transportation - Alemán Inglés Diccionario



Meanings of "transportation" in German English Dictionary : 24 result(s)

Inglés Alemán
transportation Transport [m]
transportation Verkehr [m]
transportation Beförderung [f]
transportation Abschiebung [f]
transportation Transport [m]
transportation Versand [m]
transportation Verkehrswesen [n]
transportation Verkehrsmittel [n]
transportation Transport [m]
transportation Zufuhr [f]
transportation Beförderung [f]
transportation Verkehrswesen [n]
transportation Transportwesen [n]
transportation Speditionsbranche [f]
transportation Transportbranche [f]
transportation Beförderungsmittel [n]
transportation Abtransport [n]
transportation Verkehrswesen [n]
transportation Fuhrgewerbe [n]
transportation Speditionsgewerbe [n]
transportation Speditionswesen [n]
transportation Transportgewerbe [n]
transportation Transportwesen [n]
transportation Beförderung [f]

Meanings of "transportation" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 204 result(s)

Inglés Alemán
free of transportation charges frachtfrei [adj]
by all means of transportation mit allen Transportmöglichkeiten [adv]
by all means of transportation mit allen Verkehrsmitteln [adv]
materials transportation Materialtransport [m]
way of transportation Transportweg [m]
air transportation Luftverkehr [m]
aerial transportation Transport per Luft [m]
aerial transportation Lufttransport [m]
automotive transportation Automobil-Transport [m]
cargo transportation Gütertransport [m]
domestic transportation inländischer Transport [m]
free transportation kostenloser Transport [m]
highway transportation Straßentransport [m]
highway transportation Güterfernverkehr [m]
human transportation Personenverkehr [m]
human transportation menschlicher Transport [m]
transportation safety Verkehrssicherheit [f]
transportation statistics Beförderungsstatistik [f]
transportation sector Verkehrswirtschaft [f]
cargo transportation Lastbeförderung [f]
cargo transportation Güterbeförderung [f]
choice of transportation Wahl des Verkehrsmittels [f]
choice of transportation Wahl des Transportmittels [f]
domestic transportation inländische Beförderung [f]
human transportation menschliche Fortbewegung [f]
peril of transportation Transportrisiko [n]
transportation engineering Verkehrsingenieurwesen [n]
department of transportation Verkehrsministerium [n]
perils of transportation Transportrisiken [pl]
ways of transportation Transportwege [pl]
routes of transportation Transportwege [pl]
modes of transportation Transportmethoden [pl]
transportation accidents Verkehrsunfälle [pl]
modes of transportation Transportarten [pl]
modes of transportation Transportweisen [pl]
domestic transportation inländische Beförderungsmittel [pl]
domestic transportation inländische Verkehrsmittel [pl]
domestic transportation inländische Transportmittel [pl]
in-plant transportation innerwerklicher Transport
air transportation Luftverkehr [m]
inland transportation insurance Binnentransportversicherung [f]
mode of transportation Transportart [f]
transportation risk Transportrisiko [n]
peril of transportation Transportrisiko [n]
transportation costs Transportkosten [pl]
in relation to air transportation in Bezug auf den Lufttransport
city transportation städtische Verkehrsmittel
Business Correspondence
as to the mode of transportation was den Transport betrifft
Passenger Transportation Act Personenbeförderungsgesetz [n]
EU Terms
transportation tariff Beförderungstarif [m]
transportation system Transportmittel
transportation roller Tragwalzenroller
public transportation Kollektivverkehr [m]
public transportation öffentlicher Personennahverkehr [m]
public transportation öffentlicher Personennahverkehr (ÖPNV) [m]
public transportation Öffis [pl]
public transportation öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
transportation fuel Kraftstoff [m]
mass transportation Massentransport [m]
inland transportation Landtransport [m]
surface transportation Landtransport [m]
transportation of goods Güterbeförderung [f]
mass transportation Massenbeförderung [f]
transportation of goods Güterabfertigung [f]
transportation equipment Transportanlage [f]
transportation plant Transportanlage [f]
transportation equipment Förderanlage [f]
transportation equipment Transporteinrichtung [f]
transportation device Transportvorrichtung [f]
transportation securing device Transportsicherung [f]
Department of Transportation Bundesverkehrsministerium [n]
means of transportation Transportmittel [n]
means of transportation Beförderungsmittel [n]
Department of Transportation (DoT) Verkehrsministerium [n]
railroad transportation Bahntransporte [pl]
transportation facilities Transportmittel [pl]
workpiece transportation Werkstücktransport [m]
dispatch transportation Abfertigungsspedition [f]
space transportation system (sts) Raumfahrttransportsystem [n]
traffic and transportation psychology Verkehrs- und Transportpsychologie [f]
transportation system Transportsystem [n]
waste transportation Abfalltransport [m]
transportation route Transportweg [m]
hazardous materials transportation Gefahrguttransport [m]
transportation policy Verkehrspolitik [f]
transportation mean Verkehrsmittel [n]
Waste Transportation Act Abfallverbringungsgesetz [n]
transportation services Verkehrsträger [pl]
Act on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Gesetz über die Beförderung gefährlicher Güter
transportation performance Transportleistung [f]
means of transportation Fördermittel [pl]
transportation of pigs Schweinetransport [m]
livestock transportation Viehtransport [m]
aerospace transportation Raumtransport [m]
air transportation Lufttransport [m]
air transportation Lufttransport
car transportation Autotransport [m]
automobile transportation by sea Automobilseetransporte [pl]
air transportation Luftweg [m]
air transportation Lufttransport [m]
clothing transportation Bekleidungstransport [m]
freight transportation Güterverkehr [m]
hazmat transportation Gefahrguttransport [m]
hazardous materials transportation Gefahrguttransport [m]
long-haul transportation Güterfernverkehr [m]
mass transportation Massenverkehr [m]
passenger transportation Fahrgastverkehr [m]
passenger transportation Personenverkehr [m]
route of transportation Transportweg [m]
transportation (of something) Transport (etwas) [m]
transportation (of something) Transport [m]
transportation by crane Krantransport [m]
transportation of polar bears Eisbärentransport [m]
transportation of silver coins Silbermünzentransport [m]
transportation of reptiles Reptilientransport [m]
transportation tariff Beförderungstarif [m]
pipeline transportation Pipelinetransport [m]
high-speed ground transportation bodengebundener [m]
ground level transportation Flurförderung [f]
main transportation channel Magistrale [f]
main transportation channel Hauptverkehrsader [f]
mode of transportation Transportart [f]
passenger transportation Personenbeförderung [f]
transportation (of something) Beförderung [f]
transportation industry Speditionsbranche [f]
transportation industry Transportbranche [f]
transportation lock Transportsicherung [f]
transportation infrastructure Verkehrsinfrastruktur [f]
(means of) transportation Verkehrsmittel [n]
ground level transportation Flurförderwesen [n]
mass transportation system Massenverkehrsmittel [n]
means of transportation Fortbewegungsmittel [n]
means of transportation Fördermittel [n]
means of transportation Transportmittel [n]
means of transportation Beförderungsmittel [n]
transportation company Verkehrsunternehmen [n]
transportation industry Fuhrgewerbe [n]
transportation industry Speditionsgewerbe [n]
transportation industry Transportgewerbe [n]
transportation industry Speditionswesen [n]
transportation industry Transportwesen [n]
transportation risk Transportrisiko [n]
transportation engineering Verkehrssystemmanagement [n]
public transportation system öffentliches Verkehrssystem [n]
automatic transportation system automatisches Transportsystem [n]
guided public mass transportation system spurgebundenes Massentransportsystem [n]
continuous transportation system Nonstop-Transportsystem [n]
main transportation channels Hauptverkehrsadern [pl]
main transportation channels Magistralen [pl]
modes of transportation Transportarten [pl]
transportation companies Verkehrsunternehmen [pl]
transportation locks Transportsicherungen [pl]
transportation risks Transportrisiken [pl]
city transportation städtische Verkehrsmittel [pl]
public transportation öffentliche Verkehrsmittel [pl]
freight transportation Güterverkehr {m} per Eisenbahn
intermodal transportation verkehrsträgerübergreifende Transporte
road transport/transportation die Beförderung auf der Straße
overland transportation Landtransport [m]
transportation logistics Transportlogistik [f]
mode of transportation Beförderungsart [f]
cost of transportation Transportkosten [pl]
means of transportation Transportmittel [pl]
tube transportation U-Bahn-Verkehr [m]
transportation system Verkehrssystem [n]
Transportation and Logistics Division Ressort Transport und Logistik
transportation systems Verkehrstechnik [f]
SAP Terms
transportation receipt Fahrtkostenbeleg [m]
flat rate for transportation Fahrtkostenpauschalsatz [m]
lump sum for transportation Fahrtkostenpauschale [f]
transportation scheduling Transportterminierung [f]
transportation group Transportgruppe [f]
transportation planning point Transportdispositionsstelle [f]
transportation processing Transportabwicklung [f]
transportation zone Transportzone [f]
transportation planning Transportdisposition [f]
transportation lead time Transportdispositionsvorlaufzeit [f]
transportation planning date Transportdispositionsdatum [n]
transportation firm Transportunternehmen [n]
transportation expenses Fahrgeld [n]
transportation costs Fahrtkosten [pl]
transportation connection point Verkehrsknoten [pl]
inland transportation insurance Binnentransportversicherung [f]
transportation risk Transportrisiko [n]
peril of transportation Transportrisiko [n]
transportation of tigers Tigertransport [m]
transportation of snakes Schlangentransport [m]
transportation of lions Löwentransport [m]
transportation of polar bears Eisbärentransport [m]
transportation of lions Löwentransport
transportation of polar bears Eisbärentransport
goods transportation Güterverkehr [m]
passenger transportation Personenverkehr [m]
transportation statistics Transportstatistik [f]
air transportation tax Luftverkehrsabgabe [f]
goods transportation Güterbeförderung [f]
air transportation tax Luftverkehrsteuer [f]
passenger transportation Personenbeförderung [f]
air transportation Lufttransport [m]
passenger transportation Personenverkehr [m]
transportation expert Fachkraft im Fahrbetrieb
engine driver and transportation Lokführer und Transport
Safety Engineering
transportation safety Transportsicherheit [f]
transportation source Transportquelle [f]