hunt - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "hunt" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 44 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
hunt cazar [v]
hunt cacería [f]
hunt caza [f]
hunt ir de caza [v]
hunt montería [f]
hunt montear [v]
hunt perseguimiento [m]
hunt busca [f]
hunt cazata [f]
hunt persecución [f]
hunt chuchear [v]
hunt montear [v]
hunt seguimiento [m]
hunt persecución [f]
hunt búsqueda [f]
hunt seguir [v]
hunt perseguir [v]
hunt acosamiento [m]
hunt perseguimiento [m]
hunt jauría [f]
hunt asociación de cazadores [f]
hunt buscar una cosa [v]
hunt recorrer [v]
hunt hacer un registro minucioso [v]
hunt seguir la pista [v]
hunt ir en busca [v]
hunt cuadrilla de perros para cazar
hunt tomar [v] disused
hunt venadear [v] MX SV
hunt zalear [v] rur.
hunt dar caza [v]
hunt cazar [v]
hunt captura [f]
hunt pendulación [f]
hunt pesquisa [f]
hunt inestabilidad [f]
hunt oscilar constantemente [v]
hunt registrar [v]
hunt ser inestable [v]
hunt oscilar [v]
hunt oscilar sobre la charnela de la resistencia
hunt guiñar repetidamente
hunt cazar [v]
hunt emplazar [v]

Sens de "hunt" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 183 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
you hunt cazas [v]
hunt caiman caimanear [v]
hunt down dar caza a [v]
hunt down perseguir [v]
stick tied to a dog's collar to prevent them from following prey during a hunt tanganillo [m]
stick tied to a dog's collar to prevent them from following prey during a hunt tarangallo [m]
hunt party busca [f]
set of animals killed in the hunt cacería [f]
big game hunt caza mayor [f]
small game hunt caza menor [f]
clump of mistletoe to hunt birds liga [f]
calling hounds to hunt jaleador [adj]
hunt or fish with a harpoon arponear [v]
hunt from a perch site empercharse [v]
hunt with a ferret huronear [v]
call hounds to hunt jalear [v]
hunt bird pajarear [v]
treasure hunt caza del tesoro [f]
witch-hunt caza de brujas [f]
wild hunt cacería salvaje [f]
boar hunt caza de jabalí [f]
duck hunt cacería de patos [f]
hunt for buscar [v]
hunt down cazar [v]
hunt lizards lagartear [v]
house hunt buscar casa [v]
hunt illegally cazar en vedado [v]
hunt alligator caimanear [v]
hunt vultures cazar buitres [v]
treasure hunt búsqueda del tesoro
canned hunt tipo de caza donde se confina a un animal dentro de una cerca para facilitar la tarea del cazador
hunt after buscar [v]
hunt with a ferret huronear [v]
hunt after desear con ansia [v]
hunt after correr tras [v]
hunt up and down buscar por todos lados [v]
hunt counter ir contra la pista [v]
hunt out buscar con empeño [v]
hunt out buscar con éxito [v]
hunt out descubrir [v]
hunt whale ballenear [v]
arrow with a little copper ball on the end used for fishing or to hunt birds chipote [m] HN
witch hunt cazabrujismo [m] HN
dog trained to hunt spotted paca lapero [m] VE
hounding in a hunt jupeo [m] PA
nighttime hunt where animals are stunned with a lantern luceo [m] GT
small trap to hunt wolves patuco [m] VE
dog trained to hunt large cats perro tigrero [m] BO:E
hunt and peck picapollo [m] GT SV
staring at the hunt jaleo [m] AL
stick tied to a dog's collar to prevent them from following prey during a hunt taragallo [m] rare
scaffold used to watch a hunt barbacoa [f] VE disused
viewpoint used to watch a hunt barbacoa [f] VE disused
animal hunt (greater rheas or guanacos) boleada [f] AR
trap made of reeds or sticks used to hunt birds or other small animals cimbra [f] SV AR:Ne
crocodile hunt lagarteada [f] MX rare
alligator hunt lagarteada [f] MX rare
fox hunt with dog packs zorreada [f] CL disused rur.
fox hunt with dog packs zorreadura [f] CL disused
set of animals killed in the hunt cacera [f] ES local
trained to hunt iguanas (dog) garrobero [adj] HN
trained to hunt mountain lions leonero [adj] CL
trained to hunt deer venadero [adj] MX GT HN NI CR EC
able to hunt iguanas garrobero [adj] NI
trained to hunt wild boar jabalinero [adj] ES local
make a soft whistling sound to hunt iguanas silbar iguanas [v] CR VE
hunt armadillos cachicamear [v] VE
chase an animal out of a cave in order to hunt it desencuevar [v] MX HN NI DO CO rur.
hunt coatis or armadillos cusuquear [v] HN SV rur.
hunt for guanacos chulenguear [v] CL:S AR:S
hunt capybara carpinchear [v] AR:Ne UY
hunt iguanas garrobear [v] HN SV NI
hunt guanacos guanaquear [v] AR:Nw rur.
hunt guanacos guanaquear [v] CL
hunt iguanas iguanear [v] SV
hunt iguanas iguaniar [v] NI
hunt iguanas iguaniar [v] NI
hunt alligators lagartear [v] MX rare
hunt or fish using a light lamparear [v] MX PA
hunt crocodiles lagartear [v] MX rare
hunt sea lions lobear [v] AR rare
hunt animals at night by stunning them with a lantern lucear [v] GT
hunt at night encandilar [v] CR rur.
hunt armadillos peludear [v] AR rur.
hunt prey revolver [v] HN
hunt wild livestock vaquear [v] AR
hunt fox with dog packs zorrear [v] CL disused rur.
hunt fox zorrear [v] CR CU rur.
hunt deer venadear [v] HN SV NI
hunt with a crossbow ballestear [v] rare
hunt vultures buitrear [v] CL rare
hunt iguanas garrobear [v] NI
hunt or fish using a light lamparear [v] MX
hunt sea lions lobear [v] AR
be on the hunt lobear [v] rare
hunt by moonlight lunear [v] MX
hunt wildlife mariscar [v] PY
hunt mice murar [v] rare
hunt at night rondar [v] ES local
hunt down venadear [v] MX SV
hunt foxes zorrear [v] CL UY
run with the hare and hunt with the hounds nadar entre dos aguas [v]
hunt high and low (for someone or something) buscar afanosamente (a alguien o algo) [v]
hunt high and low (for someone or something) buscar por todas partes (a alguien o algo) [v]
be on the hunt for something irse a ojeo de algo [v]
run with the hare and hunt with the hounds apoyar a ambos bandos en una disputa [v]
run with the hare and hunt with the hounds jugar a dos puntas [v]
run with the hares and hunt with the hounds estar en la misa y en la procesión [v]
run with the hare and hunt with the hounds apoyar dos visiones contrarias [v]
run with the hare and hunt with the hounds jugar a dos bandas [v]
run with the hare and hunt with the hounds servir a dios y al diablo [v]
be on the hunt for andar a caza de algo [v]
be on the hunt for andar a la caza de algo [v]
hunt birds with esparto noose traps cazar al espartillo [v]
hunt birds with esparto noose traps coger al espartillo [v]
hunt in wait cazar a espera [v]
hunt in wait cazar a la espera [v]
hunt small prey cazar en mano [v]
hunt by beating echar un ojeo [v]
a witch-hunt una caza de brujas
tall enough to hunt geese with a rake alto como una torre
tall enough to hunt geese with a rake alto como un pino
tall enough to hunt geese with a rake muy alto
hunt and peck picar maíz [v] CU rare
best time to hunt el mejor momento para cazar
the hunt went well la caza fue buena
hunt for something buscar algo [v]
hunt through something rastrear a través de algo [v]
hunt for rastrear [v]
hunt after rastrear [v]
hunt for revenge cazar en rececho [v]
hunt for revenge cazar a rececho [v]
witch hunt caza de brujas
witch hunt cacería de brujas [f]
hunt through bichar [v] UY
hunt alligators caimanear [v] CO PE BO
hunt with cats and you catch only rats dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres
who hunt without dogs might be lost in the hills quien caza sin perros, se pierde en los cerros
that dog won't hunt eso no sirve
elephant hunt estrategia para adquirir grandes compañías o conquistar clientes importantes
hunt for pussy buscar flete [v] CU
duane-hunt law ley de duane y hunt
dwayne-hunt law ley de dwayne-hunt
tolosa-hunt syndrome síndrome de tolosa-hunt
ramsay-hunt syndrome síndrome de ramsay-hunt
ramsay hunt paralysis parálisis de ramsay hunt
tolosa-hunt syndrome síndrome de tolosa-hunt
tolosa-hunt syndrome síndrome de tolosa-hunt
Construction Machinery
anti-hunt feature antivacilación [f]
anti-hunt feature estabilizador de cambios
hunt submarines cazar submarinos [v]
job hunt buscar trabajo [v]
hunt over a complete level girar hasta el fin [v]
level hunt exploración de nivel [f]
anti-hunt filter filtro contra fluctuaciones
anti-hunt circuit circuito de antifluctuación
hunt radar radar de seguimiento
hunt cutoff detector detector de corte de oscilaciones
hunt generator circuit circuito generador de oscilaciones
British Slang
berkeley hunt coño [m]
berkshire hunt coño [m]
berkeley hunt vagina
berkshire hunt vagina
berkeley hunt vulva
berkshire hunt vulva
gareth hunt gilipollas
gareth hunt deshonesto
gareth hunt despreciable
gareth hunt hijo de puta
gareth hunt canalla
gareth hunt bastardo
extensive circular corral used to hunt vicuñas which are corralled into the pen chaco [m] BO AR:Nw
arrangement of places and positions of the hunt concierto [m]
small bolas used to hunt lesser rheas choiquera [f] AR
using bird calls to hunt chuchero [adj]
(a greyhound) find the trail of the hunt tocar [v]
hunt with a sling acabestrillar [v]
hunt birds chuchear [v]
hunt birds along the riverside volar alguien la ribera [v]
prepare a falcon to hunt by withholding food and water templar [v]
traditional dance representing the vicuña hunt llipi [m] PE:Se
traditional dance representing the vicuña hunt llipi puli [m] PE:Se
ceremony to start a vicuña hunt kacha kuna [f] AR:N rur.