thing - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "thing" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 27 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
thing cosa [f]
thing vainas [f]
thing movida [f]
thing chisme [m]
thing cuerpo [m]
thing objeto [m]
thing cosa [f]
thing inclinarse [v]
thing þing
thing circunstancia [f]
thing objeto [m]
thing coso [m] AR SV
thing perol [m] VE
thing turulo [m] NI
thing volado [m] SV
thing carajada [f] HN CR
thing tinglado [m]
thing sujeto [m]
thing persona [f]
thing una jota [pron]
thing quídam [m] derog.
thing huevada [f] CL
thing vaina [f] CO PE VE DO
thing madre [f] MX
thing putada [f] CR derog.
thing vaina [f] CO VE DO EC PE BO CL
thing artificio [m]

Sens de "thing" dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 1 résultat(s)

Espagnol Anglais
þing thing

Sens de "thing" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 500 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
(diminutive of noun pobre) poor thing pobrecito [m]
massive thing mamotreto [m]
same thing mismo [m]
terrible thing horror [m]
poor thing pobrecillo [m]
the same thing mismo [m]
poor thing pobrecilla [f]
stupid thing estupidez [f]
beautiful thing preciosidad [f]
do one's own thing ir a su aire [v]
the same thing misma [f]
grayish thing agrisado [m]
one thing after another aguacero [m]
person or thing that silences amordazador [m]
insignificant thing ápice [m]
disgusting person/thing asco [m]
insignificant thing barro [m]
funny thing chiste [m]
crawling thing cojijo [m]
dishonorable thing desdoro [m]
knack for doing the right thing don de acierto [m]
knack for doing the wrong thing don de errar [m]
the latest thing último grito [m]
person/thing that appears and disappears guadiana [m]
useless thing hueso [m]
ugly man or thing monstruo [m]
trivial thing ochavo [m]
worthless thing papel mojado [m]
heavy thing peso [m]
fine thing primor [m]
beautiful thing primor [m]
inconsequential thing puchero de enfermo [m]
minor thing punto [m]
one thing for another quid pro quo [m]
round thing redondo [m]
spherical thing redondo [m]
parched thing secadal [m]
very dry thing secadal [m]
desiccated thing secadal [m]
parched thing secano [m]
very dry thing secano [m]
desiccated thing secano [m]
very dry thing sequero [m]
very dry thing sequío [m]
delicate thing soplillo [m]
light thing soplillo [m]
superimposable thing superponible [m]
burnt thing tostón [m]
dirty thing cochinada [f]
silly thing bobada [f]
nasty thing to do abyección [f]
mean thing to do abyección [f]
unimportant thing agua de borrajas [f]
unimportant thing agua de cerrajas [f]
unimportant thing aguachirle [f]
person or thing that silences amordazadora [f]
foul thing asquerosidad [f]
disgusting thing asquerosidad [f]
flabby thing bambolla [f]
disgusting thing basura [f]
wonderful thing bendición de dios [f]
excellent thing bendición de dios [f]
silly thing bobera [f]
childish thing chicada [f]
trivial thing chirinola [f]
stubborn thing brava cosa [f]
harsh thing cosa dura [f]
fine thing cosa fina [f]
cheesy thing cursilada [f]
corny thing cursilada [f]
pretentious thing cursilada [f]
cheesy thing cursilería [f]
corny thing cursilería [f]
nice thing fineza [f]
trivial thing friolera [f]
unimportant thing friolera [f]
annoying thing gracia [f]
inconsequential thing guagua [f]
idiotic thing idiotez [f]
stupid thing idiotez [f]
little thing insignificancia [f]
trivial thing menudencia [f]
small thing menudencia [f]
trivial thing minucia [f]
small thing minucia [f]
small delicate thing monería [f]
small thing mostacilla [f]
crawling thing musaraña [f]
silly thing niñada [f]
silly thing niñería [f]
insignificant thing nonada [f]
outstanding thing pieza [f]
rotten thing podredumbre [f]
putrid thing podredumbre [f]
beautiful thing preciosidad [f]
colorful and attractive thing primavera [f]
sure thing promesa [f]
trivial thing quisquilla [f]
old thing ranciedad [f]
ancient thing ranciedad [f]
planted thing sementera [f]
wriggling thing sierpe [f]
fearsome person/thing tarasca [f]
flimsy thing telaraña [f]
minimal thing tilde [f]
trivial thing trivialidad [f]
little thing trivialidad [f]
no such thing as a free lunch la viña del señor [f]
own thing voluntad [f]
reclining thing yacija [f]
related thing pariente [m/f]
be the in thing imponerse [v]
sure thing hecho [interj]
insignificant thing ajaspajas [f/pl]
cheap thing baratijas [f/pl]
trivial thing minucias [f/pl]
strange thing cosa rara [expr]
unexpected thing imprevisto [m]
illogical thing viceversa [m]
covering for a person or thing velo [m]
poor thing pobrecito [m]
a person or a thing that is in sixth place sexto [m]
book or thing sold in large numbers superventas [m]
someone that takes care of a place or thing portero [m]
a person or a thing that is causing annoyance of inconvenience inconveniente [m]
a person or a thing that is causing annoyance of inconvenience estorbo [m]
a person or a thing that is in the fifteenth position decimoquinto [m]
a person or a thing that is in the millionth position millonésimo [m]
a person or a thing that is in the first position primero [m]
a person or a thing that is in the first position primo [m]
a person or a thing that is in the ninetieth position nonagésimo [m]
a person or a thing that is in the third position tercero [m]
hulky thing armatoste [m]
the same thing ídem [m]
lovely thing primor [m]
big thing sarao [m]
ugly and ridiculous fellow or thing adefesio [m]
thing done in a hurry frangollo [m]
despicable person or thing andrajo [m]
thing of little value mugrero [m]
dirty thing mugrero [m]
mean thing mezquindad [f]
great thing pasada [f]
good thing breva [f]
stupid or foolish thing necedad [f]
stupid thing to do burrada [f]
evil thing maldad [f]
childish thing to do chiquillada [f]
stupid thing to do bobada [f]
dirty thing guarrada [f]
evil thing aberración [f]
stupid thing macana [f]
superfluous thing hojarasca [f]
stupid thing tontería [f]
tiny thing minucia [f]
stupid thing gilipollada [f]
unimportant thing zarandaja [f]
rude thing grosería [f]
flimsy thing telaraña [f]
easy thing maría (coloquial) [f]
insignificant thing menudencia [f]
filthy thing marranada [f]
filthy thing guarrería [f]
manner of saying thing which is incomplete or suggests that more reticencia [f]
pretty little thing monada [f]
little thing tontada [f]
little thing nadería [f]
worthless thing porquería [f]
arbitrary thing arbitrariedad [f]
obvious thing obviedad [f]
a person or a thing that is in the fifteenth position decimoquinta [f]
star-shaped thing estrella [f]
corny thing cursilería [f]
neat little thing monada [f]
disgusting thing asquerosidad [f]
undesirable thing basura [f]
dumb thing tontería [f]
poor thing pobrecita [f]
trivial thing pequeñez [f]
silly thing parida [f]
small thing cosilla [f]
little thing cosilla [f]
all sorts of thing toda clase de cosas [f]
someone that or thing that protects something guardia [m/f]
someone that or thing that protects something guarda [m/f]
pertaining to a single person or thing individual [adj]
a person or a thing that is in the sixtieth position sexagésimo [adj]
take or say a thing for trocar [v]
make a thing level with another emparejar [v]
(a certain thing) give someone a headache darle algo dolor de cabeza a alguien [v]
(a certain thing) slip one's mind olvidársele algo a alguien [v]
(a certain thing) slip one's mind pasársele algo a alguien por completo [v]
take one thing for another entender mal [v]
bend a thing doblar [v]
do the right thing tomar las decisiones correctas [v]
go through the same thing pasar por lo mismo [v]
do a thing like that hacer semejante cosa [v]
do one's own thing ir por libre [v]
be the best thing ser lo mejor [v]
say the wrong thing meter la pata [v]
be the next-best thing ser la próxima cosa mejor [v]
do one's own thing andar en su onda [v]
do one's own thing hacer la suya [v]
do one's own thing ir a su rollo [v]
amount to the same thing ser lo mismo [v]
amount to the same thing venir a ser lo mismo [v]
not to understand a thing no entender ni jota [v]
do a good thing for hacer algo bueno por [v]
not to know the first thing about something no saber ni papa [v]
do the right thing in hacer bien en [v]
accommodate one thing to another atemperar a [v]
be quite the thing ser lo más indicado [v]
be the best thing ser lo más indicado [v]
be the proper thing ser lo más indicado [v]
do the right thing comportarse como es debido [v]
distinguish one thing from another discernir una cosa de otra [v]
separate one thing from another discernir una cosa de otra [v]
discern one thing from another discernir una cosa de otra [v]
attenuate or suppress the dramatic character of a thing desdramatizar [v]
give manly character to a thing or person virilizar [v]
lick a thing langüetear [v]
interfere one thing with another interpenetrarse [v]
ask about a thing preguntar acerca de una cosa [v]
ask someone for a thing pedir algo a alguien [v]
be a different thing ser otro boleto [v]
not to mention a thing callar [v]
do the right thing at the right time hacer lo idóneo en el momento idóneo [v]
do the right thing at the right time hacer lo correcto en el momento indicado [v]
do a mad thing hacer una locura [v]
do the right thing at the right time hacer lo correcto en el momento correcto [v]
do a mad thing cometer una locura [v]
agree to do the same thing acordar hacer lo mismo [v]
the thing (what) lo [pron]
that thing aquello [pron]
first thing in the morning a primera hora de la mañana [adv]
as a general thing de forma general [adv]
as a general thing como norma [adv]
as a general thing en términos generales [adv]
the thing is que [conj]
sure thing dalo por hecho [interj]
advantages over one thing to another ventajas y desventajas (sobre algo) [f/pl]
advantages over one thing to another ventajas de una cosa sobre otra [f/pl]
used to indicate to the speaker that their refusal to do something is actually an interest in that thing brincos dieras [expr] MX
that's not my thing por cierto de [expr] MX disused
excellent thing la última chupada del mango [n] PE
unimportant thing of little value fotuto de camello [n] PR
exceptional thing un canto de [n] DO PR
admirable thing un canto de [n] DO PR
person or thing with assured success grito y plata [n] CL
person or thing that has no substance, grace, or liveliness gusto a nada [n] BO CL PY
thing that produces a short-lived interest gusto a poco [n] BO CL
silly thing simpleza
a sure thing algo seguro
a sure thing una cosa segura
a thing or two un rato
a thing or two un rato largo
a person or a thing that is in the twenty-eighth position vigésimo octavo
a person or a thing that is in the twenty-fifth position vigésimo quinto
a person or a thing that is in the twenty-fourth position vigésimo cuarto
a person or a thing that is in the twenty-ninth position vigésimo noveno
a person or a thing that is in the twenty-second position vigésimo segundo
a person or a thing that is in the twenty-seventh position vigésimo séptimo
a person or a thing that is in the twenty-third position vigésimo tercero
the most amazing thing of lo más impresionante de todo
the real thing lo auténtico
the same old thing sota, caballo y rey
the important thing lo importante
the other thing lo otro
next thing I knew lo siguiente que supe
the only thing lo único
the main thing chiste [m]
deepest part of a thing profundo [m]
cunning-way of doing a thing amaño [m]
place where a thing is tied atadero [m]
bulky thing balumbo [m]
manner/method of doing a thing camino [m]
locking up a thing encerramiento [m]
discrediting (person/thing) desacreditador [m]
disentailing (person/thing) desamortizador [m]
turning/winding a thing borneo [m]
country/thing discovered descubrimiento [m]
thing found hallazgo [m]
greatest care in doing a thing extremo [m]
useless thing, of poor quality hueso [m]
badly made thing engendro [m]
thing stolen hurto [m]
person or thing extravagantly loved ídolo [m]
principal or essential part of a thing fondo [m]
trifling thing estropajo [m]
smallest part of a thing punto [m]
someone who puts one thing into another metedor [m]
poor little thing pobrecico [m]
poor little thing pobrecillo [m]
poor little thing pobrecito [m]
thing to lean upon reclinatorio [m]
someone who carries a thing from place to place pasador [m]
thing prepared preparativo [m]
any place or thing where one can sit sentadero [m]
pernicious thing veneno [m]
useless thing desecho [m]
any place or thing where one can sit banco [m]
bath (a washing or dipping of a thing) lavado [m]
a person or a thing that is exerting such power or action influencia [f]
locking up a thing encerradura [f]
inclination of the balance-needle to the thing weighed candela [f]
corporeal thing corporalidad [f]
connexion of one thing with another coligación [f]
poor thing criatura [f]
connexion of one thing with another comunicación [f]
any valuable thing obtained easily breva [f]
comparing one thing with another confrontación [f]
strongest part of a thing fuerza [f]
form given to a thing hechura [f]
figure given to a thing hechura [f]
fanciful thing filigrana [f]
knack of doing a thing perfectly filis [f]
mark which a thing leaves upon the ground jacilla [f]
a valued person/thing joya [f]
trivial thing guagua [f]
trifling thing maula [f]
nearest distance of one thing from another mediación [f]
thing of small value minucia [f]
form in which a thing is made manifactura [f]
person/thing greatly loved prenda [f]
main part of a thing nata [f]
flimsy/unsubstantial thing tiritaña [f]
someone who puts one thing into another metedora [f]
frivolous thing chufleta [f]
trivial thing cosa baladí [f]
discrediting (person/thing) desacreditadora [f]
disentailing (person/thing) desamortizadora [f]
poor little thing pobrecica [f]
poor little thing pobrecilla [f]
poor little thing pobrecita [f]
exquisite/unique thing fénix [m/f]
an odd number, thing/person impar [m/f]
self-propelling (thing) automotor [adj]
made to be placed against or joined to a thing arrimadizo [adj]
said of a place locked and of the thing which locks it cerradero [adj]
complicating (person/thing) complicador [adj]
penetrate into a thing ahondar [v]
do a thing cleverly amañar [v]
put one thing inside another atestar [v]
put a thing in action actuar [v]
come to the knowledge of a thing arrimarse [v]
clear a thing from mud/clay desembarrar [v]
hasten the execution of a thing aviar [v]
pass by a thing without taking notice of it desentenderse [v]
dash one thing against another chocar [v]
clear a thing of rust desherrumbrar [v]
not to mention a thing callarse [v]
determine the quality of a person or thing calificar [v]
be almost as high (one thing) as (another) barbear [v]
return a thing bartered destrocar [v]
diminish the value of a thing desvalorizar [v]
root out love for a person or thing desapasionarse [v]
lose love or liking for a person or thing desapegarse [v]
take no notice of a person or a thing desatender [v]
break a thing slightly cascamajar [v]
break off part of a thing descantillar [v]
be bent upon a thing cebarse [v]
cut a thing without dividing it entrecortar [v]
make one thing tight against another inculcar [v]
trim or clear a thing from superfluities escamondar [v]
nail one thing to another hincar [v]
adjust one thing inside another encuadrar [v]
possess oneself of a thing enseñorearse [v]
have some motive for doing a thing entenderse [v]
do a thing with great care remirarse [v]
place one thing behind or after another posponer [v]
pass rapidly from one thing to another saltear [v]
add (one thing to another) sobreponer [v]
force oneself to do a thing violentarse [v]
sleep on a thing trasnochar [v]
determine the quality of a person or thing evaluar [v]
dash one thing against another hacer chocar [v]
break off part of a thing descantonar [v]
no such thing nada de eso [m]
long-standing thing antigüedad [f]
frivolous thing chufla [f]
idle thing bagatela [f]
little thing cosita [f]
brazen out a thing sostener una cosa con impudencia [v]
put a thing in black and white poner por escrito una cosa [v]
be at the bottom of a thing ser el causante de una cosa [v]
hurry over a thing hacer una cosa con prisa [v]
hurry over a thing despachar una cosa [v]
take a thing ill llevar a mal [v]
trouble someone to do a thing rogar a uno que haga una cosa [v]
no such thing de eso nada [adv]
cut a thing asunder cortar una cosa en dos partes
the thing lo que está de moda
the thing lo que se desea
the thing lo necesario
main thing or idea eje [m]
silly thing pavo [m] ES
exceptionally gifted person or remarkable thing coloso [m] fig.
feigned, artificial thing bullarengue [m] CU
useless thing retobo [m] CO
very strong person/thing roble [m] fig.
worthless or contemptible person or thing muérgano [m] CO
bulky thing balume [m] disused
unpleasant (person/thing) asquete [m] AR UY derog.
causing rejection (person/thing) asquete [m] AR UY derog.
children´s game (in which someone says: "bando for whomever does such thing", and those who do not want to be "dropped" say: "barajo" and the rest obey) bando [m] GT
precious thing berunte [m] DO
valuable thing berunte [m] DO
great thing bisté [m] CU
despicable thing caguaso [m] CU
terrific thing bisté [m] CU
easy thing to do bofe [m] PR
fantastic thing bisté [m] CU
easy thing to get bilí [m] PR
easy thing to get bofe [m] PR
easy thing to do bollo [m] UY
big thing bolondrón [m] PR
superfluous thing bolsillo de payaso [m] CL
useless thing anafe [m] DO
easy thing to do bilí [m] PR
easy thing bombón [m] CU
great thing bisté [m] CU
crowd of people who want the same thing burucón [m] SV
person/thing that keeps someone grounded in reality cable a tierra [m] CO CL AR UY
exhausting thing or situation that causes problems cacho [m] CL
a complicated issue or thing ajiaco [m] CU
absurd thing clavo [m] CU
imbalance between an individual and a certain fact/thing desfasaje [m] CU
new thing cuerito [m] NI
new thing cuero [m] NI
poorly made thing or poorly done work chafalote [m] AR disused
someone of poor quality (thing) charrul [m] NI
rotten thing chorote [m] DO
useless thing chereveco [m] CR
useless thing chimbilico [m] PA
useless thing cosiaco [m] CR
promising person/thing cheque a fecha [m] CL
sloppy thing chinchorro [m] SV
conical thing churute [m] HN SV
useless thing chereveco [m] CR
broken thing chorote [m] DO
disgusting thing chicle [m] DO
bare thing chucho [m] PR
poorly made thing chinchorro [m] SV
broken thing chueco [m] DO
cheap and low-quality thing chuipi [m] DO
worthless thing escambray [m] PR
dented thing desfondado [m] CR
small thing of no value fifí [m] PR
dented thing esfondado [m] CR
deformed thing esfondado [m] CR
deformed thing desfondado [m] CR
good thing candela [m] CU
excellent thing candela [m] CU
difficult thing cañón [m] DO
neat thing candela [m] CU
man or thing that has no expression or movement gato de yeso [m] CL rare
old, decomposed or bad quality thing gajo [m] CR
coming back into style (person or thing) come back (inglesa) [m] PR
size of a thing or a person color [m] VE
old thing cosiaco [m] CR
old thing chéchere [m] PA VE CR CO
useless thing cosiaco [m] CR
useless thing chéchere [m] PA VE CR CO
thing that hangs colgandejo [m] CO derog.
flap, rag, or thing of little value that hangs colgadejo [m] PR
flap, rag, or thing of little value that hangs colgalejo [m] CU PR
flap, rag, or thing of little value that hangs guindalejo [m] CU PR
extravagant thing gufeo [m] PR
small thing gurrumiche [m] SV
insignificant thing gurrumiche [m] SV
insignificant thing gurrumiche [m] SV
good thing heavy brother (inglés) [m] PR
flap, rag, or thing of little value that hangs colgalejo [m] CU PR
flap, rag, or thing of little value that hangs colgadejo [m] PR
small thing gurrumiche [m] SV
extraordinary thing gufeo [m] PR
fantastic thing heavy brother (inglés) [m] PR
thing without value junk (inglés) [m] US PR
confusing thing embolinamiento de perdiz [m] CL
dripping person or thing empapamiento [m] CU
drenched person or thing empapamiento [m] CU
sopping person or thing empapamiento [m] CU
expensive and non-productive thing elemento [m] PR
good thing machete [m] VE
soaked person or thing empapamiento [m] CU
old and ugly thing mamotreto [m] GT SV DO VE UY
small thing detalle de carpintería [m] HN
positive thing machete [m] VE
wet person or thing empapamiento [m] CU
undamaged thing mono con cabeza [m] CL
very large thing nanasco [m] SV
someone's thing mero mole [m] MX GT
despicable thing méndigo [m] MX
unharmed thing mono con cabeza [m] CL
thing of little value or quality mugre [m] MX CR CL PY AR derog.
insignificant thing méndigo [m] MX
easy thing miqueo [m] PR
disagreeable thing pajazo mental [m] EC PE derog.
man or thing that brings bad luck pavoso [m] VE
useless thing pajurria [m] CU