get one's monkey up enojarse
get one's monkey up irritarse
brass monkey weather (hace) muy frío
a monkey on one's back una preocupación permanente
a monkey on somebody's back una preocupación permanente para alguien
a monkey on somebody's back alguien adicto a las drogas
brass monkey weather frío de morirse
brass monkey weather frío que pela
a monkey on one's back un gran peso sobre los hombros
cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey (hace) mucho frío
cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey frío extremo
cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey frío invernal
cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey frío intenso
cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey muy frío (un lugar)
make a monkey out of someone hacer tonto a alguien [v] CL
have a monkey on one's back tener un mosquero [v] PR
have a monkey on one's back tener el mono trepao en la espalda [v] PR
have a monkey on one's back tener un mono que no se apea [v] PR
monkey wrench carretas y carretones [f/pl] CU
brass monkey weather rasca (frío) ES
there's no time for monkey business no hay tiempo para tonterías
don't make a monkey out of me no me tomes por tonto
monkey see, monkey do culo veo, culo quiero
monkey business chanchullo [m]
grease monkey mecánico [m]
monkey business chalán [m]
monkey business ardid [m]
monkey face mono [m]
monkey brain mono [m]
monkey business cabritada [f]
monkey business artimaña [f]
monkey-like monesco [adj]
be a cheeky monkey tener más cara que espalda [v]
be a cheeky monkey ser más fresco que una lechuga [v]
monkey around andar de pingo [v]
monkey around azotar calles [v]
spank the monkey darle a la zambomba [v]
get one's monkey up coger un cabreo [v]
monkey around deambular sin rumbo [v]
monkey around estar de pingo [v]
monkey around ir de pingo [v]
monkey around hacer el indio [v]
monkey around hacer el Jaimito [v]
monkey around hacer el tonto [v]
monkey around hacer el mono [v]
monkey around ir de coña [v]
monkey around monear [v]
monkey about monear [v]
monkey around agilipollarse [v]
monkey about hacer monadas [v]
monkey around hacer monerías [v]
monkey around hacer el monigote [v]
throw a monkey wrench into echarlo a doce [v]
throw a monkey wrench into echarlo todo a doce [v]
get messed up in monkey business enfangarse [v]
monkey-tricks monerías [f/pl]
monkey see, monkey do ¿dónde va vicente? donde va la gente [expr]
monkey see, monkey do ¿dónde va vicente? al ruido de la gente [expr]
monkey bars parque infantil (estructura para que los niños jueguen escalando)
monkey bars barras de mono
the cheeky monkey! ¡vaya con el niño!
monkey see monkey do ¿dónde va vicente? donde va la gente
monkey business arreglada de bigotes
monkey business tontería
monkey business payasada
monkey business trapicheo
monkey business trampa
monkey business fraude
monkey island isla de los monos
monkey around huevear [v] CL
put a monkey wrench into the works meter a bulla [v] rare
spank the monkey hacerse la paja [v] PE derog.
grease monkey [us] mecánico [m]
grease monkey [us] mecánica [f]
spank the monkey frotársela [v]
slap the monkey frotársela [v]
monkey suit esmoquin
monkey mouth parlanchín
monkey business actividad ilegal
juice monkey fisiculturista que abusa de los esteroides anabólicos
monkey business negocio turbio
spider monkey persona que atraviesa un momento difícil
spider monkey posición sexual
slapping the monkey avergallón [m] MX
slapping the monkey vergallito [m] MX
slapping the monkey vergallo [m] MX
slapping the monkey paja [f] ES CO AR UY
bolivian red howling monkey manechi [m]
Work Safety Terms
titi monkey sahuí [m]
titi monkey lucachi [m]
little monkey tunante [m]
andean night monkey tutamono [m]
colombian red howling monkey roncador [m]
grease monkey rejilla [f]
stephen nash's titi monkey zogue-zogue [m]
black-crowned central american squirrel monkey titi [m]
bolivian/peruvian squirrel monkey frailecito [m]
black-and-gold howler monkey manechi [m]
chacoan titi monkey sahuí [m]
southern brown howling monkey bugio [m]
common squirrel monkey mono ardilla [m]
goeldi's monkey chichilo [m]
monkey wrench desvolvedor [m] ES
monkey chatter interferencia [f]
monkey talk transmodulación [f]
monkey chatter transmodulación [f]
monkey-drift galería de reconocimiento
monkey chatter modulación cruzada
monkey wrench llave inglesa
monkey wrench llave de cremallera
monkey block motón giratorio
monkey wrench llave de cola
monkey wrench llave de tuercas ajustable
monkey talk modulación cruzada
monkey wrench llave inglesa
monkey wrench llave universal
monkey block motón giratorio
bolivian/peruvian squirrel monkey chichilo [m]
Marine Biology
monkey river prawn camarón mono [m]
Molecular Biology
mexican spider monkey chango [m]
bolivian red howler monkey manechi [m]
yucatán spider monkey chango [m]
squirrel monkey mono ardilla [m]
collared titi monkey zogue-zogue [m]
monkey board plataforma del astillero [f]
monkey board plataforma del torrero [f]
monkey board plataforma del enganchador [f]
goeldi's monkey marimonito [m]
noisy night monkey musmuqui [m]
mexican howling monkey saraguato [m]
brown howler monkey bugio [m]
monkey pox viruela del simio
monkey hand mano simiesca
monkey hand mano de simio
monkey hand mano de mono
monkey malaria paludismo de los monos
monkey-paw pata de mono
monkey-paw garra de mono
enteric cytopathogenic monkey orphan virus virus huérfano de mono citopatogénico entérico
green monkey virus virus de mono verde
monkey b virus virus de mono b
yaba monkey virus virus del tumor yaba del mono
south american squirrel monkey mono ardilla [m]
southern brown howling monkey barbado [m]
yucatán black howler monkey saraguato [m]
brown titi monkey zogue-zogue [m]
blond titi monkey guigó [m]
monkey wrench llave inglesa
monkey wrench llave de cremallera
black howling monkey saraguato [m]
titi monkey socayo [m]
titi monkey zogue-zogue [m]
monkey block motón giratorio
monkey wrench llave inglesa
golden-backed squirrel monkey mono ardilla [m]
monkey wrench llave inglesa de cremallera [f]
monkey wrench llave de tuercas [f]
monkey wrench llave universal [f]
monkey wrench llave inglesa [f]
monkey wrench llave universal
monkey wrench llave de tuercas
monkey wrench llave inglesa
monkey wrench llave de cremallera
beni titi monkey lucachi [m]
monkey wrench llave de tuercas [f]
monkey wrench llave inglesa [f]
monkey wrench llave de tubos
monkey wrench llave de tuercas
black-faced black spider monkey marimono [m]
spix's night monkey musmuqui [m]
brown howling monkey barbado [m]
mexican black howler monkey saraguato [m]
monkey talk transmodulación [f]
monkey chatter transmodulación [f]
monkey wrench llave de cremallera
grease monkey mecánico de tierra
monkey talk modulación cruzada
monkey wrench llave inglesa
monkey wrench llave de tuercas
monkey chatter modulación cruzada
flying monkey tripulante en traslado
flying monkey tripulante volando en posición
monkey spanner llave inglesa
monkey wrench llave inglesa
monkey island puente alto
monkey fist nudo puño de mono
monkey wrench llave inglesa
monkey face placas de corazón
widow monkey zogue-zogue [m]
monkey board [uk] encuelladero [m]
madidi titi monkey lucachi [m]
northern brown howling monkey bugio [m]
yelling monkey aullador [m] GT HN NI
capuchin monkey caí [m] BO AR:Ne
capuchin monkey cay [m] PY AR:Ne
a type of new world monkey aullador [m] GT HN NI
a species of howler monkey aullador [m] GT HN NI
golden-mantled howling monkey aullador [m] GT HN NI
howler monkey manechi [m] BO:E
black-handed spider monkey mico [m] GT HN SV NI
black-handed spider monkey brazolargo [m] MX GT HN SV NI CR
brown-headed spider monkey bracilargo [m] PA
black-headed spider monkey (ateles fusciceps) bracilargo [m] PA
geoffroy's spider monkey (ateles geoffroyi) brazolargo [m] MX GT HN SV NI CR
a medium-sized new world monkey of the family cebidae, subfamily cebinae (cebus capucinus) machín [m] CO:N VE EC PE:N
a medium-sized new world monkey of the family cebidae, subfamily cebinae (cebus capucinus) careto [m] CR
a medium-sized new world monkey of the family cebidae, subfamily cebinae (cebus capucinus) bruno [m] HN
a medium-sized new world monkey of the family cebidae, subfamily cebinae (cebus capucinus) carablanco [m] CR PA CO
a medium-sized new world monkey of the family cebidae, subfamily cebinae (cebus capucinus) machango [m] VE
a medium-sized new world monkey of the family cebidae, subfamily cebinae (cebus capucinus) lanco [m] EC
a medium-sized new world monkey of the family cebidae, subfamily cebinae (cebus capucinus) mico capuchino [m] CO
a medium-sized new world monkey of the family cebidae, subfamily cebinae (cebus capucinus) mico maicero [m] CO
a medium-sized new world monkey of the family cebidae, subfamily cebinae (cebus capucinus) mico [m] EC PE
a medium-sized new world monkey of the family cebidae, subfamily cebinae (cebus capucinus) machín blanco [m] EC PE:N
a medium-sized new world monkey of the family cebidae, subfamily cebinae (cebus capucinus) pancho [m] HN
geoffroy's spider monkey (ateles geoffroyi) mico [m] GT HN SV NI
spider monkey chango [m] PR rare
spider monkey chango [m] MX SV
a medium-sized new world monkey of the family cebidae, subfamily cebinae (cebus capucinus) capuchino [m] GT HN SV NI CO VE EC PE
gray woolly monkey (lagothrix cana) caparro [m] VE PE
monkey-puzzle araucana [f]
black-handed spider monkey mica [f] GT HN SV
a medium-sized new world monkey of the family cebidae, subfamily cebinae (cebus capucinus) carablanca [f] HN CR CO CL derog.
geoffroy's spider monkey (ateles geoffroyi) mica [f] GT HN SV
female monkey chita [f] HN
howler monkey mono colorado [m/f] PE
a medium-sized new world monkey of the family cebidae, subfamily cebinae (cebus capucinus) mono micofraile [m/f] NI
a medium-sized new world monkey of the family cebidae, subfamily cebinae (cebus capucinus) mono capuchino [m/f] GT HN CO VE EC
a medium-sized new world monkey of the family cebidae, subfamily cebinae (cebus capucinus) mono blanco [m/f] EC
a medium-sized new world monkey of the family cebidae, subfamily cebinae (cebus capucinus) mono carablanca [m/f] HN NI CO
a medium-sized new world monkey of the family cebidae, subfamily cebinae (cebus capucinus) mono negro [m/f] CO EC
patas monkey mono patas
red howler monkey mono aullador rojo
south pacific blackish howler monkey aullador de la costa [m]
juruá red howler monkey aullador rojo [m]
ecuadorian mantled howler monkey aullador negro [m]
geoffroy's spider monkey mico [m]
ecuadorian mantled howling monkey aullador de la costa [m]
purús red howler monkey aullador rojo [m]
south pacific blackish howling monkey aullador de la costa [m]
south pacific blackish howling monkey aullador negro [m]
black-and-gold howler monkey aullador negro [m]
guatemalan black howler monkey araguato de guatemala [m]
mantled howler monkey aullador de la costa [m]
ecuadorian mantled howler monkey aullador de la costa [m]
black howling monkey aullador negro [m]
bolivian red howling monkey aullador rojo [m]
guatemalan howling monkey araguato de guatemala [m]
yucatán black howler monkey araguato de guatemala [m]
black howler monkey aullador negro [m]
mexican black howler monkey araguato de guatemala [m]
juruá red howling monkey aullador rojo [m]
black howling monkey araguato de guatemala [m]
gray monkey saki parauacú [m]
central american spider monkey mico [m]
lawrence's howler monkey araguato de guatemala [m]
south pacific blackish howler monkey aullador negro [m]
black-handed spider monkey mico [m]
ecuadorian mantled howling monkey aullador negro [m]
bolivian red howler monkey aullador rojo [m]
titi monkey facafaca [f]
brown howling monkey guariba [f]
chamek spider monkey maquisapa [f]
white-bellied spider monkey maquisapa [f]
white-bellied spider monkey marimona [f]
black-faced black spider monkey maquisapa [f]
diana monkey diana [f]
peruvian black spider monkey maquisapa [f]
roloway monkey diana [f]
bolivian titi monkey facafaca [f]
long-haired spider monkey marimonda [f]
brown howler monkey guariba [f]
white-bellied spider monkey marimonda [f]
long-haired spider monkey marimona [f]
long-haired spider monkey maquisapa [f]
diana/roloway monkey diana [f]
southern brown howling monkey guariba [f]
yellow-handed titi monkey viudita [f]
widow monkey viudita [f]
rio mayo titi monkey mono tocón
coiba island howling monkey mono aullador
black-and-gold howler monkey manechi negro
mentawai leaf monkey langur colilargo
spix's owl monkey macaco da noite
ecuadorian mantled howling monkey coto mono de tumbes
south pacific blackish howling monkey mono congo
mentawai leaf monkey langur de mentawi
hooded leaf monkey langur de nilgiri
goeldi's monkey tití de goeldi
woolly spider monkey mono grande
grey-legged night monkey mico de noche caribeño
ecuadorian mantled howler monkey coto negro
geoffroy's spider monkey mono araña
white-cheeked spider monkey macaco aranha
central american squirrel monkey mono titi
sclater's monkey mono de sclater
brown-headed spider monkey mono araña de cabeza marrón
black howling monkey mono aullador negro
brown titi monkey mono tití
brumback's night monkey mico de noche llanero
white-bellied spider monkey macaco aranha
long-haired spider monkey mono araña común
mantled howler monkey mono aullador
dryad monkey mono dryas
ecuadorian squirrel monkey barizo
mitred leaf monkey langur de cresta
central american squirrel monkey mono tití
ecuadorian mantled howling monkey coto negro
owl monkey macaco da noite
françois's leaf monkey langur de francois
peruvian yellow-tailed woolly monkey maquisapa chusco
south pacific blackish howling monkey coto negro
titi monkey songo songo
south pacific blackish howler monkey mono mongón
north sumatran leaf monkey langur de thomas
black-headed night monkey macaco da noite
white-bellied spider monkey mono araña común
night monkey macaco da noite
geoffroy's woolly monkey mono barrigudo
indian hooded leaf monkey langur de nilgiri
hose's leaf monkey langur de hose
ecuadorian mantled howler monkey mono coto de tumbes
lemurine night monkey mico de noche andino
bolivian red howling monkey aullaador rojo
lawrence's howler monkey saraguato negro
peruvian night monkey macaco da noite
red titi monkey songo songo
noisy night monkey mono nocturno
mexican howler monkey mono aullador pardo
ma's night monkey mono nocturno
golden howling monkey mono aullador
ecuadorian mantled howling monkey mono mongón
grey-handed night monkey mico de noche caribeño
coiba island howler monkey mono aullador
rio mayo titi monkey tocón colorado
colombian red howler monkey mono cotudo
black-handed spider monkey mono araña
golden leaf monkey langur dorado
bolivian red howler monkey aullaador rojo
rhesus monkey mono resus
red-faced black spider monkey mono araña negro
bolivian night monkey cuatro ojos
andean night monkey mono nocturno
capped monkey langur capuchino
south pacific blackish howler monkey mono aullador
ecuadorian squirrel monkey mono ardilla común
humboldt's squirrel monkey mono tití
yellow-tailed woolly monkey maquisapa chusco
poeppig's woolly monkey macaco barrigudo
guatemalan howling monkey mono aullador negro
red-backed squirrel monkey barizo dorsirrojo
mexican howler monkey mono aualldor
woolly monkey marimono del frío
chamek spider monkey mono araña
black-headed night monkey cuatro ojos