euro- - Almanca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "euro-" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 85 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
five Euro each fünf Euro pro Stück [adv]
one euro job Ein-Euro-Job [m]
euro Euro [m]
ten euro note Zehn-Euro-Schein [m]
fifty euro note Fünzig-Euro-Schein [m]
non-euro-area Nicht-Euroraum [m]
euro area Euroraum [m]
ten euro banknote Zehneuroschein [m]
fifty euro note Fünzigeuroschein [m]
euro-bond market Euro-Anleihenmarkt [m]
euro-dollar market Euro-Dollar-Markt [m]
Euro hanger Eurolasche [f]
euro area Eurozone [f]
euro currency Euro-Währung [f]
exchange euro Euro umtauschen [v]
exchange euro Euro wechseln [v]
one euro jobs Ein-Euro-Jobs [pl]
euro-cash orders Euro-Bargeldbestellungen [pl]
euro bills Eurobanknoten [pl]
euro bills Euroscheine [pl]
transition to the euro Übergang {m} zum Euro
Euro check Euroscheck [m]
Euro-market Euromarkt [m]
Euro-standard holes Eurolochung [f]
Euro-bond Euro-Anleihe
Euro-dollars EURO-Dollar
The country's currency is pegged to the euro. Die Landeswährung ist an den Euro gekoppelt.
Euro-happy europhorisch (EU- oder Euro-freundlich) [adj]
Euro-market Euromarkt [m]
Euro rescue fund europäischer Stabilisierungsmechanismus (ESM) [m]
Euro rescue fund Euro-Rettungsschirm [m]
Euro rescue fund europäischer Stabilisierungsmechanismus [m]
single euro payments area (SEPA) Einheitlicher Euro-Zahlungsverkehrsraum [m]
euro note Euroschein [m]
ten euro banknote Zehn-Euro-Schein [m]
ten euro note Zehneuroschein [m]
Euro-bond Euro-Anleihe [f]
Euro rescue fund europäische Finanzstabilitätsfazilität [f]
Euro rescue fund europäische Finanzstabilitätsfazilität (EFSF) [f]
euro zone Eurozone [f]
introduction of the euro Euroeinführung [f]
the euro zone die Eurozone [f]
weakness of the euro Euro-Schwäche [f]
weakness of the euro Euroschwäche [f]
one-euro coin Eineuromünze [f]
the euro zone Euroland [n]
one-euro coin Eineurostück [n]
one-euro coin Ein-Euro-Stück [n]
euro area Euro-Währungsgebiet [n]
euro area Eurogebiet [n]
changeover to the euro Umstellung {f} auf den Euro
introduction of the euro Einführung {f} des Euro
the euro(zone) safety net der Euro-Schutzschirm
euro zone Eurozone [f]
non-euro-area Nicht-Eurozone [f]
Euro-denominated assets Eurovermögen [n]
Business Correspondence
subject to payment by Euro cheque Zahlung mit Euro-Scheck
anti-euro movement Anti-Euro-Bewegung [f]
country in the euro zone Euro-Land [n]
country in the euro zone Land [n]
euro country Euro-Land [n]
euro country Land [n]
euro exchange rate Euro-Wechselkurs
EU Terms
euro Euro [m]
Eurogroup (euro area) Eurogroup (Euro-Zone)
Euro-Arab cooperation europäisch-arabische Zusammenarbeit
Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council Euro-Atlantischer Partnerschaftsrat
euro area Euro-Zone
Euro-missile Eurorakete
Euro-pallets Euro-Paletten
euro standard Euronorm [f]
euro mains cable Euro Netzkabel
euro rescue fund Euro-Rettungsschirm [m]
euro crisis country Euro-Krisenland [n]
one-euro job Ein-Euro-Job [m]
Euro-pallet Europalette [f]
Euro-pallet Europoolpalette [f]
euro-pallets Europaletten [pl]
Euro-pallets Europoolpaletten [pl]
Euro pallets Euro-Paletten
euro test environment Euro-Testumgebung [f]
SAP Terms
euro-pallet Europalette [f]
euro Bergkänguruh [n]
euro Bergkänguruh
changeover to the euro Übergang zum Euro

Meanings of "euro-" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 77 result(s)

Almanca İngilizce
fünf Euro pro Stück [adv] five Euro each
Ein-Euro-Job [m] one euro job
Euro [m] euro
Zehn-Euro-Schein [m] ten euro note
Fünzig-Euro-Schein [m] fifty euro note
1-Euro-Laden [m] 99 cent store
1-Euro-Shop [m] 99 cent store
1-Euro-Laden [m] 99p store
1-Euro-Shop [m] 99p store
Ein-Euro-Laden [m] dollar outlet
Ein-Euro-Laden [m] dollar store
Euro-Anleihenmarkt [m] euro-bond market
Euro-Dollar-Markt [m] euro-dollar market
Euro-Währung [f] euro currency
500 Euro Steuern nachzahlen [v] pay 500 Euros back tax
30 Euro zuzahlen [v] pay an extra 30 euros
5 Euro abziehen [v] deduct 5 Euros
etwas für 20 Euro kaufen [v] buy something for 20 Euro
jemanden um 5 Euro anpumpen [v] touch someone for 5 Euro
Euro umtauschen [v] exchange euro
Euro wechseln [v] exchange euro
Ein-Euro-Jobs [pl] one euro jobs
Euro-Bargeldbestellungen [pl] euro-cash orders
2-Euro-Münzen EUR2 coins
Waren im Wert von 100 Euro EUR 100 worth of goods
120 Euro minus 3% Rabatt 120 euros less 3% discount
ein Geldgeschenk von/über 100 Euro a gift of 100 Euros
schon ab 100 Euro starting at/from 100 Euros
Übergang {m} zum Euro transition to the euro
ein dreistelliger Millionenbetrag (in Euro) a figure in the hundreds of millions (of Euros)
ein zweistelliger Millionenbetrag (in Euro) a figure in the tens of millions (of Euros)
ab 10 Euro from EUR 10 up
von 10 Euro aufwärts from EUR 10 up
Sie kosten je zwei Euro. They cost two euros each.
Euro-Anleihe Euro-bond
EURO-Dollar Euro-dollars
Die Landeswährung ist an den Euro gekoppelt. The country's currency is pegged to the euro.
europhorisch (EU- oder Euro-freundlich) [adj] Euro-happy
Euro-Rettungsschirm [m] Euro rescue fund
Euro-Rettungsschirm [m] European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism (EFSM)
Euro-Rettungsschirm [m] European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF)
Einheitlicher Euro-Zahlungsverkehrsraum [m] single euro payments area (SEPA)
Zehn-Euro-Schein [m] ten euro banknote
Euro-Anleihe [f] Euro-bond
Euro-Schwäche [f] weakness of the euro
Ein-Euro-Stück [n] one-euro coin
Euro-Währungsgebiet [n] euro area
Euro-Münzen herausgeben [v] to issue coins in euros
auf Euro lautende Schuldverschreibungen bonds denominated in euros
Umstellung {f} auf den Euro changeover to the euro
Einführung {f} des Euro introduction of the euro
der Euro-Schutzschirm the euro(zone) safety net
Business Correspondence
Zahlung mit Euro-Scheck subject to payment by Euro cheque
Anti-Euro-Bewegung [f] anti-euro movement
Euro-Land [n] country in the euro zone
Euro-Land [n] euro country
Euro-Wechselkurs euro exchange rate
EU Terms
Euro [m] euro
Euro-Emission Eurobond
Euro-Kredit Eurocredit
Euro-Währung Eurocurrency
Eurogroup (Euro-Zone) Eurogroup (euro area)
Euro-Atlantischer Partnerschaftsrat Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council
Euro-Zone euro area
Euro-Dollar Eurodollar
Euro-Geldmarkt Euromarket
Euro-Teilnehmerkreis participating country
Euro-Paletten Euro-pallets
Euro Netzkabel euro mains cable
Euro-Rettungsschirm [m] euro rescue fund
Euro-Krisenland [n] euro crisis country
Ein-Euro-Job [m] one-euro job
Euro-Norm European Standards
Euro-Paletten Euro pallets
Euro-Testumgebung [f] euro test environment
Euro-Wachtel Japanese quail
Übergang zum Euro changeover to the euro