emotional - Allemand Anglais Dictionnaire



Meanings of "emotional" in German English Dictionary : 14 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
emotional psychisch [adj]
emotional emotional [adj]
emotional gefühlsmäßig [adj]
emotional seelisch bedingt [adj]
emotional seelisch [adj]
emotional bewegt [adj]
emotional ergreifend [adj]
emotional gefühlvoll [adj]
emotional gefühlsbetont [adj]
emotional bewegt [adj]
emotional gerührt [adj]
emotional emotional [adj]
emotional bewegt [adj]
emotional emotional [adj]

Meanings of "emotional" in English German Dictionary : 9 result(s)

Allemand Anglais
emotional [adj] emotional
emotional [adj] emotive
emotional [adj] affective
emotional [adj] affectional
emotional [adj] emotionalistic
emotional [adj] feely
emotional [adv] emotively
emotional [adj] emotional
emotional [adj] emotional

Meanings of "emotional" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 125 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
emotional person Gefühlsmensch [m]
emotional stupor Emotionsstupor [m]
emotional block Affektstau [m]
emotional state Gemütszustand [m]
emotional abuse emotionaler Missbrauch [m]
emotional breakdown emotionaler Zusammenbruch [m]
emotional calm innerer Frieden [m]
emotional calm Seelenfrieden [m]
emotional mean emotionaler Durchschnitt [m]
financial and emotional damage finanzielle und emotionale Schäden [m]
emotional act Affekthandlung [f]
emotional outburst Gefühlswallung [f]
emotional strain seelische Belastung [f]
emotional stupor Schreckstarre [f]
emotional support emotionale Unterstützung [f]
emotional disturbance Affektstörung [f]
emotional state Gemütsverfassung [f]
emotional blackmail psychologische Erpressung [f]
emotional disorder Gefühlsstörung [f]
emotional distress seelische Belastung [f]
emotional disorder emotionale Störung [f]
emotional numbing emotionale Erstarrung [f]
emotional intelligence emotionale Intelligenz [f]
emotional lability Affektlabilität [f]
a strong emotional bond eine starke emotionale Bindung [f]
emotional action emotionale Handlung [f]
emotional adaptation emotionale Anpassung [f]
emotional anxiety emotionale Angst [f]
emotional attachment emotionale Bindung [f]
emotional attachment emotionale Verbundenheit [f]
emotional blocking emotionale Blockierung [f]
emotional bond emotionale Bindung [f]
emotional bond emotionale Verbindung [f]
emotional bond emotionale Beziehung [f]
emotional calm innere Ruhe [f]
emotional calm Gemütsruhe [f]
emotional calm emotionale Ruhe [f]
emotional commitment emotionale Bindung [f]
emotional commitment emotionale Verpflichtung [f]
emotional constipation emotionale Verstopfung [f]
emotional emptiness emotionale Leere [f]
emotional exploitation emotionale Ausbeutung [f]
emotional health seelische Gesundheit [f]
emotional health emotionale Gesundheit [f]
emotional intimacy emotionale Nähe [f]
emotional intimacy emotionale Intimität [f]
emotional loneliness emotionale Einsamkeit [f]
emotional necessity emotionale Notwendigkeit [f]
emotional neutrality emotionale Neutralität [f]
emotional quotient emotionale Intelligenz [f]
emotional shortcoming Gefühllosigkeit [f]
emotional shortcoming Emotionslosigkeit [f]
emotional siege emotionale Bestürmung [f]
emotional tie emotionale Bindung [f]
emotional tie emotionale Verbundenheit [f]
emotional torture emotionale Folter [f]
emotional torture emotionale Qual [f]
emotional void emotionale Leere [f]
emotional life Innenleben [n]
emotional life Seelenleben [n]
emotional whirligig Gefühlskarussell [n]
emotional distress seelisches Leid [n]
emotional deprivation syndrome Deprivationssyndrom [n]
emotional intelligence level emotionales Intelligenzniveau [n]
emotional well-being emotionales Wohlbefinden [n]
emotional well-being seelisches Wohlbefinden [n]
be emotional emotional sein [v]
be emotional aufgeregt sein [v]
be emotional aufgewühlt sein [v]
be emotional bewegt sein [v]
be emotional gefühlvoll sein [v]
be emotional emotionell sein [v]
be on an emotional rollercoaster auf einer emotionalen Achterbahn sein [v]
be on an emotional rollercoaster auf einer Achterbahn der Gefühle sein [v]
become emotional emotional werden [v]
become emotional gefühlvoll werden [v]
become emotional gerührt werden [v]
get emotional Gefühle zeigen [v]
get emotional emotional werden [v]
get emotional sich aufregen [v]
emotional people Gefühlsmenschen [pl]
emotional outbursts Gefühlswallungen [pl]
emotional and behavioural difficulties emotionale und verhaltensbedingte Schwierigkeiten [pl]
emotional cues emotionale Hinweise [pl]
emotional cues emotionale Signale [pl]
emotional relations emotionale Beziehungen [pl]
emotional relations gefühlsmäßige Beziehungen [pl]
emotional sharing and intimacy emotionales Teilen und Intimität [n/f]
physical/emotional abuse körperlicher/seelicher Missbrauch
mental (emotional) equilibrium seelisches Gleichgewicht
emotional instability emotionale Instabilität
emotional blunting gefühlsmäßiges Abstumpfen
emotional sales argument emotionales Verkaufsargument
emotional suffering seelisches Leid
be tired and emotional betrunken sein [v]
be tired and emotional besoffen sein [v]
based on the emotional state nach dem Gefühlszustand
emotional sales argument emotionales Verkaufsargument
emotional contagion emotionale Ansteckung [f]
emotional and social development emotionale und soziale Entwicklung
emotional diarrhoea Stressdiarrhoe [f]
emotional deprivation emotionale Deprivation
emotional response emotionale Reaktion
emotional stability Ausgeglichenheit der Gefühle
emotional & behavioral difficulty emotionale- und Verhaltensprobleme
emotional support Emotionale Unterstützung
emotional need emotionales Bedürfnis
emotional amenorrhea emotionale Amenorrhö
emotional suffering seelischer Schmerz [m]
emotional Stroop test Emotions-Stroop-Test [m]
emotional flattening Gefühlsverarmung [f]
emotional contagion Gefühlsansteckung [f]
emotional blackmail emotionale Erpressung [f]
emotional disorder emotionelle Störung [f]
absence of emotional bond Bindungslosigkeit [f]
lack of emotional detachment Distanzlosigkeit [f]
emotional awareness emotionale Achtsamkeit [f]
emotional lability Stimmungslabilität [f]
emotional numbing emotionale Betäubung [f]
emotional ambivalence Gefühlsambivalenz [f]
emotional blunting gefühlsmäßiges Abstumpfen [n]
reduced emotional responsivity/responsiveness verminderte emotionale Ansprechbarkeit
Software Testing
emotional intelligence emotionale Intelligenz
emotional expression Gefühlsausdruck [m]
emotional expression Gefühlsausdrücke [f]