pass - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "pass" in Spanish English Dictionary : 222 result(s)

English Spanish
pass pasar [v]
pass paso [m]
pass pasen [v]
pass pase [m]
pass pasada [f]
pass dictaminar [v]
pass dictar [v]
pass discurrir [v]
pass pasar (cartas) [v]
pass superar [v]
pass librar [v]
pass evadir [v]
pass expender [v]
pass transcurrir [v]
pass promulgar [v]
pass mediar [v]
pass rebasar [v]
pass votar [v]
pass abono [m]
pass trance [m]
pass pasada [f]
pass dar [v]
pass aprobado [m]
pass abono [m]
pass bono [m]
pass collado [m]
pass desfiladero [m]
pass pasajuego [m]
pass pasaporte [m]
pass pase [m]
pass paso [m]
pass portachuelo [m]
pass portillo [m]
pass puerto [m]
pass salvoconducto [m]
pass abertura [f]
pass abra [f]
pass collada [f]
pass mano [f]
pass pasada [f]
pass acoger [v]
pass adelantar [v]
pass adelantarse [v]
pass andar [v]
pass aprobar [v]
pass desigualarse [v]
pass discurrir [v]
pass doblar [v]
pass finar [v]
pass garbear [v]
pass pasar [v]
pass pasarse [v]
pass remover [v]
pass removerse [v]
pass salvar [v]
pass sobrepasar [v]
pass superar [v]
pass pasaporte [m]
pass suficiente [m]
pass collado [m]
pass billete [m]
pass pasaje [m]
pass corredor [m]
pass pronunciar [v]
pass repescar [v]
pass transitar [v]
pass circular [v]
pass andar [v]
pass trascurrir [v]
pass franquear [v]
pass alcanzar [v]
pass acercar [v]
pass alargar [v]
pass fallecer [v]
pass ocurrir [v]
pass suceder [v]
pass aprobar (en el examen) [v]
pass emitir [v]
pass camino [m]
pass estrecho [m]
pass salvoconducto [m]
pass entrega [f]
pass correr [v]
pass venir [v]
pass desfiladero [m]
pass desembocadero [m]
pass pasillo [m]
pass aprieto [m]
pass aprobado (de exámenes) [m]
pass licencia [f]
pass crisis [f]
pass situación [f]
pass estocada [f]
pass atravesar [v]
pass cruzar [v]
pass traspasar [v]
pass portear [v]
pass hacer pasar [v]
pass dejar atrás [v]
pass exceder [v]
pass trasponer [v]
pass aventajar [v]
pass tolerar [v]
pass cerner [v]
pass consentir [v]
pass filtrar [v]
pass colar [v]
pass aprobar (en un examen) [v]
pass propasarse [v]
pass caminar [v]
pass excederse [v]
pass omitir [v]
pass dejar de hacer [v]
pass deslizarse (tiempo) [v]
pass acabarse [v]
pass cesar [v]
pass acontecer [v]
pass desvanecerse [v]
pass dar una estocada [v]
pass hacer un pase [v]
pass estado [m]
pass sacar (aprobar asignatura) [v] ES
pass rayar [v] CR
pass tocar [v] AR
pass hacer llegar [v]
pass correr el término [v]
pass a forfait (francés) [adv]
pass rular [v]
pass sobrepasar [v]
pass ganar año un estudiante [v]
pass salvar [v] UY
pass tiento [m]
pass palmar [v]
pass estirar la pata [v]
pass transferir [v]
pass aprobar [v]
pass pasar [v]
pass salvaguarda [f]
pass autorización [f]
pass pase [f]
pass estatuir [v]
pass autorizar [v]
pass examinar y determinar [v]
pass implantar [v]
pass adoptar [v]
pass aprobar (un examen) [v]
pass envío [m]
pass paso [m]
pass congosto [m]
pass boquerón [m]
pass collado [m]
pass estrecho [m]
pass boquete [m]
pass chimenea [f]
pass garganta [f]
pass tarjeta [f]
pass pasada [f]
pass boca [f]
pass boquilla [f]
pass cordón de soldadura
pass desfiladero [m]
pass atravieso [m]
pass boquete [m]
pass collado [m]
pass puerto [m]
pass atravieso [m] CL
pass congosto [m]
pass portezuelo [m]
pass portillo [m]
pass angostura [f]
pass caluma [f]
pass estrechura [f]
pass estrechez [f]
pass quebrada [f]
pass apacheta [f] PE
pass pasada [f]
pass canal [m]
pass pasada [f]
pass disiparse [v]
pass transmitir [v]
pass trasladar [v]
pass aprobar [v]
pass lanzamiento [m]
pass permiso [m]
pass coladero [m]
pass atravieso [m]
pass rebasadero [m]
pass rebasadero [m]
pass pase [m]
pass pasar [v]
pass puerto [m]
pass callejón [m]
pass portachuelo [m]
pass portezuelo [m]
pass paso [m]
pass atravieso [m] CL
pass desfiladero [m]
pass estrangulamiento [m] AR
pass portezuela [f]
pass hoz [f]
pass depresión [f]
pass abra [f]
pass caluma [f] PE
pass paso [m]
pass chimenea [f]
pass chimenea [f]
pass desfiladero [m]
pass depresión [f]
pass permiso [m]
pass pase [m]
pass pasada [f]
pass billete de favor [m]
pass ceder [v]
pass doblar [v]
American Football
pass lanzar [v]
pass dar un pase [v]
pass tirar [v]
pass conducto estrecho [m]
pass lance [m]
pass pasada [f]
Card Games
pass pasar [v]
pass renunciar [v]

Meanings of "pass" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

English Spanish
pass (law/draft) aprobar [v]
he/she/you will pass pasará [v]
you/they pass pasan [v]
we pass pasamos [v]
I would pass pasaría [v]
you/he/she would pass pasaría [v]
you/they pass pasen [v]
you pass pasas [v]
you pass aprueba [v]
pass judgment juzgar [v]
pass by transcurrir [v]
pass (test) aprobar [v]
pass down rendir [v]
pass away fenecer [v]
pass mark suficiente [m]
mountain pass collado [m]
narrow pass portillo [m]
ski pass forfait [m]
narrow pass hoz [f]
pass with the cape larga [f]
pass away morir [v]
pass round rular [v]
pass oneself off as hacerse pasar por [v]
pass on pasar [v]
pass off pasar [v]
pass by pasar de largo [v]
pass time pasar el tiempo [v]
pass over postergar [v]
pass the time pasar el rato [v]
pass over preterir [v]
pass on transmitir [v]
pass away fallecer [v]
pass away finar [v]
pass again repasar [v]
pass by desfilar [v]
pass on retransmitir [v]
pass in review pasar revista [v]
pass up dejar pasar [v]
pass away ir [v]
mountain pass collado [m]
mountain pass congosto [m]
ski pass forfait (francés) [m]
narrow pass gollizno [m]
narrow pass gollizo [m]
pass-through pasaplatos [m]
overnight pass pase de pernocta [m]
prongs that warp threads pass on the loom peine [m]
executing a muleta pass trasteo [m]
free pass vale [m]
narrow pass cañada [f]
mountain pass colada [f]
mountain pass collada [f]
pass-out ticket contraseña de salida [f]
narrow pass cortada [f]
narrow pass cortadura [f]
narrow pass encañada [f]
soft pass quedada [f]
boarding pass tarjeta de embarque [f]
pass through a hot-press or calendar calandrar [v]
pass on contagiar [v]
pass through correr [v]
pass by correr [v]
pass up declinar [v]
pass out desfallecer [v]
pass by discurrir [v]
pass out dormir [v]
pass out echar [v]
pass out enflaquecer [v]
stepped mountain pass escalar [v]
pass up escaparse [v]
let something pass one by escaparse [v]
move through a narrow pass escolar [v]
move oneself through a narrow pass escolarse [v]
pass on vehiculizar [v]
pass classes examinar [v]
pass one's classes examinarse [v]
pass away fallecer [v]
pass away faltar [v]
pass away fenecer [v]
pass on fenecer [v]
pass away finar [v]
pass the time matar [v]
pass (the ball) pasar [v]
let pass permitir [v]
pass over pretermitir [v]
pass through regar [v]
pass up regatear [v]
pass again repasar [v]
pass up repugnar [v]
pass by transcurrir [v]
pass by trascurrir [v]
pass through trasminarse [v]
pass out traspillarse [v]
come to pass venir [v]
pass gas ventearse [v]
pass gas ventosear [v]
pass gas ventosearse [v]
pass mark aprobado [m]
screen pass pase pantalla (fútbol americano) [m]
narrow pass coladero [m]
defile (narrow pass) desfiladero [m]
band-pass filtro de banda [m]
narrow mountain pass garganta [f]
narrow mountain pass colada [f]
narrow pass angostura [f]
free pass canilla libre [f] MX
band-pass banda de paso [f]
band-pass banda pasante [f]
band-pass pasabanda [f]
pass on trasmitir [v]
pass judgement on enjuiciar [v]
pass forward adelantar [v]
pass an examination aprobar [v]
pass the night dormir [v]
pass judgement on sentenciar [v]
pass over soslayar [v]
pass on the answer soplar [v]
pass sentence on fallar [v]
pass swiftly volar [v]
(danger) pass pasar (el peligro) [v]
(be forced) pass time idly pasar el tiempo sin poder hacer nada [v]
(time) pass inexorably pasar inexorablemente (el tiempo) [v]
pass (the ball) ceder [v]
pass away irse [v]
come to pass avenir [v]
pass a law aforar [v]
fail to pass an exam suspender [v]
pass away expirar [v]
pass down rendir [v]
pass sentence on juzgar [v]
come to pass ocurrir [v]
pass into sleep dormirse [v]
pass laws legislar [v]
let pass pasar por alto [v]
pass on legar [v]
pass gas desatender [v]
pass down pasar [v]
pass down heredar [v]
pass out distribuir [v]
pass out desmayarse [v]
pass through atravesar [v]
pass out graduarse [v]
pass away perecer [v]
pass or open extender [v]
pass as pasar algo a [v]
pass on pasar algo a [v]
pass for pasar algo a [v]
pass judgement on someone/something pronunciarse sobre alguien/algo [v]
pass judgment on someone/something pronunciarse sobre alguien/algo [v]
pass someone in the street cruzarse con alguien [v]
pass someone something pasar algo a alguien [v]
pass someone something pasarle algo a alguien [v]
pass something fit for dar algo por bueno para [v]
pass something with flying colours salir airosos de algo [v]
pass the buck to someone echarle el muerto a alguien [v]
pass (to move forward) continuar [v]
pass as pasar por [v]
make a pass at someone intentar ligar con alguien [v]
pass itself off as hacerse pasar por [v]
pass in front of pasar al frente de [v]
pass inspection pasar inspección [v]
make a pass at someone tirar los tejos a alguien [v]
pass a test aprobar un examen [v]
pass a law aprobar una ley [v]
pass a law promulgar una ley [v]
pass to alargar a [v]
pass bloody urine orinar sangre [v]
pass to someone pasar a poder de alguien [v]
pass through the middle of a whirlwind pasar por medio de torbellino [v]
pass gas ventearse [v]
pass the driving test sacarse el carnet de conducir [v]
pass aside seguir de largo [v]
pass by seguir de largo [v]
pass quickly traslumbrarse [v]
pass through trasminarse [v]
pass out sincopizarse [v]
bring to pass sacar a la luz [v]
bring something to pass concluir algo [v]
bring something to pass realizar algo [v]
cannot pass the class no poder pasar la clase [v]
cannot pass the class no poder pasar la materia [v]
can't pass no poder pasar [v]
pass away pelar bolas [v]
pass away pelar el bollo [v]
pass (give) traer [v]
allow someone to pass dejar que alguien pase [v]
free pass cancha libre [n] PA BO
set of traditionally difficult subjects to pass, such as mathematics, physics, and chemistry, las tres marías [n] VE
free pass piedra libre [n] AR UY
all pass de todo paso
all pass de banda anchísima
boarding pass tarjeta de embarque
mountain pass vía desfiladero
travel pass tarjeta de transportes
travel pass abono de transportes
pass it on hágala circular (usted)
pass me that pásame eso
mountain pass puerto de montaña
mountain pass puerto montañoso
automated ticket and boarding pass ticket y tarjetas de embarque automático
someone who lets pass a winning card amollador [m]
path/pass for cattle azagadero [m]
narrow mountain pass callejón [m]
mountain-pass congosto [m]
people ranged in a line who pass materials or loads from hand to hand hormiguillo [m]
narrow pass gollizo [m]
mountain pass puerto [m]
pass between mountains portillo [m]
path/pass for cattle azagador [m]
narrow pass gollizno [m]
superior mark to pass in exams aprobado [m]
mountain pass cortadura [f]
pass-book libreta [f]
pass in bull-fighting verónica [f]
someone who lets pass a winning card amolladora [f]
pass (an examination) aprobar [v]
come to pass acaecer [v]
pass by a thing without taking notice of it desentenderse [v]
come to pass caer [v]
pass stool defecar [v]
pass through the proper channel correr [v]
pass counterfeit money colar [v]
pass through a narrow passage colar [v]
pass through a sieve cribar [v]
pass across cruzar [v]
pass off (a spurious coin) encajar [v]
pass off upon another encajar [v]
pass slowly escurrir [v]
pass rapidly huir [v]
pass judgment enjuiciar [v]
pass sentence upon juzgar [v]
pass over pretermitir [v]
pass through penetrar por/a través de [v]
pronounce judgment and pass sentence pronunciar [v]
pass the night pernoctar [v]
pass (sentence) librar [v]
pass away pasar [v]
pass (at cards) pasar [v]
pass beyond pasar [v]
pass in silence pasar [v]
pass in vain (an opportunity) pasar [v]
pass rapidly from one thing to another saltear [v]
pass through the air volar [v]
pass beyond the mountains tramontar [v]
pass by transitar [v]
pass beyond the boundary translimitar [v]
pass judgment sentenciar [v]
pass beyond trascender [v]
pass over a mountain trascolar [v]
pass swiftly traslumbrarse [v]
pass beyond the mountains trasmontar [v]
pass over traspasar [v]
free pass pase [m]
free pass billete de favor [m]
longe (lunge) (a sudden thrust or pass) golpe [m]
pass key llave maestra [f]
pass (a condition or situation, often critical in nature; a predicament) condición [f]
pass-key llave maestra [f]
pass-key ganzúa [f]
pass-book libreta de banco [f]
come to pass acontecer [v]
pass an act votar una ley [v]
make a pass tirar una estocada [v]
pass compliments lisonjear [v]
pass sentence fallar [v]
pass remarks hacer observaciones [v]
pass sentence pronunciar sentencia [v]
pass (to cease to exist; die. often used with on) morir [v]
pass one's word empeñar su palabra [v]
pass away desvanecer [v]
pass away consumir [v]
pass along pasar a lo largo (de) [v]
pass by pasar (cerca de) [v]
pass by olvidar [v]
pass by perdonar [v]
pass by dispensar [v]
pass for pasar por [v]
pass for hacerse pasar por [v]
pass off salir [v]
pass on seguir andando [v]
pass on fallecer [v]
pass over pasar por [v]
pass on finar [v]
pass over excusar [v]
pass out salir [v]
pass up subir [v]
pass muster pasar muestra [v]
pass muster ser aceptable [v]
pass round the hat hacer una colecta [v]
pass round the hat pasar el cepillo [v]
bus pass bono-bús [m] ES
superior mark to pass in exams bueno [m] disused
boarding pass boarding pass [m] US PR VE rare
boarding pass boarding pass (voz inglesa) [m] US PR VE derog.
student who usually obtains a four or the minimum grade to pass an exam cuatrero [m] CL AR
person who would look after the backup team or horses teamed to the cart in order to climb a hill or get through a difficult pass cuarteador [m] AR disused
quick pass through a place pasón [m] SV CO
boarding pass pase a bordo [m] CU EC BO
boarding pass pasabordo [m] CO
children's game where participants pass by others reciting verses and lightly tapping their feet pisapisuela [m] AR
tendency to pass all students promocionismo [m] CU
high mountain pass portezuelo [m] GT AR:Nw
police line pass rompefilas [m] CL
children's game where participants pass in front of others reciting verses, lightly hitting shoes zapatito de charol [m] AR UY
entrance pass tax (inglés) [m] PA teen
entrance pass checker taxero [m] PA
bus pass bonobús [m] ES
narrow pass escobio [m] ES local
narrow pass between hills portezuela [f] MX
cable tied to vessels to control their position as they pass through the panama canal guaya [f] PA
person who would look after the backup team or horses teamed to the cart in order to climb a hill or get through a difficult pass cuarteadora [f] AR disused
strap with two rings through which the reins pass and prevents the horses from nodding martingala (francés) [f] AR UY rur.
pass round the hat talacha [f] GT
narrow pass cabañera [f] ES local
pass in the andes caluma [f] PE
mountain pass puerta [f] disused
boarding pass tarjeta de embarco [f] AR
relating to someone who usually obtains a four or the minimum grade to pass an exam (student) cuatrero [adj] CL AR
pass across caber [v]
pass (the ball to a teammate) tocar [v] AR
pass through caber [v]
pass as fit dar de alta [v]
pass out privarse [v] LAM
eat or pick crumbs to pass the time cuscurrear [v] disused
pass by pasar por alto [v] fig.
pass away templarse [v] VE
pass from ideas to concrete proposals aterrizar [v] MX
pass on the flu to others agripar [v] HN CU BO CL
pass wind bombardear [v] NI CU DO BO
pass away ajilarse [v] DO
pass gas deshacerse [v] GT
pass gas desinflarse [v] CL rare
converse loudly about boring topics to pass the time chacharear [v] EC
not obtain the minimum required grade to pass a test or exam challparse (del quechua) [v] BO:W,C,S
pass out chorrearse [v] BO
be hungover or pass out due to excessive alcohol or drugs fisurarse [v] AR
pass away felparse [v] MX
pass away fregarse [v] VE BO
pass a subject or topic during the course without having to take the final exam eximir [v] NI CR CO VE BO AR
pass out from drinking alcohol fondearse [v] HN SV NI
pass (certain amount of time) ajustar [v] EC rare
pass or block a law or bill through carpetazo, blow to the table given in unison by representatives in peruvian parliament to signify acceptance or rejection of a law or proposition carpetear [v] PE
pass out due to drug use gofearse [v] PR teen
not pass in exams guindarse [v] PR
pass gas largarse [v] BO:W
pass the time kikiar [v] PR teen
not pass a subject llevarse [v] AR
have to take an additional test to pass a subject llevarse [v] AR
pass out maluquearse [v] NI CO
pass the time without engaging in any work ociociar [v] EC rare
pass out drunk parquear (inglés park) [v] HN SV
pass on genetic similarities to descendants pintar [v] NI PA
pass the buck pelotear [v] VE
pass out podrir [v] CU
pass a student promover [v] GT NI PR BO stud.
pass over pordelantear [v] AR:Nw
not pass an exam or a subject qedarse [v] CO stud.
pass from hand to hand rolar [v] SV
pass a make up exam reparar [v] NI VE
pass a subject or class salvar [v] BO PY UY
pass gas silbar [v] HN
pass a subject or exam zafar [v] AR stud.
not pass reprobar [v] MX
not pass volar [v] GT
pass away descoñetarse [v] VE derog.
pass by escurrir [v] disused
pass out esmorecer [v] VE AL CI
pass out esmorecerse [v] VE AL CI
pass down heredar [v] rare
pass away jetearse [v] NI
pass out privarse [v] SV CR
pass the ball tocar [v] AR
pass on transirse [v] disused
pass by trocir [v] disused
pass over someone's head no entender algo [v]
pass with flying colors sobresalir [v]
pass with flying colors ganar [v]
pass away entregar su alma a dios [v]
pass the buck pasar la patata caliente [v]
not to pass up any opportunity no dormirse en las pajas [v]
pass the baton to someone cargar el blanco a alguien [v]
pass the blame (to someone else) cargar el blanco a alguien [v]
pass the buck to someone cargar el blanco a alguien [v]
pass the baton to someone cargar el mochuelo a alguien [v]
pass the blame (to someone else) cargar el mochuelo a alguien [v]
pass the buck to someone cargar el mochuelo a alguien [v]
pass the baton to someone cargar el muerto a alguien [v]
pass the blame (to someone else) cargar el muerto a alguien [v]
pass the buck to someone cargar el muerto a alguien [v]
pass out caerse redondo [v]
come to a pretty pass llegar a una situación difícil [v]
come to a pretty pass estar en una situación complicada [v]
cut someone off at the pass impedir el paso de alguien [v]
cut someone off at the pass bloquear el paso a alguien [v]
head someone off at the pass interceptar a alguien en el camino [v]
bring to a pretty pass llegar a una situación crítica [v]
bring to such a pass llegar a tal extremo [v]
pass the buck to someone echar el sambenito a alguien [v]
pass the baby to someone echar el sambenito a alguien [v]
pass the buck escapar el bulto [v]
pass the buck huir el bulto [v]
pass something off on someone encajar algo a alguien [v]
pass away irse al otro barrio [v]
pass an opinion expresar una opinión [v]
pass an opinion emitir una opinión [v]
pass around hacer circular [v]
pass by on the other side pasar mirando para otro lado [v]
pass by on the other side ignorar una persona que necesita ayuda [v]
pass in one's chips fallecer [v]
pass in one's chips morir [v]
pass judgement pronunciarse [v]
pass judgement emitir un juicio [v]
pass on into eternal life pasar a la vida eterna [v]
pass one's eyes over echar una ojeada a [v]
pass over someone's head ser muy difícil de entender para uno [v]
pass out in the dunes desmayarse en las dunas [v]
pass over someone's head estar más allá de la comprensión de uno [v]
pass over someone's head ser incomprensible para uno [v]
pass sentence on someone emitir sentencia sobre alguien [v]
pass something up no poder aprovechar una oportunidad [v]
pass the baton pasar las responsabilidades a otro [v]
pass something in to someone entregarle algo a alguien [v]
pass the hat around pasar el sombrero [v]
pass the buck cargar la responsabilidad a otro [v]
pass the buck tirar la pelota a otra persona [v]
pass the smell test ser moralmente aceptable [v]
pass the hat round pasar el sombrero [v]
pass the hat round recaudar dinero [v]
pass the time of day pasar el rato [v]
pass the smell test ser moralmente correcto [v]
pass the time of day perder el tiempo [v]
pass the time of day pasar el tiempo [v]
pass the torch to somebody pasarle la antorcha a alguien (literal) [v]
pass the torch to somebody pasarle la posta a alguien [v]
pass through someone's mind pasar por la mente de alguien [v]
pass up something no poder aprovechar una oportunidad [v]
pass with flying colors aprobar sin dificultades [v]
pass with flying colors aprobar con holgura [v]
pass with flying colours aprobar sobrado [v]
pass with merit pasar con honores [v]
pass with flying colors aprobar sobrado [v]
pass with flying colours aprobar con holgura [v]
sell the pass engañar [v]
sell the pass entregar [v]
sell the pass traicionar [v]
sell the pass vender [v]
pass the torch to somebody darle a otro la responsabilidad [v]
pass the torch to somebody pasarle el relevo a alguien [v]
not to pass up any chance no dormirse en las pajas [v]
pass a subject aprobar una asignatura [v]
pass the buck pasar la pelota a alguien [v]
pass time idly pasarse las horas muertas [v]
pass the buck pasarse la pelota [v]
pass the hat round pasar el platillo [v]
pass the buck pasar la bola [v]
pass the bill (to someone) pasar la cuenta a alguien [v]
pass the sponge over something pasar la esponja sobre algo [v]
pass the hat around pasar la gorra [v]
pass the hat around pasar la bandeja [v]
pass the blame pasar la bola [v]
pass the blame pasar la pelota a alguien [v]
pass the hat round pasar la gorra [v]
pass the blame pasar la patata caliente [v]
pass the hat round pasar la bandeja [v]
pass through one's mind pasársele por la cabeza [v]
pass out quedarse sin conocimiento [v]
pass away rendir el alma [v]
pass a critical point in a process salir del túnel [v]
pass a critical point in a process salir del agujero [v]
pass a critical point in a process salir del hoyo [v]
pass gas soltar un pedo [v]
pass into oblivion caer en el olvidarse [v]
pass into oblivion caer en el pozo [v]
pass something off on someone (as someone or something) colocar algo a alguien [v]
pass something off on someone (as someone or something) colar algo a alguien [v]
pass through a storm correr fortuna [v]
for an angel to pass pasar un ángel [v]
pass the hat around pasar la bandeja [v]
pass through a blockage violar el bloqueo un buque neutral [v]
pass out caer redondo [v]
pass out caerse redondo [v]
pass the buck pasar la cuenta [v]
pass the bill pasar la cuenta [v]
pass on dar el espíritu [v]
pass on despedir el espíritu [v]
pass on exhalar el espíritu [v]
not let an opportunity pass one by tener algo por la guedeja [v]
set up a pass crear juego [v]
pass muster pasar muestra [v]
bullfighting pass with a muleta pasar de muleta al toro (un torero) [v]
pass by pasar de largo [v]
let someone pass ceder el paso [v]
pass for pasar plaza de [v]
pass out quedar alguien atrás [v]
do something to pass the time engañar el tiempo [v]
do something to pass the time entretener el tiempo [v]
pass the time hacer tiempo alguien [v]
do something to pass the time hacer tiempo alguien [v]
pass time pasar el tiempo [v]
pass out dormir alguien el vino [v]