waste - Español Inglés Diccionario



Significados de "waste" en diccionario español inglés : 261 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
waste malgastar [v]
waste derroche [m]
waste basura [f]
waste derrochar [v]
waste residuo [m]
waste desecho [m]
waste desperdicio [m]
waste desgaste [m]
waste gastar [v]
waste perder [v]
waste malograr [v]
waste prodigar [v]
waste desperdiciar [v]
waste desperdicios [m/pl]
waste despilfarro [m]
waste ripio [m]
waste dispendio [m]
waste desaprovechamiento [m]
waste pérdida [f]
waste dilapidación [f]
waste evacuación [f]
waste echadizo [adj]
waste despilfarrar [v]
waste dilapidar [v]
waste echar a perder [v]
waste derramar [v]
waste desaprovechar [v]
waste vertidos [m/pl]
waste malgasto [m]
waste liquidar [v]
waste baldío [adj]
waste desaprovechamiento [m]
waste desecho [m]
waste desperdiciamiento [m]
waste desperdicio [m]
waste despilfarro [m]
waste rebujo [m]
waste rebús [m]
waste rehús [m]
waste residuo [m]
waste ripio [m]
waste vertido [m]
waste bazofia (italiano) [f]
waste escurraja [f]
waste metralla [f]
waste paja [f]
waste rebusca [f]
waste echadizo [adj]
waste echadizo [adj]
waste residual [adj]
waste abrasar [v]
waste acabar [v]
waste agotar [v]
waste aojar [v]
waste derretir [v]
waste derrochar [v]
waste desaprovechar [v]
waste desbaratar [v]
waste desbastar [v]
waste desgraciar [v]
waste desperdiciar [v]
waste despilfarrar [v]
waste dilapidar [v]
waste escamochar [v]
waste liquidar [v]
waste malbaratar [v]
waste malgastar [v]
waste malrotar [v]
waste perder [v]
waste prodigar [v]
waste pulir [v]
waste rehundir [v]
waste sembrar [v]
waste tirar [v]
waste residuos [m/pl]
waste vertidos [m/pl]
waste sobras [f/pl]
waste vertido [m]
waste gastamiento [m]
waste detrito [m]
waste cabezuela [f]
waste cloacal [adj]
waste de desecho [adj]
waste derrotar [v]
waste aburrir [v]
waste tirar [v]
waste flojear [v]
waste malbaratar [v]
waste malgastar (dinero) [v]
waste derrochar (dinero) [v]
waste perder (hora) [v]
waste residuos [m/pl]
waste desechos [m/pl]
waste albañal [m]
waste desierto [m]
waste derrame [m]
waste desagüe [m]
waste desbarate [m]
waste gasto [m]
waste estragamiento [m]
waste estrago [m]
waste desbarato [m]
waste consunción [f]
waste devastación [f]
waste borra [f]
waste disipación [f]
waste prodigalidad [f]
waste merma [f]
waste yermo [adj]
waste despender (gastar dinero o herencia) [v]
waste destrozar [v]
waste destruir [v]
waste derretir [v]
waste devastar [v]
waste comer [v]
waste desaguar [v]
waste desbaratar [v]
waste desbastar [v]
waste rehundir [v]
waste mermar [v]
waste moler [v]
waste malmeter [v]
waste malrotar [v]
waste limpiaduras [f/pl]
waste gasto inútil [m]
waste asolamiento [m]
waste daño [m]
waste decadencia [f]
waste disminución [f]
waste destrucción [f]
waste desechado [adj]
waste inculto [adj]
waste desolado [adj]
waste superfluo [adj]
waste devastado [adj]
waste asolado [adj]
waste de desperdicio [adj]
waste sobrante [adj]
waste quemar [v]
waste usar [v]
waste debilitar [v]
waste perder (tiempo) [v]
waste talar [v]
waste usarse [v]
waste consumirse [v]
waste desgastarse [v]
waste gastarse [v]
waste alterarse [v]
waste disiparse [v]
waste dañarse [v]
waste machigüe [m] NI rur.
waste rejús [m] AL
waste bafea [f] rare
waste mala barata [f] disused
waste marrotar [v] rare
waste supurar [v] disused
waste somatar [v] SV GT HN
waste farrearse [v] AR
waste aborrecer [v] rare
waste acotolar [v] ARA
waste desgastar [v] disused
waste feriar [v] CU EC
waste malmeter [v] disused
waste marlotar [v] rare
waste echadiza [adj/f]
waste baldía [adj/f]
waste yerma [adj/f]
waste desierta [adj/f]
waste inculta [adj/f]
waste desechada [adj/f]
waste asolada [adj/f]
waste desolada [adj/f]
waste devastada [adj/f]
waste superflua [adj/f]
waste echar a mal algo [v]
waste arrojar algo por la ventana [v]
waste echar algo por la ventana [v]
waste gastadero [m]
waste pegar [v]
waste zurrar la badana [v]
waste dar una paliza [v]
waste calentar [v]
waste fumarse [v]
waste fundir [v]
waste echar a perros algo [v]
waste quemar [v]
waste dar la teta al asno [v]
waste tragar [v]
waste farrearse [v] LAM
waste desechos [m]
waste despilfarro [m]
waste derroche [m]
waste pérdida [f]
waste despilfarrar [v]
waste desperdiciar [v]
waste malograr [v]
waste derrochar [v]
waste malgastar [v]
waste desperdicios
waste basura [f]
waste despojos [m/pl]
waste defectos [m] ES
waste desechos [m]
waste desperdicio [m]
waste yermo [m]
waste erial [m]
waste desperdicio [m]
waste derroche [m]
waste extensión [f]
waste erosión [f]
waste inmensidad [f]
waste derrochar [v]
waste mermas [f/pl]
waste borras [f/pl]
waste estériles de mina
waste destrozo
waste borra de algodón
waste desechos
waste despojos [m/pl]
waste desperdicios
waste efluente [m]
waste cascote [m]
waste desperdicio [m]
waste desmonte [m]
waste despojo [m]
waste merma [f]
waste estopa [f]
waste limpia [f]
waste desgastar [v]
waste restos [m/pl]
waste desechos [m/pl]
waste ataques [m/pl]
waste estopa [f]
waste mengua [f]
waste botar [v]
waste arrojar [v]
waste escombrera [f]
waste abandonar [v]
waste arruinar [v]
waste agotar [v]
waste perderse [v]
waste consumir [v]
waste disipar [v]
waste desolar [v]
waste desechos [m/pl]
waste recortes [m/pl]
waste tubo de evacuación
waste rezago [m]
waste deterioro [m]
waste efluentes [m/pl]
waste escombrera [f]
waste estériles [m/pl]
waste desmontes [m/pl]
waste estériles [m/pl]
waste desechos sólidos
waste pérdida [f]
waste desecho o residuo
waste gastar [v]
waste desgastar [v]
waste gastar [v]
waste efluente [m]

Significados de "waste" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 500 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
waste products residuos [m/pl]
medium level waste mlw [m]
waste away consumirse [v]
waste land páramo [m]
waste products residuo [m]
waste products desperdicio [m]
waste time detenerse [v]
waste one's breath gastar saliva [v]
waste away carcomerse [v]
waste away chuparse [v]
lay waste talar [v]
waste time perder el tiempo [v]
waste time demorar [v]
lay waste yermar [v]
waste away deshacerse [v]
liquid waste from pressing olives alpechín [m]
waste bin cesto de los papeles [m]
waste water pipe colector [m]
silk waste escarzo [m]
waste rock escombro [m]
waste stone lastre [m]
paper machine waste pile pudridor [m]
sugar mill waste tank balsa [f]
waste from grains barcia [f]
waste of slaughtered meat carniza [f]
waste money faltriquera [f]
liquid waste from pressing olives jámila [f]
silk waste maraña [f]
waste to be removed purga [f]
waste of space desecho [adj]
waste time bobear [v]
waste away carcomerse [v]
waste away chuparse [v]
go to waste empobrecerse [v]
waste time enredar [v]
waste away escomerse [v]
go to waste perderse [v]
intermediate level waste ilw [m]
waste of time pérdida de tiempo [m]
low and intermediate level waste lilw [m]
radioactive waste residuo radiactivo [m]
kind of waste residuo radiactivo [m]
sorting and collecting waste materials for new use reciclaje [m]
waste of money despilfarro [m]
body waste desecho del organismo [m]
effluent waste water efluente de aguas residuales [m]
effluent waste water efluente de flujos de residuo [m]
wood waste viruta [f]
waste paper basket papelera [f]
cotton waste borra [f]
body waste residuos del organismo [m/f]
lay waste devastar [v]
waste away consumirse [v]
lay waste correr [v]
waste or squander desaprovechar [v]
waste away pudrirse [v]
waste time holgazanear [v]
waste time malgastar energías [v]
waste time perecear [v]
waste breath gastar saliva [v]
waste energy derrochar energía [v]
waste energy desperdiciar energía [v]
waste energy malgastar energía [v]
waste time malgastar el tiempo [v]
waste time desaprovechar el tiempo [v]
waste time desperdiciar el tiempo [v]
waste money despilfarrar dinero [v]
waste money derrochar dinero [v]
waste money desperdiciar dinero [v]
be a waste of time ser una pérdida de tiempo [v]
waste words gastar frases [v]
waste time and energy gastar la pólvora en salvas [v]
waste time gastar tiempo [v]
waste one's fortune merendarse una fortuna [v]
waste one's fortune dar al traste con una fortuna [v]
waste time mamonear (tiempo) [v]
waste money foolishly despilfarrar [v]
lay waste to arrasar [v]
waste land eriales [m/pl]
iron waste desperdicios [m/pl]
domestic solid waste residuos domésticos sólidos [m/pl]
waste water aguas residuales [f/pl]
kind of waste water aguas negras [f/pl]
don't make me waste my time! si no compra, no mallugue [expr] MX SV
this is a waste of time y el rancho ardiendo [expr] PA
a great waste of time una gran pérdida de tiempo
waste shredder trituradora de residuos
waste crusher trituradora de residuos
radioactive waste residuo radiactivo
a waste of time una pérdida de tiempo
waste disposal unit triturador de basuras
organic waste desechos orgánicos
radioactive waste basura radioactiva
radioactive waste detrito radioactivo
nuclear waste residuos nucleares
waste land acampo [m]
sharer of waste lands to cultivate alijarero [m]
waste-pipe desaguadero [m]
waste-book borrador [m]
excessive waste of time or fortune dispendio [m]
waste land being put in cultivation escalio [m]
someone who lays waste talador [m]
waste country yermo [m]
waste meat bazofia [f]
laying waste depredación [f]
waste of time dilatoria [f]
silk waste borra [f]
waste wood fraga [f]
someone who lays waste taladora [f]
relating to waste lands alijariego [adj]
waste money abrasar [v]
lay waste asolar [v]
waste away atrofiarse [v]
make waste ayermar [v]
waste by degrees desgastarse [v]
lay waste desolar [v]
waste away demacrarse [v]
waste paper by scribbling on it borronear [v]
waste by friction ludir [v]
waste away revenirse [v]
jay waste talar [v]
waste time entretener [v]
waste time distraer [v]
faggots of waste wood támaras [f/pl]
waste-basket cambucho [m]
waste paper papel de desecho [m]
waste pipe tubo de relleno [m]
waste-paper basket cesto para papeles [m]
waste-basket (eu) cesto para papeles [m]
waste silk borra de seda [f]
lay waste pasar a sangre y fuego [v]
waste away disminuirse [v]
waste away ir a menos [v]
waste away menguar [v]
waste away descaecer [v]
cotton waste desperdicios de algodón [m/pl]
waste picker basuriego [m] CO
a waste caguaso [m] CU
the waste of gravel pits babote [m] PR
waste management plant bordo [m] MX
a system of collection where waste collectors indicate their readiness by ringing a distinctive bell and possibly shouting campaneo [m] MX
place where waste is disposed in a mine desmonte [m] PE BO CL AR:Nw
mill waste chingaste [m] MX GT HN SV NI
basin waste outlet (plumbing) cenicero [m] CR
buyer of stolen ore residue or waste cangallero [m] CL:N rare
waste picker guajero [m] HN
waste scavenger guajero [m] HN
cotton yarn waste huaipe [m] EC PE BO CL
cotton waste huaipe [m] EC PE BO CL
poisonous waste from maguey picharra [m] SV
waste, especially from tobacco leaves pozol [m] GT HN SV
waste, especially from tobacco leaves pozole [m] GT HN SV
waste bin safacón [m] DO
cotton waste waipe [m] BO
cotton waste waipe [m] EC rare
mill waste shingaste [m] GT
mill waste shingaste [m] GT
cotton yarn waste waipe [m] BO
cotton yarn waste waipe [m] EC rare
waste bin tacho (portugués) [m] HN EC PE BO CL AR UY PY
waste bin tacho de basura (portugués) [m] EC rare
waste bin tacho de basura (portugués) [m] PE CL
waste bin tacho (portugués) [m] PE CL
waste trough cuérrago [m] ES local rur.
waste pile desatierre [m] HN
waste picker pepenador [m] MX
waste or unoccupied land covered with trees montaña [f] outdated BO CL CO HN PE VE
a masonwork pipe at soil level used to carry waste water/rain water atarjea [f] MX
waste food for feeding swine aguamasa [f] CO
waste of the maguey once the fiber to make sacks is extracted borrocha [f] SV
waste of time carambada [f] HN SV NI
demolition waste recovery business cascotera [f] AR
waste basket caneca (portugués) [f] CO VE
a waste cogioca [f] DO
sugar cane waste used as feed and fertilizer malhoja [f] AR
agave waste thrown into the rivers pirracha [f] SV
cotton waste wipe (inglés wiper) [f] GT EC PE
cotton yarn waste wipe (inglés wiper) [f] GT EC PE
waste water amurca [f] rare
olive oil mill waste amurca [f] rare
slaughterhouse waste guifa (árabe) [f] AL
waste picker pepenadora [f] MX
agave waste thrown into the rivers pirracha [f] SV
person in charge of throwing the rubble or mineral remains into the dump where waste is deposited botarripio [m/f] CL
person in charge of throwing the rubble or mineral remains into the dump where waste is deposited botarripios [m/f] CL
pertaining to a desert or waste land paramero [adj] VE EC
waste of space de adorno [adj] irony
waste of space de adorno [adj] irony
waste away aniquilarse [v] fig.
lay waste ermar [v] outdated
waste time embromar [v] CL EC MX PE
waste time idly poltronear [v] MX AR CL
go to waste afiambrarse [v] CL
waste money botar [v] AMER
waste time on unimportant activities boludear [v] BO PY AR UY
rummage in the waste dumps bucear [v] CR CU
collect waste in an area not served by the official garbage collection service campanear [v] MX
waste someone's time ahuevar [v] PR
waste something definfarrar [v] DO
collect waste in the streets or landfills to subsist by marketing recoverable or recyclable items from trash cirujear [v] AR
clear a field, removing first the low-lying vegetation, then the trees and branches, and finally burning the waste chaquear (del quechua) [v] BO
waste money farrearse [v] BO
waste something farrearse [v] CL
waste money fundirse [v] CL
waste time manguarear [v] VE
waste time mangüerear [v] VE
waste time empatar [v] CL rare
waste time miquear [v] PR
waste time novelear [v] HN PY
waste time nancear [v] HN
waste time on the streets mataperrear [v] CU BO:E AR
waste time on the streets mataperrear [v] EC rare
waste time opear [v] BO AR:Nw
waste time on silly things papearse [v] HN
waste time on silly things papalotear [v] MX GT NI
waste time pajuilear [v] SV DO
waste time pastorear [v] SV
waste time pelotearse [v] BO
waste time pendejear [v] HN SV BO UY
waste time cachacear [v] CR
waste time papear [v] GT
waste time perniciar [v] CO:Ne rare
waste time ranear [v] SV
lay waste to talar [v] PR
waste time vacilar [v] GT SV
waste money ventear [v] BO:E
waste time veletear [v] HN NI
waste time babosear [v] MX SV
waste time boludear [v] AR UY
waste away chancomer [v] HN SV NI
waste time empatar [v] CO
waste someone's time enchinchar [v] MX
waste time pelotudear [v] AR UY
lay waste to rasar [v] rare
leftovers, waste, or scraps of something chacuacos (del taras) [m/pl] SV
liquid industrial waste riles [m/pl] CL cult
food waste masaguas [f/pl] VE:W
liquid waste from pressing olives aguachas [f/pl] ES local
relating to waste lands alijariega [adj/f]
lay to waste arruinar [v]
waste one’s time coger agua en cesto [v]
waste one's breath malgastar saliva [v]
waste one time talking nonsense hablar al aire [v]
waste one time talking rubbish hablar al aire [v]
not to waste any time no andarse con requilorios [v]
not to waste time no criar moho [v]
waste one's time arar en el mar [v]
waste one's time cavar en el mar [v]
waste one's time hacer trazar una raya en el agua [v]
waste one's time ser una raya en el agua [v]
waste one's time trazar una raya en el agua [v]
go to waste desaprovecharse [v]
go to waste desperdiciarse [v]
go to waste ser desechado [v]
go to waste ir a la basura [v]
waste additional money after wasting money once echar dinero bueno al malo [v]
go to waste echar en saco roto [v]
waste one's efforts gastar pólvora en gallinazos [v]
waste one's efforts gastar pólvora en zopilotes [v]
waste one's efforts gastar pólvora en chimangos [v]
waste one's efforts gastar la pólvora en salvas [v]
waste one's time martillar en hierro frío [v]
waste one's time golpear en hierro frío [v]
waste one's time martillear en hierro frío [v]
waste one’s money hacer flux [v]
waste time trying to deal with enemies or problems that do not exist pelear contra molinos de viento [v]
waste time trying to deal with enemies or problems that do not exist luchar contra molinos de viento [v]
waste money for something malgastar dinero en algo [v]
waste money on something malgastar dinero en algo [v]
waste one's time coger agua en harnero [v]
waste time estar de arrimón [v]
waste one's time talking gastar palabras [v]
waste one's breath gastar palabras [v]
waste lavishly tirar de largo [v]
waste the coffers derramar la hacienda [v]
waste one's efforts gastar la pólvora en salvas [v]
not waste time doing something faltar tiempo a alguien para algo [v]
waste time gastar alguien el tiempo [v]
waste time perder tiempo [v]
waste time perder el tiempo [v]
waste an opportunity arrojar algo por la ventana [v]
waste an opportunity echar algo por la ventana [v]
haste makes waste vísteme despacio que tengo prisa [expr]
haste makes waste vísteme despacio que estoy de prisa [expr]
waste of space persona inútil
lay waste to asolar algo
waste of space desperdicio de espacio
lay to waste destruir
lay waste to devastar algo
waste one's breath gastar saliva inútilmente
waste no time in doing something no perder el tiempo haciendo algo
haste makes waste a gran prisa, gran vagar
haste makes waste vísteme despacio, que tengo prisa
haste makes waste quien mucho corre, atrás se halla
it is a waste of time no tiene caso
it is a waste of time es un caso, no pierdas el tiempo
waste one’s breath ladrar a la luna
haste makes waste vísteme despacio pues llevo prisa
great haste makes waste vísteme despacio que tengo prisa
haste makes waste vísteme despacio que tengo prisa
being a waste of space como la grasa de caballo [adj] CL derog.
waste something hacer algo pomada [v] SCN
waste time comer gofia [v] CU PR
waste money irse de bolsa [v] SV
waste time comer bola [v] CU DO
waste an opportunity pelar ese boche [v] VE
waste time andar con miqueos [v] PR
waste (something) irse por el chorro [v] PR
waste time or delay something entretener la nigua [v] GT
waste time fregar la pita [v] GT
talk, be idle, or waste time (romantic couple) estar en el witti witti (inglés witty witty) [v] US
waste time preñar la gata [v] SV
waste one's time comer gofio [v] CU PR
waste time comer gofio [v] CU PR
waste time hacer media [v] CU
waste time hacer una media [v] CU
waste money irse de bolsa [v] SV
waste one's time majar en hierro frío [v] GT
waste time echar maíz a la pava [v] PR
be a waste echarse una jurta [v] PR
waste time embolinar la perdiz [v] CL
waste time emborrachar la perdiz [v] BO CL
waste time matar la chiva [v] DO
waste time peinar la muñeca [v] PE
waste time pelar la pava [v] HN
waste time pelarse la verga [v] HN
waste time preñar la gata [v] SV
waste time rayar la papa [v] CL
waste time rayar la papa [v] CL
waste an opportunity tirar al petate [v] HN NI
lay waste to meter a barato [v] disused
not waste a minute no perder patada [v] CR
waste one's efforts gastar pólvora en chimangos [v] PY AR UY
waste one's breath hablar de bueyes perdidos PY AR UY
don't waste your time no pierdas tu tiempo
don't waste electricity no gastes electricidad
don't waste your talent no desperdicies tu talento
don't waste your breath no gastes saliva
don't waste my time no desperdicies mi tiempo
don't waste your breath no gastes tus energías
I don't wanna waste your time no quiero hacerte perder el tiempo
a sheer waste of time una total pérdida de tiempo
it is a waste of time no tiene caso
what a waste of time! ¡qué manera de perder el tiempo!
what a waste of time! ¡qué pérdida de tiempo!
let's not waste any time no perdamos el tiempo
let's not waste time no perdamos el tiempo
why waste more time? ¿por qué perder más tiempo?
i don't have time to waste no tengo tiempo para perder
let's not waste resources no desperdiciemos recursos
what a waste of money! ¡qué derroche de dinero!
what a waste of money! ¡qué desperdicio de dinero!
there's no time to waste no hay tiempo que perder
a waste of time al dope AR
a waste of time al pedo PY AR UY
haste makes waste a gran prisa, gran vagar
waste of money sacacuartos [m]
waste of money sacadineros [m]
waste one’s time azotar el aire [v]
waste one’s time fatigarse en vano [v]
waste one’s time trabajar en valde [v]
be waste of space ser un cero a la izquierda [v]
waste one's time machacar en hierro frío [v]
be waste of space ser el último mono [v]
be waste of space ser un don nadie [v]
waste someone dejar frito a alguien [v]
lay waste hacer estragos [v]
waste something hacer algo polvo [v]
go to waste irse al garete [v]
waste one's money fumarse [v]
waste one’s time matar la araña [v]
waste money dar aire al dinero [v]
waste money dar aire al caudal [v]
waste one's talents tener el alma parada [v]
waste time escardar cebollinos [v]
waste money estar alguien mal con su dinero [v]
waste money rascar la faltriquera [v]
waste money rascarse la faltriquera [v]
waste one's money hacer alguien flux [v]
waste time hacerse alguien viejo [v]
waste one's time aporrearse alguien en la jaula [v]
waste one's time echar lanzas en la mar [v]
waste one's time andar alguien a picos pardos [v]
waste one's time irse de picos pardos [v]
waste one's time irse a picos pardos [v]
waste one's breath gastar saliva en balde [v]
waste not, want not quien no malgasta no pasa necesidades
waste one’s breath ladrar a la luna
waste one’s breath perder el tiempo (con algo imposible)
don't waste your time déjate de malas
waste of a resource gastadero [m] MX CR CO PE
waste one's time aplanar calles [v] LAM
waste time echar el pelo [v] SCN
waste something hacer algo bolsa [v] SCN
waste time (someone) batatear [v] PR
waste time babosear [v] MX GT HN SV NI CR
waste money despalillar [v] CU
waste money desparparrar [v] SV
waste something farrearse [v] AR UY
squander or waste goods feriar [v] CU EC
waste time huevonear [v] MX GT HN SV NI CO VE EC
waste time güevonear [v] MX HN SV PR CO VE EC
waste time huevoniar [v] HN NI
waste time huevear [v] EC PE CL
waste time pendejear [v] SV PA CO
waste time huesear [v] PA
waste one's opportunity lapidar [v] NI CL
waste time mariquear [v] CO
waste time mudenquear [v] GT
waste time pajearse [v] NI CL
waste time perecear [v] GT NI CR PA CO
waste resources zapatear [v] BO
waste time manguarear [v] VE
waste time nancear [v] HN
waste one's efforts gastar pólvora en gallinazo [v] EC
waste one's efforts gastar pólvora en zamuros [v] VE
waste one's efforts gastar pólvora en zanates [v] SV
haste makes waste vísteme despacio que tengo prisa
haste makes waste deprisa y bien
haste makes waste prisas son malas consejeras
great haste makes great waste más vale paso que dure y no trote que canse
haste makes waste más vale paso que dure y no trote que canse
more haste more waste más vale paso que dure y no trote que canse
waste someone freír a alguien [v]
waste one's time pasar el tiempo sin hacer nada [v]
waste one's time matar el tiempo [v]
waste one's time perder el tiempo [v]
waste one's time holgazanear [v]
waste someone derrotar a alguien [v]
waste someone matar a alguien [v]
waste time matar el tiempo [v]
waste someone golpear a alguien [v]
waste of space coño de su madre [n] VE derog.
waste of human sperm desperdicio humano
waste of sperm desperdicio humano
waste time hueveo [m] EC PE CL
waste one's time cojudearse [v] BO
waste time güevonear [v] MX HN SV PR CO VE EC
waste time huevear [v] BO
waste time huevear [v] AR
waste time joder [v] SV
waste time mojonear [v] PR
waste time pelársela [v] GT
waste time pelotudear [v] BO PY AR UY
waste iron chatarra [f]
to go to waste echarse a perder [v]
go to waste echarse a perder [v]
waste products desechos [m/pl]
household waste residuos domésticos
domestic waste basura doméstica
industrial waste desechos industriales
industrial waste residuos industriales
waste products material sobrante
waste of time pérdida de tiempo
waste products productos de desecho
processing of waste procesamiento de desperdicios
hazardous waste desperdicios peligrosos
waste recycling reciclado de residuos
waste recycling reciclaje de residuos
industrial waste residuos industriales
toxic waste residuos tóxicos
permissive waste deterioro de inmuebles por omisión
industrial waste desechos industriales
waste management gestión de residuos
energy waste desperdicio de energía
industrial waste desperdicios industriales
dangerous waste desperdicios peligrosos
toxic waste desperdicios tóxicos
manufacturing waste residuos manufactureros
waste-water treatment depuración de aguas residuales
waste of time pérdida de tiempo
waste management administración de residuos
waste of money pérdida de dinero
waste treatment tratamiento de residuos
commissive waste desperdicio activo
nuclear waste basura nuclear [f]
nuclear waste basura nuclear
nuclear waste residuos nucleares
Work Safety Terms
waste container contenedor con residuos [m]
hazardous waste residuo peligroso
waste disposal area zona de eliminación
waste disposal eliminación de residuos y desechos
waste-water treatment plant instalación de depuración de aguas residuales
radioactive waste desecho radiactivo
cotton waste borra de algodón
roving waste opener abridora de desperdicios de mechera
waste mould molde perdido
waste extraction system sistema de extracción de residuos
cotton waste borra de algodón [f]
fibrous waste borra fibrosa [f]
cotton waste borra de algodón
cotton waste desperdicios de algodón
materials waste desperdicio de materiales
waste product productos de desecho
waste product desecho [m]
waste product residuo [m]
agricultural waste residuo agrícola
affirmative waste deterioro de hecho
permissive waste deterioro negligente
waste treatment tratamiento de residuos