juridiction - Fransızca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "juridiction" in English French Dictionary : 14 result(s)

Fransızca İngilizce
juridiction [f] jurisdiction
juridiction [f] power
juridiction [f] judiciary
juridiction [f] judicature
juridiction [f] jurisdiction
juridiction [f] authority
juridiction [f] jurisdiction
Social Security
juridiction [f] jurisdiction
juridiction [f] jurisdiction
juridiction [f] venue
juridiction [f] tribunal
juridiction [f] court
EU Terms
juridiction [f] courts and tribunals
Arts Administration
juridiction [f] jurisdiction

Meanings of "juridiction" with other terms in English French Dictionary : 155 result(s)

Fransızca İngilizce
juridiction commerciale commercial jurisdiction
juridiction administrative administrative jurisdiction
employeur sous juridiction fédérale federally regulated employer
juridiction fiscale [n] tax jurisdiction
clause d'attribution de juridiction venue clause
clause d'attribution de juridiction clause prescribing the competent court
juridiction professionnelle professional tribunal
juridiction financière court exercising jurisdiction in tax matters
juridiction correctionnelle criminal jurisdiction
juridiction pénale the criminal courts
juridiction collégiale a bench of judges
juridiction consulaire commercial jurisdiction
juridiction volontaire non-contentious proceedings
juridiction commerciale commercial court
juridiction financière tax court
juridiction d'appel reviewing court
juridiction consulaire commercial court
juridiction de jugement court trying the case
avoir juridiction have or exercise jurisdiction
juridiction arbitrale arbitration
juridiction étrangère foreign court
juridiction collégiale bench of judges
juridiction commerciale commercial jurisdiction
juridiction internationale international court or tribunal
juridiction d'honneur court of honour
juridiction maritime admiralty jurisdiction
consentement exprès à l’exercice de la juridiction express consent to exercise of jurisdiction
juridiction d'occupation jurisdiction of the occupation courts
juridiction du premier degré court of first instance
juridiction de bord maritime court martial
juridiction de droit commun the ordinary courts
juridiction administrative the administrative courts
juridiction collégiale full court
juridiction saisie court dealing with a case
juridiction de second degré appeal court
juridiction civile civil court
juridiction de droit commun ordinary court
juridiction collégiale court
juridiction de première instance original jurisdiction
juridiction pour enfants youth court
juridiction administrative administrative jurisdiction
juridiction d'instruction judicial investigating authority
juridiction criminelle criminal court
juridiction professionnelle jurisdiction of a professional tribunal
juridiction incompétente court without jurisdiction
juridiction maritime the admiralty courts
juridiction pénale criminal court
juridiction spéciale special court
juridiction prud'homale jurisdiction of such tribunals
juridiction répressive criminal court
pouvoir de juridiction the judiciary
juridiction administrative administrative court
juridiction contentieuse contentious jurisdiction
double degré de juridiction right of appeal to a higher court
juridiction de jugement court of trial
juridiction militaire jurisdiction in military matters
juridiction d'honneur disciplinary tribunal
juridiction d'honneur jurisdiction of such a court or tribunal
juridiction incompétente incompetent court
ordre de juridiction type of court
juridiction prud'homale industrial tribunal
juridiction de jugement trial court
juridiction de second degré court with jurisdiction to hear appeals
juridiction interne domestic court
juridiction d'instruction the investigating courts
juridiction obligatoire compulsory jurisdiction
juridiction de droit commun ordinary jurisdiction
juridiction principale primary court
juridiction d'attribution special administrative court
pays de juridiction country with jurisdiction
juridiction répressive criminal jurisdiction
juridiction internationale international jurisdiction
juridiction arbitrale arbitration tribunal
juridiction prud'homale labour court
juridiction consulaire the commercial courts
juridiction constitutionnelle constitutional jurisdiction
juridiction en matière fiscale jurisdiction in tax matters
juridiction compétente competent court
saisine de la juridiction commencement of proceedings
juridiction civile the civil courts
juridiction d'occupation occupation court
juridiction correctionnelle criminal court
invoquer l’immunité de juridiction invoke immunity
juridiction criminelle criminal jurisdiction
immunité de juridiction immunity from legal proceedings
juridiction compétente court having jurisdiction
juridiction pour enfants juvenile court
juridiction d'appel appeal court
immunité de juridiction immunity from jurisdiction
juridiction consulaire consular court
juridiction extraterritoriale extraterritorial jurisdiction
juridiction gracieuse non-contentious jurisdiction
privilège de juridiction exemption from jurisdiction
juridiction pénale criminal jurisdiction
juridiction militaire court martial
juridiction maritime admiralty court
juridiction civile civil jurisdiction
juridiction commerciale the commercial courts
cour de juridiction criminelle court of criminal jurisdiction
tribunal familial à juridiction regroupée unified family court
State Law
afin de conférer la juridiction for the purpose of giving jurisdiction
juridiction supérieure de la province superior court of the province
prétendre avoir juridiction to claim jurisdiction
exercice de la juridiction ordinaire exercise of the ordinary jurisdiction
bénéficier de l'immunité de la juridiction to be entitled to immunity from the jurisdiction
juridiction sommaire summary jurisdiction
manque de juridiction want of jurisdiction
juridiction ordinaire ordinary jurisdiction
cour supérieure de juridiction criminelle superior court of criminal jurisdiction
tribunal de juridiction criminelle court of criminal jurisdiction
renonciation à l'immunité de juridiction waiver of immunity from jurisdiction
avoir juridiction to have jurisdiction
juridiction suprême en matière d'appel ultimate appellate jurisdiction
juridiction pénale et disciplinaire criminal and disciplinary jurisdiction
appropriation de juridiction assumption of jurisdiction
juridiction supérieure d'archives superior court of record
juridiction civile et administrative civil and administrative jurisdiction
juridiction pour entendre et décider jurisdiction to hear and to decide
avoir en dernier ressort juridiction d'appel to have final appellate jurisdiction
immunité de toute juridiction immunity from legal process of every kind
cour de juridiction criminelle court of criminal jurisdiction
juridiction pénale criminal jurisdiction
jouir de l'immunité de juridiction to enjoy immunity from judicial process
tribunal ayant juridiction d'amirauté court having admiralty jurisdiction
juridiction spéciale special jurisdiction
droit d'exercer par priorité sa juridiction primary right to exercise jurisdiction
juridiction supérieure superior court
Governmental Terms
juridiction normalement compétente ordinary court
tribunal de juridiction criminelle court of criminal jurisdiction
degré de juridiction degree of jurisdiction
UN Terms
loi de la juridiction saisie lex fori
EU Terms
juridiction du travail labour tribunal
juridiction fiscale fiscal court
juridiction d'exception court having special jurisdiction
juridiction civile court of civil jurisdiction
juridiction pour mineurs juvenile court
juridiction administrative administrative court
juridiction militaire military court
juridiction constitutionnelle constitutional court
juridiction internationale international court
juridiction sociale social court
juridiction commerciale commercial court
juridiction maritime maritime court
juridiction pénale criminal court
juridiction arbitrale court of arbitration
juridiction judiciaire ordinary court of law
juridiction supérieure higher court
juridiction spécialisée dans les affaires de toxicomanie drug treatment court
juridiction supérieure superior court of record
Real Estate
attribution de juridiction formal signing of a purchase contract
juridiction d'appel appellate court
espace aérien sous juridiction canadienne canadian mandated airspace
sous-comité chargé de la gestion des ressources situées dans les de la juridiction nationale sub-committee on management of resources within limits of national jurisdiction
les zones situées au-delà de la juridiction nationale beyond areas of national jurisdiction
Business Law
cour supérieure de juridiction criminelle superior court of criminal jurisdiction