plot - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "plot" in Spanish English Dictionary : 196 result(s)

English Spanish
plot trama [f]
plot tramar [v]
plot dibujar [v]
plot argumento [m]
plot complot [m]
plot terruño [m]
plot tinglado [m]
plot tramo [m]
plot rasgo [m]
plot parcela [f]
plot intriga [f]
plot era [f]
plot confabulación [f]
plot conjura [f]
plot conjuración [f]
plot tramoya [f]
plot fábula [f]
plot trinca [f]
plot maquinación [f]
plot pastelear [v]
plot pergeñar [v]
plot intrigar [v]
plot laborar [v]
plot complotar [v]
plot conchabarse [v]
plot confabularse [v]
plot conspirar [v]
plot trazar [v]
plot maquinar [v]
plot urdir [v]
plot medir [v]
plot conspiración [f]
plot bancal [m]
plot cantero [m]
plot complot [m]
plot enredo [m]
plot quiñón [m]
plot solar [m]
plot suelo [m]
plot área [f]
plot argumentación [f]
plot besana [f]
plot connivencia [f]
plot fábula [f]
plot haza [f]
plot máquina [f]
plot mata [f]
plot parcela [f]
plot picardía [f]
plot suerte [f]
plot trama [f]
plot tramoya [f]
plot urdimbre [f]
plot cabildear [v]
plot complotar [v]
plot conspirar [v]
plot instigar [v]
plot plotear [v]
plot cuartel [m]
plot fundo [m]
plot terreno [m]
plot argumento (de una obra) [m]
plot amasijo [m]
plot plano [m]
plot solar [m]
plot diagrama [m]
plot lote [m]
plot ardid [m]
plot tema [m]
plot trapicheo [m]
plot gráfica [f]
plot argumental [adj]
plot cocinar [v]
plot tramar (plan) [v]
plot urdir (plan) [v]
plot trazar (en el mapa/gráfico) [v]
plot trapisondear [v]
plot pastel [m]
plot acción [f]
plot traza [f]
plot arte [m/f]
plot confabularse [v]
plot fraguar [v]
plot tejer [v]
plot chivo [m]
plot cuadro [m]
plot terreno pequeño [m]
plot enredo [m]
plot plantación [f]
plot estratagema [f]
plot idea [f]
plot trama (de drama) [f]
plot idear [v]
plot enjuague [m] fig.
plot andén [m] DO EC PE CL AR rare
plot asentamiento [m] disused
plot baldío [m] SV NI AN CO VE EC BO PY UY
plot banco [m] VE
plot barato [m] disused
plot tablón [m] VE
plot tablada [f] ES local
plot urdir [v] fig.
plot camandulear [v] LAM
plot cabulear [v] CAM
plot bastecer [v] disused
plot camandulear [v] MX VE PY AR UY
plot insidiar [v] rare
plot orquestar [v] derog.
plot politiquear [v] LA
plot andar de cabildeos [v]
plot tejemaneje [m]
plot entruchado [m]
plot terruño [m]
plot cábala [f]
plot entruchada [f]
plot trapichear [v]
plot armar un tinglado [v]
plot aconchabarse [v]
plot conchabarse [v]
plot conchabarse [v]
plot cábalas [f/pl]
plot solar [m]
plot lote [m]
plot plano [m]
plot terreno [m]
plot ardid [f]
plot finca [f]
plot heredad [f]
plot fraguar [v]
plot ardid [m]
plot tierra [f]
plot connivencia [f]
plot heredad [f]
plot finca [f]
plot conjurar [v]
plot plotear [v]
plot delinear [v]
plot gráfico [m]
plot trazado [m]
plot crear en tablero gráfico [v]
plot fijar la posición [v]
plot delinear [v]
plot marcar [v]
plot plotear [v]
plot trazar [v]
plot plotear [v] VE
plot grafícar [v]
plot un diagrama [v]
plot hacer una gráfica [v]
plot dibujar [v] ES
plot graficar [v] LAM
plot terreno [m]
plot terruño [m]
plot representación gráfica [f]
plot parcela [f]
plot llevar al plano [v]
plot graficar [v]
plot levantar un plano
plot localizar [v]
plot graficar [v]
plot diagramar [v]
plot hacer el trazado de [v]
plot marcar [v]
plot determinar un punto [v]
plot levantar el plano de [v]
plot fijar la posición [v]
plot trazar un rumbo
plot trayectoria de un avión
plot determinar la posición del avión
plot fijar la posición
plot fijar la posición sobre la carta
plot trazado grafico
plot hacer gráficos
plot puntear [v]
plot cartear [v]
plot trazado de la derrota
plot puntear [v]
plot representación gráfica [f]
plot representación gráfica
plot corro [m]
plot trecho [m]
plot tabla [f]
plot mata [f]
plot parcela [f]
plot tabla [f]
plot esquema [m]
plot plano [m]
plot solar [m]
plot croquis a escala [m]
plot parcela [f]
plot trazar un plano
plot enjuague [m]
plot dibujo [m]
plot gráfico [m]
plot graficar [v]
plot proyecto [m]

Meanings of "plot" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

English Spanish
plot of land rasgo [m]
plot against conspirar contra [v]
plot of land with abundant scorpion broom aulagar [m]
enclosed plot of land acotado [m]
fenced off plot of land acotado [m]
high and extensive plot of land ajarafe (árabe) [m]
plot of land planted with broom aliagar [m]
man who takes a plot of land for cultivation alijarero [m]
plot of land with abundant gypsum yesar [m]
plot of land with abundant gypsum aljezar [m]
plot of land with abundant saltwort almajal [m]
plot of land with abundant saltwort almajar [m]
plot of plowed land left fallow aramio [m]
uncultivated plot baldío [m]
muddy plot of land bodonal [m]
plot of land with abundant reeds cañaveral [m]
plot of land with abundant reeds cañedo [m]
plot of land with abundant reeds cañizal [m]
plot of land with abundant reeds cañizar [m]
plot of land with abundant mediterranean saltwort caramillar [m]
food plot careo [m]
hog plot careo [m]
plot of land planted with broad bean habar [m]
plot of land with abundant european beech hayal [m]
plot of land with abundant european beech hayedo [m]
plot of land lote [m]
plot of land large enough for a thousand sheep millar [m]
plot of land with abundant moriche palm morichal [m]
owner of a small plot parcelero [m]
plot of land quiñón [m]
plot of land terreno [m]
plot of land with abundant gypsum yesal [m]
plot of land with abundant gypsum yesar [m]
plot of land required to grow an almud of crop almudada [f]
overgrown plot of land cepeda [f]
overgrown plot of land cepera [f]
grass plot cespedera [f]
small plot of land terrezuela [f]
plot of land with abundant gypsum yesera [f]
measure a plot of land with a cord acordelar [v]
write a plot argumentar [v]
measure a plot of land with a cord cordelar [v]
unravel a plot desurdir [v]
plot against tramar [v]
plot of land solar [m]
oblong plot bancal [m]
grotesque plot esperpento [m]
plot of land predio [m]
large plot of sand arenal [m]
plot of small cultivated land conuco [m]
watermelon plot sandiar [m]
plot twist vuelco inesperado de la trama [m]
plot of land lote [m]
plot of land parcela [f]
gunpowder plot conspiración de la pólvora [f]
plot of a written work diégesis [f]
owner of a small plot parcelera [f]
plot revenge vengarse [v]
plot revenge tramar venganza [v]
plot together confabularse [v]
plot to do something tramar hacer algo [v]
be arrested in alleged plot to murder ser arrestado en un presunto complot para asesinar [v]
be arrested in alleged plot to murder ser arrestado por conspirar en un presunto asesinato [v]
be arrested in alleged plot to murder ser detenido por planear un supuesto asesinado [v]
plot twist cambio de dirección del diagrama
the plot thickens se está enredando la madeja
willow-plot arcazón [m]
plot of a story/play argumento [m]
grass plot césped [m]
oblong plot used as orchard or garden bancal [m]
small-holder who lives on his plot of ground colono [m]
plot of land sown with beans frijolar [m]
plot of small lettuces lechuguino [m]
ground-plot plano [m]
small plot of land paño [m]
leek-plot porrizo [m]
ground-plot solar [m]
seed plot sementero [m]
seed-plot semillero [m]
seed-plot seminario [m]
ground-plot suelo [m]
grass plot céspede [m]
plot of arable land atahulla [f]
plot of land área [f]
plot watered in an irrigation water-wheel cenia [f]
garden-plot era [f]
plot of a play intriga [f]
ground-plot icnografía [f]
plot of land planted with vines and fruit-trees josa [f]
plot of a play maraña [f]
seed plot sementera [f]
marly (plot/field) gredal [adj]
unravel (a dramatic plot) desenlazar [v]
frustrate (a plot) desurdir [v]
stop (a plot) desurdir [v]
plot against insidiar [v]
plot summary argumento [m]
ground-plot sitio [m]
counter-plot contratreta [f]
counter-plot contraminar [v]
lay a plot tramar [v]
plot (of a book) tema [m]
dividing a plot of land into squares amanzanamiento [m] BO AR UY
plot of french beans bajocar [m] rur. rare
small plot of land conuco [m] CO CU DO VE
corn-plot for hog feeding careo [m] rur. rare
plot of a play enredo [m] fig.
uncultivated plot of ground vago [m] rur. rare
small plot of land conuco [m] CU VE
division of a plot of land into pastures apotreramiento [m] AR UY rur.
plot of land baldío [m] CU
division of a plot of land for building amanzanamiento [m] BO AR UY
plot of land filled with west indian elms cablotal [m] HN
plot of land planted with cabuyas cabuyal [m] EC
plot of land planted with cacao cacaguatal [m] MX GT HN NI
a farmer who lives and works in a small plot campiñero [m] PE
person in charge of clearing a plot of land desmontador [m] DO BO PY
removal of weeds from a plot of land before planting crops desavero [m] DO
remove of underbrush from a plot of land before planting crops desavero [m] DO
low-lying plot of land in which water accumulated during the rainy season curiche [m] BO:N,E
low-lying plot of land in which water accumulated during the rainy season curichi [m] BO:N,E
plot of land covered with underbrush charral [m] NI CR HN
flooded and muddy plot of land chagüital [m] HN CR
flooded and muddy plot of land chagüite (del náhuatl) [m] CR rare
flooded and muddy plot of land chagüite (del náhuatl) [m] MX GT HN SV
plot of land with rocks curuncal [m] HN
plot of land with rocks turuncal [m] HN
plot of land with a large quantity of rocks curunquero [m] HN
waterlogged plot of land chahuital [m] GT SV
muddy plot of land changual [m] PA rur.
muddy plot of land changualú [m] PA rur.
muddy plot of land changuazal [m] PA
muddy plot of land changuatal [m] PA
clearing of weeds or underbrush from a plot of land using a machete chapeado [m] MX HN SV NI CU DO
clearing of weeds or underbrush from a plot of land using a machete chapeo [m] MX:Se HN NI CU DO
clearing of weeds or underbrush from a plot of land using a machete chapiado [m] NI
clearing of weeds or underbrush from a plot of land chapoleo [m] MX:Se rur.
clearing of weeds or underbrush from a plot of land chaponeo [m] MX:S,Se rur.
clearing of weeds or underbrush from a plot of land chaporro [m] MX:S,E GT rur.
plot of land covered in loose rocks chatún [m] GT
large plot of land dedicated to agricultural and livestock tasks establecimiento [m] BO
placement of stakes in the ground to fence off a plot of land estaqueado [m] PR PE
marshy plot of land fachinal [m] AR UY
placement of stakes in the ground to fence off a plot of land estaqueo [m] NI BO
plot of land that frequently floods fofadal [m] AR
swampy plot of land fachinal [m] AR UY
plot of land that frequently floods fachinal [m] AR UY
leaves, branches, and sticks that are left in a recently cleared plot of agricultural land estorbo [m] HN:W rur.
plot of land planted with african bermuda-grass estrellal [m] CR
plot of land with abundant fodder plants espartillar [m] AR UY
plot of land with many thorns espinal [m] HN NI
plot of land covered with thorny plants espinero [m] MX GT HN NI EC
swampy plot of land fofadal [m] AR
plot of land planted with porknut faical [m] EC
marshy plot of land fofadal [m] AR
plot of land cultivated with sugar cane cañero [m] EC
enclosed plot of land to be used as an agricultural field cerco [m] PA CL rur.
plot of land canto [m] PR rur.
large, fenced-in, rustic plot of land canchón [m] PE
leftovers from the harvest, especially grapes or corn, left on a plot of land or the plant itself cayascho [m] AR:Nw
man who cleans or weeds a plot of land with a weed whacker carpidor [m] BO PY
long and narrow plot of agricultural land cantero [m] EC
group of bushes, shrubs, and weeds on a plot of cultivated agricultural land huatal [m] MX:Se GT HN SV NI
plot of agricultural land with only stubble left guaimil [m] HN
fertilization of a plot of land with guano or organic compost guaneo [m] CL:N rare
fertilization of a plot of land with guano or organic compost guaneo [m] PE
group of bushes, shrubs, and weeds on a plot of cultivated agricultural land guatal [m] MX:Se GT HN
plot of land with abundant grass gramalotal [m] BO
uncultivated plot of land filled with weeds guatal [m] GT HN SV NI
plot of land planted with guinea grass gamelotal [m] VE
small plot of infertile land cuabal [m] CU
plot of land populated with chilean bamboo coligual [m] CL AR
plot of land where coirón is abundant coironal [m] CL AR:O
fencing off a plot of land with posts composteo [m] HN
removal of stubble from a plot so it can be used for planting habite [m] DO rur.
system of farming in which a farmer rents and works a plot of land inquilinaje [m] CL
system of farming in which a farmer rents and works a plot of land inquilinato [m] CL
plot of land with abundant herbs hierbazal [m] CU
plot of land planted with chayote güisquilar [m] MX GT SV
plot of land planted with chayote huisquilar [m] GT
plot of land planted with bananas guineal [m] GT HN NI CR EC
person who receives housing and a plot of land which he/she works for the benefit of the land owner inquilino [m] CL PY
plot of land with abundant chaparral jarillal [m] AR:Nw
plot of land with abundant chaparral jarillar [m] AR
clearing of a plot of land limpiado [m] EC
plot of land with abundant calabash tree jigüeral [m] PR rur.
cleared plot of land desplayado [m] NI AR UY rare
plot of land with abundant manchales manchal [m] PE:E
plot of land covered in grass engramado [m] HN SV NI CO EC PE BO
plot of land with abundant red mangrove (rhizophora mangle) manglar [m] MX GT HN SV NI CR PA CU DO PR CO VE EC
plot of land covered in jungle, bush, thicket or underbrush manigual [m] CU DO
clearing a plot of land macaneo [m] CO VE rur.
plot of land planted with cashew trees marañonal [m] HN NI PA CU
plot of land corresponding to a municipality's jurisdiction ejido [m] DO AR
plot of land with abundant emajagua de sierra emajagual [m] PR
plot of land for development lote (inglés lot) [m] US MX GT HN SV NI CR PA DO PR BO PY
small plot of land lote (inglés lot) [m] NI CR PR BO CL PY
uncultivated plot of land lote (inglés lot) [m] VE:C PY
illegal division and distribution of a plot of land loteo brujo [m] CL
plot of land planted with magueys or agaves magueyal [m] MX BO
plot of land with abundant beef wood (torrubia fragrans) majagual [m] MX SV NI PR rur.
plot of land with abundant caladiums/angel wings malangal [m] CU PR rur.
plot of land with abundant encino de asta malcincal [m] HN
plot of land punctuated by hills and small channels malezal [m] AR:Ne
plot of land covered in weeds malezar [m] PR rur.
plot of land planted with corn for feed malojal [m] MX CU PR VE BO rur.
plot of land with abundant chilean potato vine natral [m] CL
plot of land covered in sand dunes medanal [m] AR
farmer who receives a plot of land to plant crops and receive the first harvest or an agreed upon amount mejorero [m] PE rur.
plot of land with abundant moriche palm morichal [m] CO VE
plot of land with natural springs menuco [m] AR:S
plot of land with abundant mesquite mesquital [m] MX
plot of land enclosed by two rows of magueys metepancle [m] MX
plot of land enclosed by two rows of magueys metepantle [m] MX rur.
plot of land enclosed by two rows of magueys metepantli [m] MX
plot of land paño [m] CL
plot of land with abundant russel river grass pajal [m] AR rare
plot of land with abundant russel river grass pajonal [m] EC BO AR UY
plot of land with abundant palms palmarital [m] VE
plot of land on a farm or ranch pante [m] GT
plot of land covered in vines parronal [m] CL
plot of land planted with potatoes papal [m] MX GT HN NI CR PA EC BO:C,S CL AR PE rur.
large open plot of land pampón [m] PE
small plot of land parvifundio [m] MX
plot of agricultural land parcelamiento [m] GT PY
plot of flat and high land plan [m] HN:C,W rur.
sloping plot of land piano [m] GT
plot of land with abundant horse-eye bean pical [m] HN
fenced plot of land potrero [m] CO
plot of land with abundant oak trees roblar [m] GT
plot of land with abundant fig renacal [m] PE
plot of land planted with rose bushes rosal [m] CR CO BO PY:C,W
plot of land planted with rose bushes rosedal [m] VE EC PE BO:W,C CL PY AR UY
plot of land covered in weeds yerbajal [m] MX
rent paid to use a plot of land to put livestock to pasture yerbaje [m] AR:Nw
plot of land with abundant yerba mate yerbal [m] PY AR UY
plot of land with abundant yerba mate yerbatal [m] AR UY
plot of land covered in weeds yerbazal [m] MX PA DO
plot of land planted with tea tesal [m] AR:Ne
plot of land planted with bitter cassava yucal [m] MX GT HN SV NI PA DO PR CO EC PE BO
plot of land with abundant grass zacatal [m] MX GT HN SV NI CR PA
plot of land planted with winter squash zapallal [m] AR rare
plot of land planted with winter squash zapallal [m] PE UY
plot of land planted with winter squash zapallar [m] PE BO CL AR UY
plot of land planted with mamey sapote zapotal [m] MX GT HN SV NI CR
uncultivated plot yucún [m] PE disused
plot of land with abundant plains viscacha vizcacheral [m] AR
plot of land planted with satureja teal [m] AR:Ne
plot of land planted with annatto achiotal [m] MX SV HN
plot of land planted with chili pepper ajizal [m] AN CO VE EC PE
plot of land with abundant saltwort almarjal [m] disused
plot of land with abundant thistle and other plants arrezafe (árabe) [m] rare
small, rocky, unproductive plot of land arrife [m] CI
plot of land with bamboo bambudal [m] EC
plot of land with bamboo bambusal [m] CR
plot of land with lianas bejuquero [m] CU
fenced-in, rustic plot of land canchón [m] PE BO
fencing off a plot of land with posts composteo [m] HN
small plot of land for cultivation conuco [m] AN
marshy plot of land fachinal [m] AR
plot of land planted with chayote güisquilar [m] MX GT HN
plot of land planted with chayote huisquilar [m] MX GT
plot of land planted with mexican calabash jicaral [m] MX HN SV
plot of land planted with chilean rhubarb pangal [m] CL
uncultivated plot potrero [m] CO PE BO AR
plot of land abundant in willow-leaf red quebracho quebrachal [m] PY AR UY
uncultivated plot rastrojo [m] VE CR
seeded plot trabajadero [m] HN
uncultivated plot vago [m] ES local
irrigated portion of a plot of land for cultivation cabecera [f] PE rur.
a farmer who lives and works in a small plot campinera [f] PE
person in charge of clearing a plot of land desmontadora [f] DO BO PY
machine for removing weeds/underbrush from a plot of land desmalezadora [f] VE CL PY AR
task involving gathering and burning the tree trunks and branches on a plot of land that has been cleared descoivarada [f] AR:Ne rur.
low lying part of a plot of land where irrigation water collects culata [f] PE rur.
triangular shaped plot of land cuchilla [f] GT HN SV rur.
long elevated portion of a plot of land with slopes that gradually extend into flat land cuchilla [f] CU DO VE AR UY
muddy plot of land changua [f] PA rur.
cutting of weeds and underbrush on a plot of land chapea [f] MX:Se CR CU EC rur.
cutting of weeds and underbrush on a plot of land chápea [f] GT rur.
clearing of weeds or underbrush from a plot of land using a machete chapeada [f] MX HN SV NI CU DO
cutting of weeds and underbrush on a plot of land chapeadera [f] MX rur.
cutting of weeds and underbrush on a plot of land chapia [f] GT HN NI CR EC
clearing of weeds or underbrush from a plot of land using a machete chapiada [f] NI CR
someone who clears the weeds or underbrush from a plot of land using a machete (person) chapiadora [f] PA
clearing of weeds or underbrush from a plot of land chapoda [f] HN NI rur.
clearing of weeds or underbrush from a plot of land chaponea [f] MX:S rur.
series of oil outcrops on a low-lying plot of land cerrillada [f] AR UY
foot plow made with a stick with a steal or stone point that serves to flatten and prepare a plot of land for cultivation chaquitaclla [f] PE BO:S,W,C
swampy plot of land chucua (del muisca) [f] CO:C rare
slope of a plot of land faralla [f] CU
plot of land cultivated with sugar cane cañera [f] HN SV NI DO
small plot of agricultural land cancha [f] BO rur.
flat and untapped plot of land, space, locale, or site canchal [f] CU
weeding of a plot of land carpida [f] BO PY AR:Nw UY
woman who cleans or weeds a plot of land with a weed whacker carpidora [f] BO PY
small agricultural plot garrita [f] HN rur.
slope of a plot of land gradiente [f] NI CR PA EC PE BO CL
plot or conspiracy to harm someone combinola [f] BO
clearing the weeds on a plot of land using a machete corpida [f] PY rur.
large plot of flat and barren land with abundant grass jalca [f] PE
large plot of flat and barren land with abundant grass jalca [f] PE:C,N rur.
clearing of a plot of land ladea [f] MX rur.
clearing of a plot of land limpiada [f] NI EC rur.
sizeable plot of land cleared of trees limpiada [f] PY rur.
demarcation of the boundaries of a plot of land linderación [f] EC
small plot of land manga [f] CO:W
plot of land with abundant mambua (bambusa guadua) mambual [f] PR rur.
starter plot marquera [f] PE
small elongated plot of land lucha [f] SV
plot of land with abundant tall and dense weeds or bushes masiega [f] AR:N
plot of land with abundant emajagua de sierra esmajagua [f] PR
plot of land with abundant weeds or tall grass maciega [f] PY AR
plot of land with abundant weeds or tall grass maciega [f] UY rare
plot of land with abundant marijuana bushes matochada [f] GT
extensive plot of land with abundant trees montaña [f] MX:Se GT HN NI CR PA PR VE EC PE AR:Nw
first clearing of a plot of land planted with sugar cane mejora [f] MX:W rur.
farmer who receives a plot of land to plant crops and receive the first harvest or an agreed upon amount mejorera [f] PE rur.
plot of agricultural land pamba [f] EC
plot of agricultural land pampa [f] EC
plot of land planted with cabbage repollera [f] HN rur.
community clearing of bushes and undergrowth of a plot of land socuela [f] PA rur.
plot of land with abundant grass zacatera [f] GT HN SV NI
enclosed plot of land acotada [f] disused
fenced off plot of land acotada [f] disused
renter of a plot of land who pays the landowner in goods or services arrendire [m/f] PE rare
clearing of weeds or underbrush from a plot of land chapoda [m/f] MX:Se SV rur.
plot of land good for planting rice arrocero [adj] EC UY
filled with standing water (plot of land) arremansado [adj] HN rur.
filled with thistle (plot of land) abrojiento [adj] UY rur.
with the weeds removed in order to plant crops (plot of land) deschaparrado [adj] EC rur.
with underbrush removed in order to plant crops (plot of land) deschaparrado [adj] EC rur.
having a lot of underbrush and weeds (plot of land) charraludo [adj] HN SV NI
rocky (plot of land) cibano [adj] DO
muddy (plot of land) chahuitoso [adj] MX GT
waterlogged (plot of land) chahuitoso [adj] MX GT
cleared of weeds and underbrush using a machete (plot of land) chapeado (inglés chapped) [adj] HN NI CR CU DO
clearing the weeds or underbrush from a plot of land using a machete chapeador [adj] MX:Se HN CU DO PR
planted with grass (plot of land) enzacatado [adj] HN SV CR
weeded (plot of land, especially a furrow) carpido [adj] BO PY
cleared (plot of land, especially a furrow) carpido [adj] BO PY
unravel/defeat a plot destramar [v] outdated
prepare a plot of land to plant crops for the first time arrotar [v] EC disused rur.
remove weeds from a plot of land aporrear [v] PA rur.
clear a small plot of land barcear [v] PA rur.
make square holes on a plot of land to plant trees, usually coffee bushes cajuelear [v] SV rur.
remove grass from a plot of land despastar [v] CL rur.
remove weeds from a plot of land desbarejar [v] AR:Nw rur.
remove litter from a plot of land desbasurar [v] GT HN:W NI CR rur.
remove underbrush from a plot of land desbarejar [v] AR:Nw rur.
clean a plot of land of branches and tree trunks despalotar [v] MX:Se rur.
remove vegetation from a plot of land in preparation for planting crops deschaparrar [v] EC rur.
gather and burn the tree trunks and branches on a plot of land that has been cleared descoivarar [v] AR:Ne rur.
become covered in underbrush (plot of land) charralearse [v] NI
work on a small plot of farm land chacrear [v] CL rare
spring water (plot of land) chagüitear [v] SV
clear weeds or underbrush from a plot of land using a machete chapear (inglés chop) [v] CU DO EC rur.
clear weeds or underbrush from a plot of land using a machete chapear (inglés chop) [v] MX:Se GT HN SV NI CR PA
clear weeds or underbrush from a plot of land using a machete chapiar [v] MX GT HN NI CR DO
clear weeds or underbrush from a plot of land using a machete chapodar [v] MX:Se HN SV NI
clear weeds or underbrush from a plot of land using a machete chapodiar [v] PR
clear weeds or underbrush from a plot of land chapolear [v] MX:Se rur.
clear weeds or underbrush from a plot of land chaponar [v] MX:S rur.
clearing of weeds or underbrush from a plot of land using a machete chaponear [v] MX:S,Se rur.
cut bushes or weeds on a plot of land using a machete chaporrear [v] MX:E GT VE rur.
be swampy (plot of land), to have excess moisture (plot of land) envegarse [v] CL
plant grass on a plot of land enyerbar [v] HN rur.
become covered in harmful weeds or grass (plot of land) enyuyarse [v] AR:Nw
become covered in grass (plot of land) enzacatarse [v] MX GT HN SV rur.
plant grass on a plot of land enzacatar [v] CR
plant grass on a plot of land enzacatar [v] HN SV rur.
enclose a plot of land fincar [v] SV
mark out a plot of land fincar [v] SV
clear a plot of land by burning the vegetation foguerear [v] CU
weed a plot of land caspear [v] PA
remove weeds from a plot of land as a planting guide carrilar [v] CR
make furrows for onion plants on a plot of land gavetear [v] CR rur.
weed a plot of land guasoquiar [v] CO:C rur.
weed a plot of land guatalear [v] GT HN SV
weed a plot of land guataquear [v] CU
plot against conchucharse [v] CU PR
make holes in a plot of land hoyar [v] MX HN SV NI CU VE rur.
water a plot of land for the first time after the plants have sprouted humarear [v] PE:S rur.
use a pitchfork on a plot of land horquillar [v] MX AR:Nw rur.
mark the boundaries of a plot of land linderar [v] EC
remove rocks from a plot of land despiedrar [v] PE BO
remove tree trunks from a plot of land destroncar [v] HN NI CR VE PE BO CL PY AR UY
remove tree trunks from a plot of land destruncar [v] HN
clear a plot of land macanear [v] CO:N,Nw VE rur.
plot secretly maquinear [v] PA CL
sod a plot of land enchambar [v] EC
plant palm trees on a plot of land palmerizar [v] CL rare
plow a farm plot rayar [v] MX:Nw AR:Nw rur.
weed a plot of land reiquear (inglés rake) [v] US
clear a plot of land reiquear (inglés rake) [v] US
parcel up a plot of land to sharecrop yanaconizar [v] PE
delimit the boundaries of a plot of land amelgar [v] ES local rur.
plot against combalacharse [v] ES local
irrigation water than runs off into another plot of land following the natural inclination derrames [m/pl] CL
plot of land planted with coca plants the yungas region cato [m/pl] BO:W,C
lose the plot irse de la olla [v]
lose the plot irse la pinza [v]
plot against tramar contra [v]
plot against confabularse contra [v]
plot against someone conjurar contra alguien [v]
plot to do something conspirar para hacer algo [v]
plot against hacerle a alguien la cama [v]
estimate the size of a plot of land echar una cuerda [v]
lose the plot perder la cabeza
lose the plot zafarse un tornillo
lose the plot írsele la olla (a alguien/españa)
lose the plot enloquecer
brew a plot confabularse
brew a plot tramar una conjura
the plot thickens la trama se complica
plot to deceive somebody amarrar la balsa [v] EC:W
plot a malicious plan against someone tender una cama [v] GT UY CR
plot revenge tender una cama [v] GT CR UY
brew a plot complotar AMER
you lost the plot!  ¿estás loco?
you lost the plot! ¡se te va la olla!
you lost the plot! ¡te falta un tornillo!
the plot thickens el argumento se embrolla
the plot thickens la situación se complica
plot for conspirar para [v]
plot something on something trazar algo sobre algo [v]
plot with someone urdir una intriga con alguien [v]
plot with someone tramar con alguien [v]
plot something out trazar un rumbo/plan sobre algo [v]
plot something on something delinear algo sobre algo [v]
plot something out hacer un esquema sobre algo [v]
plot with conspirar con [v]
brew a plot armar un tinglado [v]
lay a plot armar un tinglado [v]
plot against armar un tinglado [v]
he's losing the plot ya se le va la olla
I'm losing the plot se me va la olla
waterlogged plot of land or plot of land with nearly liquid mud chahuite (del náhuatl) [m] GT HN
very eroded plot of land lavadero [m] CR
clearing and removal of tree trunks from a plot of land destronque [m] PY
plot of land with abundant weeds pajonal [m] GT HN SV NI DO
plot of land with abundant weeds pajonal [m] PA rur.
large plot of land that is fenced with wire where cattle graze estancia [f] BO
triangular plot of land horqueta [f] AR PY
muddy with excessive water (plot of land) chagüitoso [adj] GT HN SV NI
steep (plot of land) faldudo [adj] CO
steep (plot of land) faldudo [adj] EC rare
sloped (plot of land) faldudo [adj] CO
sloped (plot of land) faldudo [adj] EC rare
weed a cultivated plot of land descorar [v] BO:W,C
remove weeds and underbrush from a cultivated plot of land descorar [v] BO:W,C
plot as a clique roscar [v] AR
you have lost the plot! ¡estas loco!
lose the plot volverse loco
lose the plot chiflarle el moño
have you lost the plot? ¿te has vuelto loco?
plot of land quiñón [m]
scatter plot diagrama de dispersión
plot plan plano del lote
scatter plot gráfico de dispersión
plot plan plano del solar
developed plot terreno edificado
tornado plot trazo tornado
plot of land quiñón [m]
machination plot cábala [f]
an empty plot of land terreno baldío
developed plot terreno edificado
Estate Law
burial plot sepultura [f]
scatter plot diagrama de puntos
plot data datos de contenido
scatter plot trazado por dispersión
phase plot gráfico de fase [m]
nichols plot diagrama de nichols
arhenius plot trama arhenius
counter plot contraminar [v]
fermi plot gráfico de fermi
polar plot diagrama polar
building-plot terreno para edificar
vector plot diagrama vectorial
ground-plot lote de terreno
dilatation plot diagrama de dilatación
building-plot parcela para construir
building-plot solar para edificar
bode plot gráfico de bode
kurie plot gráfico de kurie
radar plot derrota radar
vacant plot terreno baldío
box-and-whisker plot diagrama de caja y bigotes
plot plan plano del terreno
plot plan plano de terreno
autoradar plot carta autorradar
autoradar plot carta de navegación autorradar
autoradar plot unidad de comparación del mapa
fermi plot recta de fermi
print plot trazado impreso
radar plot derrota de radar
radar plot diagrama de marcas de radar
radar plot método trazador de radar
richardson plot gráfico de richardson
relative plot diagrama de posiciones relativas