holy - Alemán Inglés Diccionario



Meanings of "holy" in German English Dictionary : 4 result(s)

Inglés Alemán
holy heilig [adj]
holy gottgefällig [adj]
holy geweiht [adj]
holy sakral [adj]

Meanings of "holy" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 213 result(s)

Inglés Alemán
Holy See Apostolischer Stuhl [m]
holy terror Satansbraten [m]
holy war heiliger Krieg [m]
holy ghost heiliger Geist [m]
clerk in holy orders Geistlicher [m]
clerk in holy orders Pastor [m]
clerk in holy orders Pfarrer [m]
clerk in holy orders Priester [m]
father the son and the holy spirit der Vater, der Sohn und der Heilige Geist [m]
holy day heiliger Tag [m]
holy ground heiliger Boden [m]
holy man heiliger Mann [m]
holy man heiliger Mensch [m]
holy man frommer Mann [m]
holy person heiliger Mensch [m]
holy roman emperor heiliger römischer Kaiser [m]
holy shrine heiliger Schrein [m]
holy spirit heiliger Geist [m]
Holy Lance Mauritiuslanze [f]
Holy Lance Longinuslanze [f]
holy thistle Frauendistel [f]
holy trinity heilige Dreieinigkeit [f]
holy thistle Heilandsdistel [f]
holy thistle Mariendistel [f]
holy place Zufluchtsstätte [f]
holy office Inquisition [f]
holy thistle Fieberdistel [f]
holy thistle Donnerdistel [f]
clerk in holy orders Geistliche [f]
clerk in holy orders Pastorin [f]
clerk in holy orders Pfarrerin [f]
clerk in holy orders Priesterin [f]
communion holy Heilige Kommunion [f]
communion holy Eucharistie [f]
holy ark heilige Truhe [f]
holy bible die Heilige Schrift [f]
holy bible Bibel [f]
holy birth week heilige Geburtswoche [f]
holy city heilige Stadt [f]
holy night heilige Nacht [f]
holy person heilige Person [f]
holy spring of orthodox greeks heilige Quelle der orthodoxen Griechen [f]
holy water Weihwasser [n]
the holy communion Abendmahl [n]
Hospice of the Holy Spirit Heilig-Geist-Spital [n]
holy place Schutzgebiet [n]
communion holy Abendmahl [n]
holy shrine Heiligtum [n]
holy trust heiliges Vertrauen [n]
receive (administer) Holy Communion das Abendmahl empfangen (reichen) [v]
blaspheme (against something holy) gegen etwas Heiliges lästern [v]
blaspheme (against something holy) blasphemieren [v]
take holy orders die Weihe empfangen [v]
confer holy orders geistliche Ämter übertragen [v]
holy Joes Popen [pl]
holy Joes Pfaffen [pl]
holy sites heilige Stätten [pl]
holy months heilige Monate [pl]
holy relics heilige Relikte [pl]
holy relics heilige Reliquien [pl]
holy relics heilige Altertümer [pl]
holy treasures heilige Schätze [pl]
holy writings heilige Schriften [pl]
holy crap Heilige Scheiße! [interj]
holy crap verdammter Mist! [interj]
Holy Lance heilige Lanze
Holy moly! Heiliger Bimbam!
incitement to a holy war Aufruf zum heiligen Krieg
the Holy Scripture die Heilige Schrift
the holy grail Heiliger Gral
the Holy See der Heilige Stuhl
the Holy Scriptures die Heilige Schrift
the Holy Writ die Heilige Schrift
Holy Land Heiliges Land
the Holy of Holies das Allerheiligste
holy orders Weihen
holy week Karwoche
the Holy Grail der Heilige Gral
Holy Ghost der Heilige Geist
holy week Passionswoche
Holy Thursday Gründonnerstag [m]
holy Joe Pfaffe [pejorativ] [m]
holy Joe Pope [m]
Holy Saturday Ostersamstag [m]
Holy Willie Pharisäer [m]
Holy moly! Heiliger Strohsack!
Holy crap! Heilige Scheiße!
holy roman empire Heiliges Römisches Reich
holy war heiliger Krieg
EU Terms
Holy Cross province Woiwodschaft Heiligkreuz
Holy See Heiliger Stuhl
electoral dignity (in the Holy Roman Empire) Kurwürde [f]
Free Imperial Knights of the Holy Roman Empire Reichsritterschaft [f]
Holy Alliance Heilige Allianz [f]
Holy Office Römische Inquisition [f]
Holy Saturday Ostersonnabend [Norddt.][Mitteldt.] [m]
Holy Saturday Ostersonnabend [m]
Holy Saturday Karsamstag [m]
Holy Thursday Gründonnerstag [m]
holy water bearer Weihwasserträger [m]
holy card Gebetszettel [m]
Holy Father Papst [m]
Holy Father Heiliger Vater [m]
holy water sprinkler Weihwasserwedel [m]
Holy Joe Betbruder [m]
Holy Joe Pfaffe [m]
holy orders geistlicher Stand [m]
epiclesis (invocation of the Holy Spirit) Epiklese [f]
Holy Communion Eucharistie (christliches Sakrament) [f]
Holy Communion Eucharistie [f]
Holy Communion heilige Kommunion [f]
Holy Fire ceremony (Orthodox Church) Zeremonie [f]
Holy Orders (Catholic Sacrament) Weihe (katholisches Sakrament) [f]
Holy Orders (Catholic Sacrament) Weihe [f]
Holy Spear Longinuslanze [f]
Holy Spear Mauritiuslanze [f]
Church of the Holy Cross Kreuzkirche [f]
Holy Scripture Heilige Schrift [f]
Holy Family Heilige Familie [f]
Holy Lance Heilige Lanze [f]
Holy Trinity Church Dreifaltigkeitskirche [f]
Holy Writ Heilige Schrift [f]
holy orders Priesterweihe [f]
Holy Mother Church Heilige Mutter Kirche [f]
Holy Office Inquisition [f]
gift of the Holy Spirit Geistesgabe [f]
Church of the Holy Sepulcher Grabeskirche [f]
Holy Week Karwoche [f]
Holy Communion Abendmahl [n]
Holy Communion Altarssakrament [n]
Holy Communion allerheiligstes Sakrament [n]
holy water Weihwasser [n]
holy water font Weihwasserbecken [n]
holy picture Andachtsbild [n]
Holy Sepulcher Heiliges Grab [n]
holy place Heiligtum [n]
Holy Rood Kreuz Christi [n]
holy of holies Allerheiligstes [n]
Gregorian holy water Gregoriuswasser [n]
sacrament of holy orders Weihesakrament [n]
holy book heiliges Buch [n]
holy anointing oil heiliges Salböl [n]
holy card kleines Andachtsbild [n]
Holy Sepulchre Heiliges Grab [n]
to receive Holy Communion das Abendmahl empfangen [v]
to administer Holy Communion das Abendmahl reichen [v]
holy oils heilige Öle [pl]
holy water bearers Weihwasserträger [pl]
Holy Roman Empire Heiliges Römisches Reich (HRR)
Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation
Holy Spear heilige Lanze
the Holy Ghost (old use) der Heilige Geist
the Holy Spirit der Heilige Geist
the Holy Trinity die heilige Dreieinigkeit
Holy Communion das Abendmahl
the Holy Ghost der Heilige Geist
the holy of holies das Allerheiligste
Holy Grail heiliger Gral
Holy Roman Empire Heiliges Römisches Reich
holy thistle Gemeine Mariendistel [f]
holy thistle ChristiKrone [f]
holy thistle Frauendistel [f]
holy thistle Heilandsdistel [f]
holy thistle Mariendistel [f]
root of the Holy Ghost Brustwurz [f]
root of the Holy Ghost Angelika [f]
holy thistle Donnerdistel [f]
holy thistle Fieberdistel [f]
holy grass Esparsette [f]
holy basil Königsbasilikum [n]
holy grass Ruchgras [n]
holy grass Mariengras [n]
holy grass Vanillegras [n]
holy grass Bisongras [n]
holy basil Tulsi [n]
holy grass Süßgras [n]
holy thistle Stechkörner [pl]
holy thistle Marienkörner [pl]
holy basil Tulsi
holy thistle Gemeine Mariendistel
holy basil Heiliges Basilikum
holy ghost Arznei-Engelwurz
holy thistle Christi Krone
holy ghost Echte Engelwurz
holy basil Indisches Basilikum
holy grass Mariengras
holy grass Esparsette
holy thistle Stechkörner
holy grass Süßgras
holy thistle Marienkörner
holy grass Vanillegras
holy grass Bisongras
holy thistle Heilandsdistel
holy thistle Donnerdistel
root of the Holy Ghost Brustwurz
holy thistle Fieberdistel
root of the Holy Ghost Angelika
holy grass Ruchgras
holy basil Königsbasilikum
holy thistle Mariendistel
holy thistle Frauendistel
holy rope Gemeiner Wasserdost
holy grass Duftendes Mariengras
holy rope Gewöhnlicher Wasserdost
holy grass Wohlriechendes Ruchgras
holy grass Duft-Mariengras
holy basil Tulasi
holy cross frog Katholikenfrosch (Notaden bennettii) [m]
holy cross frog Katholikenfrosch [m]
holy roll Lochwalze [f]
Most holy Mother of God' (Pärt) Hochheilige Gottesmutter' (Pärt)
Most holy Mother of God' (by Pärt/work title) Hochheilige Gottesmutter' (von Pärt/Werktitel)
holy warrior Gotteskrieger [m]