bad! - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "bad!" in Spanish English Dictionary : 1 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
bad! ¡malo! [interj]

Meanings of "bad!" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
bad malo [adj]
bad mal [adj]
bad breath tufo [m]
bad luck negra [f]
bad habit manía [f]
bad temper maña [f]
bad luck desdicha [f]
bad habit maña [f]
bad perverso [adj]
very bad incalificable [adj]
having bad habits malacostumbrado [adj]
bad-tempered malhumorado [adj]
smell bad heder [v]
bad (not well) mal [adv]
bad luck mala suerte
bad time túnel [m]
bad habit vicio [m]
bad breath halitosis [f]
bad dream pesadilla [f]
bad luck fatalidad [f]
bad-mannered incorrecto [adj]
bad-mannered ineducado [adj]
bad sucio [adj]
bad-tempered colérico [adj]
bad-tempered trabajoso [adj]
bad fallido [adj]
bad-mannered malcriado [adj]
bad-mannered maleducado [adj]
very bad malísimo [adj]
bad flaco [adj]
bad- tempered desapacible [adj]
bad-tempered vinagroso [adj]
bad-tempered renegado [adj]
bring bad luck to salar [v]
smell bad husmear [v]
look bad tener mala cara [v]
feel bad sentirse mal [v]
go bad pasarse [v]
keep bad company andar en malas compañías [v]
turn bad corromper [v]
smell bad corromper [v]
go bad corromperse [v]
bad debts incobrable [m/pl]
bad habit resabio [m]
bad turn jugarreta [f]
bad habit mama [f]
bad grave [adj]
going bad ahilamiento [m]
going bad ahílo [m]
bad patch bache [m]
bad temper enfado [m]
bad temper enfurruñamiento [m]
bad temper esplín (inglés) [m]
bad painting feísmo [m]
going bad florecimiento [m]
bad luck gafe [m]
bad-temper genio [m]
bad-tempered person geniudo [m]
bad odor hedor [m]
very bad mood humor de mil diablos [m]
very bad mood humor de todos los diablos [m]
very bad mood humor de perros [m]
bad mood mal humor [m]
bad luck infortunio [m]
bad fortune infortunio [m]
bad mood malhumor [m]
bad father padrastro [m]
bad poet poetastro [m]
bad wrapping rebujo [m]
bad deed mal recado [m]
going bad from overheating recalentamiento [m]
bad blood rencor [m]
bad habit resabio [m]
bad taste resabio [m]
bad taste of stale food tasto [m]
bad behavior trato de cuerda [m]
bad habit vicio [m]
bad deed mala acción [f]
bad mood adustez [f]
bad quality watermelon badea (árabe) [f]
bad faith chicana (francés) [f]
bad conscience mala conciencia [f]
bad luck contraventura [f]
bad situation crisis [f]
bad taste cursería [f]
bad taste cursilería [f]
bad example desedificación [f]
bad luck desgracia [f]
bad weather destemplanza [f]
bad luck desventura [f]
bad haircut escalera [f]
bad feeling espina [f]
bad faith fe púnica [f]
bad faith mala fe [f]
bad odor fetidez [f]
bad figure mala figura [f]
bad shape mala figura [f]
person with bad credit mala firma [f]
bad breath halitosis [f]
good riddance to bad rubbish la ida del cuervo [f]
good riddance to bad rubbish la ida del humo [f]
bad intention mala idea [f]
bad weather inclemencia [f]
bad temper indignación [f]
bad weather intemperie [f]
bad luck malandanza [f]
bad luck malaventura [f]
bad luck malaventuranza [f]
bad choice mala mano [f]
bad decision mala mano [f]
bad habit maña [f]
bad intention marrullería [f]
bad luck plaga [f]
bad poetess poetastra [f]
bad wine purrela [f]
falling into bad habits relajación [f]
bad blood rencilla [f]
bad intention mala sombra [f]
bad luck mala sombra [f]
bad smell tufarada [f]
bad luck mala ventura [f]
horse with a white right foot, considered bad luck argel (árabe) [m/f]
supporter/fan of bad painting feísta [m/f]
with a bad complexion mal acomplexionado [adj]
with a bad complexion mal acomplexionado [adj]
in a bad mood adusto [adj]
bad agraz [adj]
in bad shape picado de la tarántula [adj]
in bad shape picado del alacrán [adj]
in bad shape alacranado [adj]
with a white right foot, considered bad luck argel (árabe) [adj]
in bad shape atarantado [adj]
in a bad mood atufado [adj]
bad avieso [adj]
bad-intentioned avieso [adj]
bad-tempered bilioso [adj]
bad-intentioned bragado [adj]
going bad cedizo [adj]
very bad desastroso [adj]
between good and bad entreordinario [adj]
bad looking fachudo [adj]
bad shape fachudo [adj]
bad fallido [adj]
having bad habits (horse) falso [adj]
bad fatal [adj]
bad painting feísta [adj]
supporter/fan of bad painting feísta [adj]
bad feo [adj]
bad-tempered geniudo [adj]
in bad taste grosero [adj]
bad importuno [adj]
bad weather inclemente [adj]
bad incobrable [adj]
bad-mannered ineducado [adj]
bad infecto [adj]
bad inoportuno [adj]
bad-tempered irritable [adj]
bad mal [adj]
bad maldito [adj]
bad-tempered malhumorado [adj]
bad malo [adj]
with bad intention marrullero [adj]
bad pernicioso [adj]
bad podrido [adj]
have bad blood with reñido [adj]
bad-tempered roncero [adj]
bad ruin [adj]
bad tocado [adj]
start to go bad abombarse [v]
succumb to one's bad habits adormecerse en [v]
go bad ahilarse [v]
taste bad amargar [v]
go bad asolanarse [v]
smell bad corromper [v]
bad mouth criticar [v]
go bad decentar [v]
begin to go bad decentarse [v]
go bad descomponerse [v]
be a bad example desedificar [v]
set a bad example desedificar [v]
make go bad enmalecer [v]
go bad enmalecerse [v]
lose jobs due to mistakes or bad practice expiar [v]
put in a bad mood malhumorar [v]
be in a bad mood malhumorarse [v]
go bad pasarse [v]
start to go bad pasarse [v]
get into bad habits picardear [v]
get into bad ways picardearse [v]
go bad podrir [v]
go bad pudrirse [v]
go bad ranciar [v]
become bad ranciarse [v]
go bad from overheating recalentarse [v]
fall into bad habits relajarse [v]
get someone into bad habits resabiar [v]
acquire bad habits resabiarse [v]
get into bad habits resabiarse [v]
go bad revenirse [v]
go bad sentirse [v]
go bad volverse [v]
in a bad mood de mal aire [adv]
bad bajo [adv]
bad-temperedly hurañamente [adv]
at a bad time inoportunamente [adv]
at a bad time intempestivamente [adv]
bad will malos hígados [m/pl]
bad blood malos hígados [m/pl]
bad moment horas bajas [f/pl]
bad habit mañas [f/pl]
bad blood rencillas [f/pl]
bad ajo [suf]
bad temper pronto [m]
bad debtor moroso [m]
a bad lot mal sujeto [m]
piece of bad luck azar [m]
bad apple mal elemento [m]
bad news embrollón [m]
bad luck infortunio [m]
bad luck gafe [m]
bad adjustment desajuste [m]
bad aftertaste resabio [m]
bad grass hierbajo [m]
bad mood malhumor [m]
bad guy bribón [m]
bad guy villano [m]
bad straits aprieto (mala situación) [m]
bad back dolor de espalda [m]
bad boy chico malo [m]
bad eye ojo malo [m]
bad neighbor mal vecino [m]
bad record mal récord [m]
bad side lado negativo [m]
bad straits apuro [m]
bad temper malhumor [m]
bad temper mal genio [m]
bad marriage un mal matrimonio [m]
bad mistake cagada [f]
bad luck desventura [f]
bad turn trastada [f]
bad fame notoriedad [f]
a bad lot mala gente [f]
a bad lot mala persona [f]
a bad turn una jugarreta [f]
a bad idea una mala idea [f]
a bad surprise una mala sorpresa [f]
a bad mark una nota baja [f]
bad debt trampa [f]
bad timing inoportunidad [f]
bad humour maña [f]
bad intention maldad [f]
bad luck putada [f]
streak (of bad luck) racha [f]
cheesiness (quality of bad taste) horterada [f]
bad weather intemperie [f]
bad feeling grima [f]
bad smell hediondez [f]
bad decision mala decisión [f]
bad conscience mala conciencia [f]
bad fabrication mala fabricación [f]
bad form mala forma [f]
bad fortune mala fortuna [f]
bad health mala salud [f]
bad image mala imagen [f]
bad line mala línea [f]
bad mark mala nota [f]
bad mark nota negativa [f]
bad suspicion mala sospecha [f]
bad times época aciaga [f]
bad language palabrotas [f]
bad workmanship mano de obra mala [f]
bad-tempered person geniuda [f]
person with bad intentions hiena [f]
bad influence mala [f]
person with bad credit mala paga [f]
a bad choice of words cacología [f]
bad handwriting cacografía [f]
bad-tempered person cascarrabias [m/f]
someone that exhibits either good or bad sportsmanship deportista [m/f]
bad-tempered person geniudo [m/f]
very bad fatal [adj]
very bad endemoniado [adj]
bad mediano [adj]
bad malvado [adj]
very bad desastroso [adj]
bad pasado [adj]
bad-tempered cascarrabias [adj]
bad nefasto [adj]
very bad endiablado [adj]
bad adverso [adj]
in bad taste chabacano [adj]
bad-tempered áspero [adj]
bad-tempered atrabiliario [adj]
bad-tempered berrinchudo [adj]
in bad condition chungo [adj]
of bad quality chungo [adj]
a bad quality cigarette horro [adj]
burdened with bad luck malhadado [adj]
in bad condition escabroso [adj]
bad mannered maleducado [adj]
bad-mannered villano [adj]
bad-tempered geniudo [adj]
very bad atroz [adj]
bad-tempered irritado [adj]
bad-tempered inamistoso [adj]
very bad terrible [adj]
very bad horrible [adj]
expression of bad consequences maligno [adj]
pertaining to having bad manners descortés [adj]
pertaining to having bad manners malcriado [adj]
pertaining to having bad manners incivil [adj]
pertaining to having bad manners malportado [adj]
bad defectuoso [adj]
bad desagradable [adj]
bad inapropiado [adj]
bad-tempered de mal genio [adj]
given to habits (often bad) talluda [adj]
given to habits (often bad) talludo [adj]
bad tempered de mal genio [adj]
bad tempered irascible [adj]
bad tempered malhumorado [adj]
bad tempered de mal humor [adj]
bad negativo [adj]
get into bad habits viciarse [v]
be in a bad mood estar de mal humor [v]
go bad estropearse [v]
have bad luck tener mala sombra [v]
do very bad lucirse [v]
get into a bad habit viciarse [v]
go bad echar a perder (personas/alimentos) [v]
make bad malear [v]
give a bad taste to desabrir [v]
make a bad impression caer mal [v]
go bad revenirse [v]
go bad irse al garete [v]
get into bad habits malacostumbrar [v]
set a bad example malacostumbrar [v]
extremely bad horrible [v]
break bad irse cuesta abajo [v]
ignore a bad situation hacerse el sonzo [v]
ignore a bad situation hacerse el tonto [v]
bring bad luck to traer mala suerte [v]
feel bad about something sentirse mal por algo [v]
smell bad oler mal [v]
go bad echarse a perder [v]
be in bad shape no estar en forma [v]
be in bad shape estar en mal estado [v]
lead someone astray into bad ways llevar a alguien por el mal camino [v]
make a bad impression causar una mala impresión [v]
make bad grades sacar malas notas [v]
come to a bad end acabar mal [v]
have a bad night pasar una noche de perros [v]
have a bad time pasarlas moradas [v]
have a bad time pasarlo mal [v]
have a bad day levantarse con el pie izquierdo [v]
have a bad day tener un mal día [v]
turn bad echar a perder [v]
come to a bad end parar en mal [v]
have bad breath tener mal aliento [v]
have a bad disposition tener mal genio [v]
be bad weather hacer mal tiempo [v]
be bad tempered tener malas pulgas [v]
have a bad temper tener malas pulgas [v]
have bad luck tener mala pata [v]
be bad for business ser malo para el negocio [v]
have bad luck tener mala suerte [v]
be bad dar guerra [v]
make someone look bad dar mala imagen [v]
look bad if quedar mal si [v]
go bad (food) alterarse [v]
want bad things for someone querer mal a alguien [v]
be bad for something redundar en perjuicio de algo [v]
respond in a bad way responder de mal talante [v]
be a bad payer ser mal pagador [v]
be bad at something ser malo para algo [v]
be in bad health estar mal de salud [v]
make a person look bad dejar a una persona en mal lugar [v]
have a bad conscience tener mala conciencia [v]
have a bad memory tener mala memoria [v]
have bad teeth tener mala dentadura [v]
have bad eyesight tener mala vista [v]
have bad intentions tener malas intenciones [v]
go bad desvirtuarse [v]
get bad habits resabiarse [v]
experience/make a bad marriage malcasarse [v]
compensate (for bad deed) desquitar [v]
maraud (often with bad intentions) merodear [v]
acquire a bad reputation ganar mala reputación [v]
acquire a bad reputation ganar mala fama [v]
become bad volverse malo [v]
be a bad judge of ser un mal juez de [v]
be a sign of the bad quality of something ser un signo de la mala calidad de algo [v]
bewail one's bad fate lamentar la mala suerte ofrecida por el destino [v]
make a bad impression salir con su batea de baba [v]
be on bad terms (with someone) estar enemistado con alguien [v]
be on bad terms (with someone) estar a las malas (con alguien) [v]
do something bad hacer algo malo [v]
acquire a bad reputation ganarse una mala reputación [v]
be a sign of the bad quality of something ser un indicio de la mala calidad de algo [v]
be a bad judge of no entender [v]
give a bad name dar mala fama [v]
in a bad way malamente [adv]
bad off en la indigencia [adv]
bad off en la pobreza [adv]
bad-temperedly con mal genio [adv]
bad-temperedly malhumoradamente [adv]
bad-temperedly de malas [adv]
bad-temperedly airadamente [adv]
bad-temperedly con mal genio [adv]
bad off en la ruina (informal) [adv]
bad-temperedly adustamente [adv]
bad-temperedly antipáticamente [adv]
bad-temperedly ariscamente [adv]
bad-temperedly bruscamente [adv]
bad-temperedly hoscamente [adv]
bad-temperedly hurañamente [adv]
bad-temperedly malhumoradamente [adv]
bad-temperedly secamente [adv]
as bad luck como mala suerte [adv]
aw too bad! ¡lero lero, candelero! [interj] MX GT HN SV NI BO PY child
bad debts impagados [m/pl]
bad eating habits malos hábitos alimenticios [m/pl]
bad habits malos hábitos [m/pl]
bad memories malos recuerdos [m/pl]
bad language palabrotas [f/pl]
bad opportunities malas oportunidades [f/pl]
bad words palabrotas [f/pl]
bad words malas palabras [f/pl]
leave the bad attitude at the door! y nada de caritas [expr] CR CL
leave the bad attitude at the door! nada de caritas [expr] CR CL
aw too bad! lero lero [expr] BO MX CO EC CL PY AR child
from bad to worse y el rancho ardiendo [expr] PA DO CO
bad malos [adj/pl]
a bad sailor persona que se marea fácilmente [n]
a bad mark una mala nota [n]
a bad turn una mala pasada [n]
bad words ajos y cebollas [n] BO
bad faith leche de perra [n] PR
bad luck mala leche [n] NI PA PR VE EC BO AR
bad drugs material trilirí [n] PR drug
bad smell olor que voltea [n] CL AR UY
bad memory memoria de pollo [n] CO EC BO:W CL
very bad la muerta [n] PA
drugs that cause a bad trip material trilirí [n] PR drug
bad odor olor que voltea [n] CL AR UY
bad eye mal de ojo
bad dose of flu trancazo
the bearer of bad tidings portador de malas noticias
bad apple manzana podrida
bad apple oveja negra
bad luck mala suerte
too bad que lástima
bad news malas noticias
bad weed mala hierba
streak of bad luck racha de mala suerte
bad habit mal hábito
bad habit mala costumbre
bad management mala gestión
bad play mala jugada
bad weather mal tiempo
bad weather tiempo de perros
bad cough tos perruna
bad part lado malo
bad mood humor de perros
bad neighborhood mal barrio
bad neighborhood barrio peligroso
bad guy bicho malo
good or bad bien que mal
bad taste barroquismo [m]
bad, clumsy smith herrerón [m]
bad writer escritorcillo [m]
bad painter pintorcillo [m]
a proud and bad man lucifer [m]
bad seed growing among grain or corn luello [m]
bad wine torcido [m]
bad taste of stale food tasto [m]
weather (good/bad) temporal [m]
bad humour mal humor [m]
bad wine vino peleón [m]
bad wine aguapié [m]
good/bad season añada [f]
bad spelling cacografía [f]
bad faith capciosidad [f]
bad alignment desalineación [f]
countenancer (chiefly in a bad sense) fautor [f]
bad action fechoría [f]
bad word perrería [f]
bad temper pólvora [f]
bad writer escritorcilla [f]
countenancer (chiefly in a bad sense) fautora [f]
bad action mala acción [f]
bad alignment mala alineación [f]
bad-tempered bravo [adj]
of good (or bad) constitution acomplexionado [adj]
bad dañado [adj]
of bad repute desprestigiado [adj]
bad depravado [adj]
of good bad disposition or figure mal entrazado [adj]
between good and bad entreordinario [adj]
terribly bad endemoniado [adj]