urine - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "urine" in Spanish English Dictionary : 26 result(s)

English Spanish
urine orina [f]
urine orín [m]
urine orín [m]
urine micción [f]
urine orina [f]
urine orines [m/pl]
urine aguas menores [f/pl]
urine pipí [m]
urine orines [m/pl]
urine aguas [f/pl]
urine chis [m] child
urine orine [m] PA CU VE
urine pipí [m] child
urine meadura [f] disused derog.
urine flaco [m]
urine pis [m]
urine meado [m] derog.
urine pichí [m] CL AR UY child
urine pichín [m] CL AR child
urine meada [f] derog.
urine meados [m/pl] derog.
urine agua [f]
urine orines [m]
urine orina [f]
urine urina [f]
urine orina [f]

Meanings of "urine" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 130 result(s)

English Spanish
urine stain culera [f]
spot made by urine meada [f]
related to urine úrico [adj]
(someone) hold one's urine aguantarse la orina [v]
(someone) hold one's urine/pee aguantarse la orina [v]
(someone) hold one's urine/pee aguantarse el pis [v]
pass bloody urine orinar sangre [v]
stain of urine in swaddling-clothes culera [f]
blood in the urine hematuria [f]
quantity of urine passed meada [f]
urine stain/marks meada [f]
discharge urine orinar [v]
smell of urine (goat) berrinche [m] MX NI CR:Nw PA CU CO:W PE
urine stream chingote [m] HN:N child
urine collection bag papagayo [m] PE AR
strong smell of urine tinaco (de tin and co®) [m] EC:S
urine pot violín [m] UY
urine bottle violín [m] UY
large amount of urine where people relieve themselves meadera [f] PE
urine expelled at one time pishada (genovés) [f] AR:Nw,W
smelling of urine emberrinchado [adj] NI
suffer an irritation or cracking of the skin on the buttocks or genitals due to urine pasparse [v] PY AR UY
experience an illness causing urine retention (for a person) atajarse las aguas [v] AR
cause urine retention atajarse las aguas [v] AR
water (urine) aguas menores [f]
discharge urine desbeber [v]
discharge urine mear [v]
urine residue accumulated in a chamber pot toba [m] EC disused rur.
urine smell berrinche [m] PA PE
urine bottle conejo [m] ES
disease causing urine retention aguas atajadas [f] AR
urine stain meada [f] derog.
Work Safety Terms
determination in urine determinación urinaria
lead content of urine tasa de plomo urinario
determination in urine determinación en orina
lead content of urine tasa de plomo en orina
urine culture urocultivo [m]
blood in the urine sangre en la orina
urine sample muestra de orina
a steroid metabolite, found in male urine, having weak androgenic potency androsterona [f]
urine test análisis de orina
urine test prueba de orina
urine testing pruebas de orina
urine screening pruebas de orina
Molecular Biology
midstream urine orina del chorro medio
urine sediment sedimento urinario
drug to increase urine output diurético [m]
calcium in the urine calciuria [f]
non-production of urine anuria [f]
abnormally small urine output oliguria [f]
sugar in the urine glucosuria [f]
the absence of urine formation anuria [f]
crystals in the urine cristaluria [f]
analysis of urine uroscopía [f]
uric acid in the urine aciduria [f]
through the urine tube transuretral [adj]
brick dust urine orina en polvo de ladrillo
acetone in urine test prueba de acetona en orina
suprapubic aspiration of urine aspiración suprapúbica de orina
maple syrup urine disease enfermedad de la orina de jarabe de arce
abnormal color in the urine color anormal en la orina
retention of urine retención de orina
urine ph ph urinario
urine osmolality osmolalidad urinaria
febrile urine orina febril
test for acetone in urine prueba de la acetona en la orina
midstream catch urine specimen muestra de orina de mitad de micción
serum and urine test examen de suero y orina
chylous urine orina quilosa
cloudy urine orina turbia
ammoniacal urine orina amoniacal
gouty urine orina gotosa
maple syrup urine orina en jarabe de arce
crude urine orina bruta
crude urine orina cruda
milky urine orina lechosa
diabetic urine orina diabética
dyspeptic urine orina dispéptica
nebulous urine orina nebulosa
black urine orina negra
urine mucoid mucoide urinario
urine osmolarity osmolaridad de la orina
urine retention retención de orina
urine specific gravity densidad urinaria
urine osmolarity osmolaridad urinaria
urine spindle huso urinaria
incontinence of urine incontinencia urinaria
residual urine orina residual
blood in urine sangre en la orina
urine test examen de la orina
strong stream of urine flujo fuerte de orina
strong stream of urine caudal fuerte de orina
strong stream of urine chorro fuerte de orina
maple syrup urine disease enfermedad de la orina en jarabe de arce
oasthouse urine disease enfermedad de ia orina con olor a maltería
gerhardt's test for urobilin in the urine prueba de gerhardt para urobilina en orina
ammoniacal urine orina amoniacal
black urine orina negra
chylous urine orina quilosa
cloudy urine orina turbia
crude urine orina cruda
febrile urine orina febril
feverish urine orina febril
gouty urine orina gotosa
honey urine orina de miel
maple syrup urine orina como jarabe de arce
milky urine orina lechosa
nebulous urine orina nubosa
residual urine orina residual
urine analysis análisis de orina
urine test examen de orina
urine test test de orina
urine test análisis de orina
urine test prueba de orina
urine testing pruebas de orina
urine screening pruebas de orina
phobia of urine fobia a la orina
filtration of urine filtración de orina
collection of urine recogida de orina
urine-stained meado [adj]
incontinence of urine incontinencia de orina
retention of urine retención de orina
wet with urine meado [adj]
urine sample muestra de orina
urine-related urinario [adj]
more urine than normal diuresis [f]
British Slang
extract the urine bromear [v]
extract the urine burlarse [v]
extract the urine ridiculizar [v]
extract the urine tomar el pelo [v]