contar - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "contar" dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 59 résultat(s)

Espagnol Anglais
contar [v] count
contar [v] tell
contar [v] relate
contar [v] consider
contar [v] include
contar [v] have
contar [v] be
contar [v] be worth
contar [v] be important
contar [v] count with
contar [v] believe
contar [v] have faith
contar [v] rely on
contar [v] tell (a story)
contar [v] narrate
contar [v] relate
contar [v] number
contar [v] relate
contar [v] count up
contar [v] bear in mind
contar [v] remember
contar [v] take into account
contar [v] rehearse
contar [v] relate a story
contar [v] confide
contar [v] share
contar [v] number
contar [v] describe
contar [v] reckon
contar [v] enumerate
contar [v] compute
contar [v] book
contar [v] consider
contar [v] charge to an account
contar [v] range
contar [v] rate
contar [v] look (upon)
contar [v] calculate
contar [v] depend
contar [v] reckon (on)
contar [v] rely
contar [v] date
contar [v] tell off
contar [v] quantify
contar [v] recite
contar [v] report
contar [v] retail
contar [v] spin out
contar [v] state
contar [f] accompt
contar [v] tally
contar [v] PR assume something
contar [v] numerate
contar [v] let out
contar [v] pass on
contar [v] take for
contar [v] tally
contar [v] reckon
contar [v] recount

Sens de "contar" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 345 résultat(s)

Espagnol Anglais
contar con [v] rely on
contar con [v] count on
contar con [v] count in
contar con [v] have (something)
contar un [v] tell a story
contar con [v] expect
contar con [v] depend on
contar (con) [v] count on
contar de nuevo [v] retell
contar mentiras [v] tell lies
contar mal [v] miscount
contar hasta diez [v] count to ten
contar a alguien cómo nacen los niños [v] tell someone about the facts of life
volver a contar [v] recount
contar una historieta [v] tell a short tale
contar una historia [v] tell a tale
contar una historia [v] tell a story
contar una historieta [v] tell a short story
contar batallitas [v] tell war stories
contar con algo [v] count on something
contar con algo [v] bank on something
contar un chiste [v] tell a joke
contar un secreto a alguien [v] tell someone a secret
contar un secreto [v] breathe a word
contar historias [v] bear tales
ser obligado a cuidarse de sí mismo sin contar con la ayuda de los demás [v] be thrown back on one's own resources
ser demasiado numeroso para contar [v] be too numerous to be counted
haber tan pocos que se pueden contar con los dedos de la mano [v] be so few one can count them on the fingers of one hand
ser tan pocos que se pueden contar con los dedos de la mano [v] be so few one can count them on the fingers of one hand
acordar contar la misma historia [v] agree to tell the same story
sin contar con [conj] let alone
por no hablar de, sin contar con [conj] let alone
para de contar that's all
tabla de contar abacus
no contar not to count
contar en secreto [v] confide in
contar votos [v] count votes
contar con uno [v] depend upon someone
contar fábulas [v] fable
contar con algo [v] build
contar con [v] build upon
contar (con) [v] confide
contar falsedades [v] fib
contar con [v] count upon
contar en coro [v] sing in chorus
contar mentiras/fábulas [v] make up
contar mal [v] miscast
contar mal [v] miscompute
contar con [v] reckon upon
contar con [v] make sure of
contar con [v] trust
contar con uno [v] trust to a person
contar con uno [v] trust in a person
contar (con) [v] rest
contar un cuento [v] spin a yarn
contar los bocados (a uno) [v] watch someone eat
contar una historia larga e increíble [v] spin a yarn
acto de contar accounting
contar con [v] lean on
besar y contar [v] kiss and tell
contar con prestaciones [v] have benefits
tratar de contar las estrellas [v] do the impossible
contar la biblia en verso [v] tell something down the last detail
contar la biblia en verso [v] tell something in great detail
contar la biblia en verso [v] tell something without missing a single detail
contar su película a alguien [v] bare one's heart to someone
contar muchas navidades [v] be pretty old
contar su película a alguien [v] get off one's chest to someone
contar los garbanzos [v] be miserly
contar su película a alguien [v] have a heart-to-heart talk
contar los garbanzos [v] be money grubber
contar los garbanzos [v] be penny pincher
contar su película a alguien [v] open one's heart to someone
contar los garbanzos [v] be very stingy
contar su película a alguien [v] pour one's heart out
contar su película a alguien [v] sing one's heart out to someone
contar algo del hilo al ovillo [v] tell something down the last detail
contar algo del hilo al ovillo [v] tell something in great detail
contar algo con puntos y comas [v] tell something down the last detail
contar algo del hilo al ovillo [v] tell something without missing a single detail
contar su película a alguien [v] pour one's heart out to someone
contar algo con puntos y comas [v] tell something in great detail
contar algo con puntos y comas [v] tell something without missing a single detail
contar su película a alguien [v] unbosom oneself to someone
contar su película a alguien [v] unburden oneself to someone
contar a alguien como muerto [v] take someone for dead
contar la gente [v] count heads
contar la gente [v] count noses
contar las personas [v] count noses
contar los pollos antes de incubar los huevos [v] count one's chickens before they're hatched
contar un buen chiste [v] crack a good joke
contar un chiste [v] crack a joke
contar algo en reserva a alguien [v] take into one's confidence
contar cuentos chinos [v] draw the longbow
contar historias sin fundamento [v] draw the longbow
contar historias absurdas [v] draw the longbow
contar historias falsas [v] draw the longbow
contar con el apoyo de alguien [v] have (got) one's back
contar batallitas [v] tell old stories
contar con alguien [v] rely on someone
contar corderitos [v] count sheep
contar los minutos [v] count minutes
contar maravillas de alguien [v] speak very well of someone
contar con historias [v] talk through one's hat
contar safaris [v] shoot a line
contar safaris [v] show off
contar bolas [v] lie
contar bolas [v] cook up
contar trolas [v] cook up
contar maravillas de alguien [v] speak highly of someone
contar trolas [v] lie
contar con historias [v] tell a fib/lie
contar con historias [v] make up
contar bolas [v] tell a fib
contar con historias [v] draw the longbow
contar trolas [v] tell a fib
contar safaris [v] brag
contar con historias [v] tell large stories
contar safaris [v] bluster
contar bolas [v] fib
contar bolas [v] tell a lie
contar trolas [v] fib
contar trolas [v] tell a lie
contar bolas [v] talk through one's hat
contar bolas [v] make up
contar trolas [v] make up
contar trolas [v] talk through one's hat
contar algo con entusiasmo [v] paint in glowing colours
contar historias inverosímiles [v] spin a yarn
contar historias fantásticas [v] spin a yarn
contar historias inventadas [v] spin a yarn
contar cuentos fabulosos [v] spin a yarn
no contar con la huéspeda [v] ignore in a calculation or arrangement the person whose assent is essential
no contar con la huésped [v] ignore in a calculation or arrangement the person whose assent is essential
no contar con la huéspeda [v] reckon without one's host
no contar con la huéspeda [v] miscalculate
no contar con la huésped [v] miscalculate
no contar con la huéspeda [v] not foresee the problems that may hinder unexpectedly
no contar con la huésped [v] not foresee the problems that may hinder unexpectedly
no contar con la huéspeda [v] reckon erroneously
no contar con la huésped [v] reckon erroneously
no contar con la huésped [v] reckon without one's host
contar una mentira descarada [v] tell an outright lie
contar de memoria [v] tell off-the-top-of-the-head
contar chismes [v] tell tales out of school
querer contar las estrellas [v] reach for the moon
querer contar las estrellas [v] reach for the stars
contar con los dedos [v] (can) count on your fingers
contar por menudo [v] tell in detail
contar los recuerdos [v] think about or tell of past experiences or events
contar sus cuitas [v] tell one's troubles
contar maravillas de alguien [v] recite praises for someone
contar maravillas de alguien [v] rave over someone
contar los recuerdos [v] talk or write about old times
contar maravillas de alguien [v] sing the praises of someone
contar maravillas de alguien [v] rave about someone
contar sus cuitas [v] tell one's problems
contar los recuerdos [v] talk about past experiences
contar maravillas de alguien [v] sing someone's praises
contar con los dedos [v] count on one's fingers
contar por los dedos [v] count on one's fingers
contar los pasos a alguien [v] follow someone closely
y pare usted de contar [expr] that's it
y pare usted de contar [expr] that's all she wrote
y para de contar [phrase] and that's all
y para de contar [phrase] and that's it
y para de contar [phrase] period
contar con algo under one's belt
contar los días que faltan para look forward to
contar acerca de let on about
no abrir la boca (no contar algo) keep mum
contar cosas verdes talk smut
(contar con) otro recurso another string to bow
es fácil como contar hasta tres as easy as falling off a log
es fácil como contar hasta tres as easy as shooting fish in a barrel
si aún queda por contar you don't know the half of it
para logar algo uno debe contar con los medios necesarios as cat in gloves catches no mice
contar algo falso make something up out of whole cloth
contar los problemas personales bare one's soul
contar los problemas personales bare one's heart
contar todo lo que uno sabe lay one's cards on the table
contar los problemas personales a alguien bare one's soul to someone
contar una mentira make something up out of whole cloth
más de lo que puedes contar more than you can shake a stick at
más de lo que uno puede contar more someone or something than one can shake a stick at
más de lo que uno puede contar more than one can shake a stick at
poder contar algo con los dedos de una mano can count something on the fingers of one hand
contar bulto [v] MX accompany with gestures
contar las chauchas [v] CL UY be hard-up
contar las chauchas [v] CL UY be short of cash
contar las chauchas [v] CL UY be low on money
contar los pesos [v] CL UY be low on money
contar las costillas [v] GT NI control
contar las costillas [v] GT NI count every penny
contar las chauchas [v] CL UY count every penny
contar los pesos [v] CL UY count every penny
contar las costillas [v] GT NI evaluate
contar plata delante de los pobres [v] NI CO:W CL flaunt something in front of someone who lacks that thing
contar las costillas [v] GT NI inspect
contar las costillas [v] GT NI judge
contar las costillas [v] GT NI analyze
contar las costillas [v] GT NI regulate
contar bulto [v] MX speak with one's hands
contar las costillas [v] GT HN ask someone for an explanation
contar las costillas [v] GT HN ask someone to spill the beans about something or someone
contar los pollitos antes de nacer [v] VE assume something is guaranteed before it happens
contar las costillas [v] GT NI supervise
contar los pollitos antes de nacer [v] VE take for granted
contar cuentos de camino real [v] HN NI tell tall tales
llamar a contar [v] CU ask for an explanation
quedar para contar el cuento [v] CL survive
quedar para contar el cuento [v] CL be a survivor
no quedarse ni para contar el cuento [v] EC CL die in an accident or strange way
contar chistes verdes [v] tell dirty jokes
puedo personalmente contar i can personally tell you that
tal vez me hayas oído contar esto antes you might have heard me tell this one before
te voy a contar todo i'll tell you everything
te voy a contar algo i'll tell you something
no preguntes, que yo no voy a contar do not ask, do not tell
voy a contar hasta tres i'm going to count to three
te voy a contar ahora mismo I'm gonna tell you right now
no te voy a contar nada i'm not going to tell you anything
no puede ni contar hasta tres he can't even count to three
sería largo de contar it's a long story
deja de contar los minutos! stop counting minutes
es largo de contar it's a long story
no te lo puedo contar I can't tell you
¿tienes algo nuevo que contar? anything new down your way?
¿puedo contar contigo? can I count on you?
puedo contar contigo may I count on you
más que lo que puedes contar more than you can shake a stick at
no te puedo contar aquí I can't tell you in here
hay mucho que contar there are many things to tell
hay muchas cosas que contar there are many things to tell
nos encantaría contar con usted we would love to have you
necesito saber que puedo contar contigo i need to know that i can count on you
contar conmigo count on me
contar con [v] calculate on
contar con [v] look to
contar con [v] bank on
contar con [v] allow for
contar hasta [v] count to
contar con [v] bargain for
contar con [v] bargain on
contar con [v] rely upon
contar de antemano con que [v] gamble on
contar con [v] reckon on
contar con [v] reckon with
contar con algo [v] bet on something
contar con que pase algo [v] bet on something
contar con alguien [v] count on someone
contar con [v] call upon
contar el dinero recaudado [v] cash up
no contar para nada [v] count for nothing
contar hacia atrás [v] count back
contar uno por uno [v] count out
contar uno por uno [v] count someone or something up
contar uno por uno [v] count someone or something off
contar a alguien dentro de algo [v] rank someone among something
contar (con alguien) [v] reckon into
contar con alguien [v] plan on someone
contar algo entre sollozos [v] sob something out
contar a partir de [v] count from something up
contar desde algo para arriba [v] count from something up
contar hasta count up to
contar con alguien look to somebody
contar hasta diez count out
a contar desde [expr] counting from
a contar desde [expr] starting from
sin contar not counting
sin contar excluding
y para de contar and that's it
y para de contar and that's all
y pare usted de contar and that's all
y pare usted de contar and this is all
y pare usted de contar nothing more to say
y pare usted de contar that's it
y pare usted de contar and that's all there is to it
y pare usted de contar and that's it
contar de uno a cien [v] count to one hundred
contar milongas [v] make implausible excuses
contar milongas [v] keep harping
contar milongas [v] fuss at/about
contar milongas [v] make up stories
contar milongas [v] niggle about
contar mil bienes de alguien [v] praise extol
contar mil bienes de alguien [v] acclaim
contar por hecho algo [v] consider done
querer contar las estrellas [v] reach for the stars
querer contar las estrellas [v] reach for the moon
no contar con la huéspeda [v] miscalculate
no contar con la huéspeda [v] not foresee a problem
contar alguien las vigas [v] stare off into space
ponerse a contar alguien las vigas [v] stare off into space
contar hasta cien count to one hundred
contar hasta tres count to three
¡a mí me lo vas a contar! tell me about it!
¿qué locura o qué desatino me lleva a contar las ajenas faltas, teniendo tanto que decir de las mías? people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones
contar todo lo que sabe [v] spew one's guts out
contar mentiras chat shit
contar sobre la vida privada kiss-and-tell
contar sobre la vida privada kiss and tell
contar la verdad run it down
contar mal [v] miscount
contar algo sesgadamente [v] spin
contar los votos [v] poll
contar de nuevo [v] recount
estrategia de contar lo que uno sabe knowledge-telling strategy
contar palabras [v] count words
demasiado numeroso para contar too numerous to count
contar de diez en diez [v] count by tens
contar por dieces [v] count by tens
contar hacia atrás [v] count backwards
contar con los dedos [v] count on the fingers
saber contar [v] know how to count
contar en forma regresiva [v] count backwards
contar de cinco en cinco [v] skip count by fives
contar de dos en dos [v] skip count by twos
contar salteado [v] skip counting
contar con marcas [v] keep tally
contar de dos en dos [v] count by twos
contar de cinco en cinco [v] count by fives
contar hacia adelante [v] count on
sin contar skip counting
contar salteando skip counting
contar números naturales counting natural numbers
contar y medir counting and measuring
método de contar counting method
el sistema para contar counting system
principio fundamental de contar fundamental counting principle
número de contar counting number
contar con palitos tally mark
contar por múltiplos de un número skip count
números para contar counting numbers
contar dinero [v] count out
contar géneros [v] tale
contar con detalles [v] minute
contar con [v] command
contar palabras [v] count words
contar con [v] calculate
contar el tiempo time
contar hacia atrás count down
contar mal miscount
contar como rank as
contar el tiempo [v] time