judgment - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "judgment" in Spanish English Dictionary : 83 result(s)

English Spanish
judgment enjuiciamiento [m]
judgment juicio [m]
judgment fallo [m]
judgment arbitrio [m]
judgment acierto [m]
judgment cerebro [m]
judgment discernimiento [m]
judgment juicio [m]
judgment plácito [m]
judgment temperamento [m]
judgment tino [m]
judgment decisión [f]
judgment consulta [f]
judgment ordenanza [f]
judgment sensatez [f]
judgment sesudez [f]
judgment sentir [v]
judgment juzgamiento [m]
judgment laudo [m]
judgment concepto [m]
judgment apremio [m]
judgment asiento [m]
judgment balanza [f]
judgment dictamen [m]
judgment criterio [m]
judgment discernimiento [m]
judgment lastre [m]
judgment tino [m]
judgment sentimiento [m]
judgment sentir [m]
judgment cabeza [f]
judgment calificación [f]
judgment cordura [f]
judgment crisis [f]
judgment crítica [f]
judgment ejecutoria [f]
judgment idea [f]
judgment persuasión [f]
judgment opinión [f]
judgment vista [f]
judgment sensatez [f]
judgment sentencia [f]
judgment voto [m]
judgment apreciación [f]
judgment discreción [f]
judgment sentencia del juez [f]
judgment delecto [m] disused
judgment judicio [m] disused
judgment juzgamiento [m] rare
judgment balanza [f] fig.
judgment fazaña [f] disused
judgment meollo [m]
judgment caletre [m]
judgment chapa [f]
judgment mollera [f]
judgment substancia [f]
judgment chola [f]
judgment sustancia [f]
judgment mate [m] BO PY AR UY
judgment juicio [m]
judgment criterio [m]
judgment fallo [m]
judgment dictamen [m]
judgment ejecución [f]
judgment sentencia [f]
judgment decisión [f]
judgment opinión [f]
judgment juicio [m]
judgment opinión del contador
judgment sentencia judicial
judgment fallo judicial
judgment proveído [m]
judgment enjuiciamiento [m]
judgment resolución [f]
judgment providencia [f]
judgment adjudicación [f]
judgment ejecución [f]
judgment decisión judicial
judgment fallo adjudicatario
judgment cobro judicial
judgment juicio [m]
judgment veredicto [m]
judgment juicio [m]

Meanings of "judgment" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 472 result(s)

English Spanish
pass judgment juzgar [v]
final judgment ejecutoria [f]
sound judgment prudencia [f]
judgment [us] parecer [m]
good judgment tino [m]
good judgment acierto [m]
sound judgment acierto [m]
conciliation judgment acto de conciliación [m]
lack of judgment desalumbramiento [m]
good judgment juicio [m]
judgment of god juicio de dios [m]
god's judgment juicio de dios [m]
declaratory judgment pleito ordinario [m]
good judgment cordura [f]
good judgment discreción [f]
sound judgment discreción [f]
good judgment prudencia [f]
sound judgment prudencia [f]
testamentary judgment testamentaría [f]
lacking good judgment faltoso [adj]
work with good sense and judgment aturar [v]
make a judgment censurar [v]
submit a written judgment consultar [v]
leave something to the judgment of someone remitir [v]
leave something to the judgment of someone remitirse [v]
absolute judgment/decision criterio absoluto [m]
state of not reflecting/using good judgment inconsciencia [f]
sit in judgment on juzgar [v]
pass judgment on someone/something pronunciarse sobre alguien/algo [v]
issue a judgment sentenciar [v]
absolute judgment/decision sentencia ejecutoria
day of judgment día del juicio final
day of judgment el juicio final
judgment day el juicio final
judgment day día del juicio final
final judgment día del juicio final
final judgment juicio final
the last judgment el día del juicio final
the last judgment el juicio fina
last judgment (judgment day) juicio final
lack of judgment desalumbramiento [m]
someone who passes judgment sentenciador [m]
lack of judgment insipiencia [f]
state of a lawsuit under judgment litispendencia [f]
good judgment sindéresis [f]
someone who passes judgment sentenciadora [f]
pronounce judgment condenar [v]
pass judgment enjuiciar [v]
give judgment juzgar [v]
pronounce judgment and pass sentence pronunciar [v]
refer to another's judgment remitirse [v]
pronounce judgment providenciar [v]
leave to one's judgment/action poner [v]
pass judgment sentenciar [v]
the last judgment juicio final [m]
judgment-seat tribunal [m]
test (a basis for evaluation or judgment) criterio [m]
set aside a judgment anular una sentencia [v]
to the best of my judgment según mi leal saber y entender [adv]
person of little judgment boqueburro [m] DO
person of little judgment boquepuerco [m] DO
person who lacks judgment desconformado cerebral [m] CL derog.
lack of judgment descriterio [m] BO CL PY
judgment, talent, and ability coco [m] VE
lawyer who approaches a known judge to tip a judgment in their favor sacador [m] SV
good judgment judicio [m] disused
perturbation of the judgment or reason borrachez [f] fig.
lawyer who approaches a known judge to tip a judgment in their favor sacadora [f] SV
lack of judgment desipiencia [f] rare
lacking good judgment apurativo [adj] DO
having good judgment (for a person) aterrizado [adj] CL
of little judgment boqueburro [adj] DO
who has lost their better judgment desorbitado [adj] HN CU PE rare
who lacks good judgment descriteriado [adj] PE BO CL UY EC rare derog.
with little judgment and restraint descalaverado [adj] SV
lacking judgment descocado [adj] EC PE BO CL
lacking judgment desconectado [adj] DO PR
who demonstrates good sense and judgment when speaking or doing something criterioso [adj] BO CL PY AR UY
having poor judgment gufi [adj] PA
having poor judgment desubicado [adj] MX GT HN NI CR PA CU DO CO VE PE BO AR UY
make someone lose their better judgment dementizar [v] MX rare
begin to have judgment asentar el juicio [v]
lose one's judgment or sanity perder el norte [v]
lose one's judgment or sanity perder el rumbo [v]
lose one's judgment or sanity perder el oremus [v]
lose one's judgment or sanity perder la brújula [v]
lose one's judgment or sanity perder la tramontana [v]
make an error of judgment caer de hocicos [v]
have good sense or good judgment tener la cabeza bien puesta [v]
have good sense or good judgment tener la cabeza bien amueblada [v]
have good sense or good judgment tener la cabeza sobre los hombros [v]
have good sense or good judgment tener la cabeza en su lugar [v]
have good sense or good judgment tener la cabeza en su sitio [v]
have a good judgment about something tener ojo para algo [v]
sit in judgment of somebody pronunciarse sobre alguien [v]
sit in judgment on someone juzgar a alguien [v]
sit in judgment on/over criticar la moral de alguien [v]
sit in judgment on someone pronunciarse sobre alguien [v]
sit in judgment upon someone pronunciarse sobre alguien [v]
sit in judgment upon someone juzgar a alguien [v]
enter a final judgment causar estado [v]
suspend judgment suspender alguien el juicio [v]
a judgment call una decisión tomada a conciencia
lose one's better judgment correrse el champú [v] CO
have poor judgment fallarle [v] MX SV BO CL EC
lose one's judgment coger la taranta [v] EC rare
lose one's good judgment, discretion and serenity quitar el seso [v] CL
based on good judgment a bien vista [adv] disused
in my judgment según creo
in my judgment a mi juicio [adv]
within the terms of the judgment of the court dentro de los términos de la sentencia de la corte
in my judgment creo
in my judgment en mi opinión
judgment rests with the turkish people la decisión descansa en el pueblo turco
against my better judgment a pesar mío
not have judgment tener la cabeza a pájaros [v]
not have judgment tener la cabeza a las once [v]
against one's better judgment en contra de toda lógica
against one's better judgment sabiendo que es un error
the judgment day el día del juicio
ready for judgment visto para sentencia
person of poor judgment lechuzo [m] ES
man with poor judgment trincapiñones [m] rare
poor judgment malura de cabeza [f] CL rur.
loss of good judgment loquera [f] HN SV NI CR DO PR PE BO CL PY AR UY CO VE
person of poor judgment lechuza [f] ES
having a poor judgment and lacking personality baboso [adj] NI
of poor judgment cocacola (de coca cola®) [adj] PE
that has good judgment (person or thing) criterioso [adj] EC:E
with poor judgment juquiado [adj] DO teen
having poor judgment manicho [adj] EC teen
having a poor judgment and lacking personality babosa [adj/f] NI
hasty judgment leads to repentance el que súbito se determina, súbito se arrepiente [old-fashioned]
yardstick (a test, standard, or model used in measurement, comparison, or judgment) criterio [m]
judgment debtor deudora judicial
judgment debtor deudor judicial
expert judgment juicio de expertos
judgment lien gravamen por fallo
judgment lien gravamen por fallo judicial
ouster judgment sentencia de desalojo
judgment creditor acreedor por fallo
judgment creditor acreedor por sentencia
judgment debt deuda por juicio
judgment debtor deudor por fallo
judgment debtor deudor por juicio
judgment debt deuda corroborada por fallo
attachment of property after a judgment embargo subsecuente
suit for collection of a judgment juicio de apremio
Work Safety Terms
error of judgment juicio erróneo
loss of judgment pérdida de juicio
sound judgment in practicing accounting appraisals prudencia [f]
judgment clause cláusula del fallo
judgment lien gravamen por fallo
deficiency judgment fallo de deficiencia
value judgment juicio de valor
collective judgment opinión general
collective judgment opinión colectiva
collective judgment opinión de la mayoría
judgment sample muestreo de criterio
judgment sampling muestreo discrecional
business judgment criterio comercial
canon (law, rule, or code; basis for judgment; criterion) criterio [m]
discretionary judgment arbitrio [m]
judgment of summary possession interdicto [m]
summary judgment fallo sumario [m]
preconceived judgment prejuzgamiento [m]
preconceived judgment prejuicio [m]
arrest of judgment aplazamiento del fallo [m]
judgment seat tribunal [m]
entry of judgment asentamiento de condena [m]
entry of judgment asentamiento de sentencia [m]
entry of judgment upon an arbitral award exequátur [m]
declaratory judgment juicio de menor cuantía [m]
declaratory judgment juicio declarativo [m]
declaratory judgment juicio ordinario [m]
universal judgment juicio universal [m]
judgment debtor's statement of assets declaración de bienes del deudor del fallo [f]
enforceable judgment ejecutoría [f]
copy of a judgment ejecutoria [f]
enforcement of a judgment ejecución [f]
description of facts in a judgment relación [f]
judgment on documents calificación de documentos [f]
correction made to the text of a judgment aclaración [f]
summons to hear judgment citación para sentencia [f]
action in which there is no appeal from judgment única instancia [f]
appeal barring execution of judgment apelación con efecto suspensivo [f]
appeal for review of judgment apelación con efecto devolutivo [f]
judgment by default condena en rebeldía [f]
final judgment definitiva [f]
final judgment sentencia definitiva [f]
judgment preamble cabeza de sentencia [adj]
enter a judgment or a ruling fallar [v]
issue a judgment sentenciar [v]
enter a judgment dictar sentencia [v]
render a judgment laudar [v]
vacate the default judgment anular el fallo por falta de incumplimiento [v]
collect your judgment cobrar su veredicto [v]
render a judgment pronunciar [v]
pass a judgment dictar sentencia [v]
render judgment juzgar [v]
satisfy a judgment liquidar un fallo [v]
stay a judgment sobreseer [v]
open a judgment reconsiderar un fallo [v]
give judgment dictar sentencia [v]
open a judgment reexaminar una sentencia [v]
open a judgment re-examinar una sentencia [v]
open a judgment reconsiderar una sentencia [v]
execute a judgment ejecutar una sentencia [v]
pass judgment dictar sentencia [v]
file a judgment registrar una sentencia [v]
recall a judgment revocar una sentencia [v]
pass judgment dictaminar [v]
render judgment dictar sentencia [v]
pronounce the judgment emitir el fallo [v]
pronounce judgment expedir sentencia [v]
render judgment fallar [v]
pass judgment on sentenciar [v]
pronounce judgment dictar sentencia [v]
file a judgment registrar un fallo [v]
pronounce judgment dictar fallo [v]
pronounce judgment pronunciar sentencia [v]
file a judgment asentar una sentencia [v]
file a judgment registrar una sentencia [v]
pray for a judgment pedir una sentencia [v]
get a judgment ejecutoriarse [v]
enter a final judgment causar estado [v]
default judgment fallo por incumplimiento
render judgment dictar sentencia
acknowledgment of satisfaction of judgment reconocimiento de pago del fallo
final judgment sentencia firme
satisfaction of judgment cumplimiento de sentencia
uniform declaratory judgment law ley uniforme de sentencias declaratorias
judgment bond fianza en apelación
arrest judgment abstención de sentencia
suspended judgment fallo suspendido
judgment debtor deudor reconocido
judgment by default juicio en rebeldía
judgment of dismissal sentencia desestimatoria
final judgment sentencia final
judgment roll legajo de la sentencia
default judgment fallo por no comparecencia
summary judgment de puro derecho
pronouncement of judgment dictar el fallo
final and binding judgment sentencia ejecutoriada
entry of judgment inscripción de la sentencia
judgment roll expediente del juicio
judgment debt deuda decretada en juicio
judgment lien against real property gravamen del fallo económico favorable contra un bien inmueble
judgment-seat tribunal de justicia
notice of entry of judgment aviso de publicación de fallo
costs after judgment gastos después del fallo
file a judgment registrar una sentencia
judgment of nullity sentencia de nulidad
declaratory judgment sentencia meramente declarativa
default judgment fallo por falta de comparecencia
interlocutory judgment dictamen interlocutorio
conditional judgment sentencia condicional
conditional judgment sentencia condicionada
summary judgment fallo sumario
declaratory judgment sentencia declaratoria
docketed judgment fallo registrado en la lista de expedientes
consent judgment sentencia acordada
judgment creditor acreedor en virtud de un fallo
judgment debtor deudor en virtud de un fallo
judgment for possession fallo de posesión
judgment of conviction fallo de condena
declaratory judgment fallo declarativo
summary judgment fallo rápido
default judgment fallo en rebeldía
money judgment fallo monetario
abstract of judgment resumen del juicio
entry of judgment registro de fallo
executory judgment sentencia pendiente de ejecución
affirmance of judgment afirmación de la sentencia
face of judgment importe de la sentencia sin interés
arrest of judgment suspensión de la sentencia
unsatisfied judgment funds fondos destinados para sentencias inejecutables
vacation of judgment anulación de sentencia
probation before judgment libertad condicional antes del fallo
vacation of judgment revocación de fallo
final judgment sentencia definitiva
reasoned judgment juicio razonado
clarification of judgment aclaratoria de sentencia
rendition of judgment pronunciamiento de sentencia
reversal of judgment revocatoria de sentencia
judgment and commitment order mandato de juicio y condena
judgment creditor acreedor del fallo
judgment execution procedimiento ejecutivo
judgment debtor deudor judicial
judgment of conviction sentencia condenatoria
judgment for the plaintiff sentencia a favor de la parte actora
judgment proof exento de juicio
judgment debtor deudor del fallo
simulated judgment sentencia en juicio entablado para defraudar a terceros
motion to vacate conviction/judgment demanda de nulidad
sound judgment sano juicio
judgment debtor deudor por sentencia firme
rendition of judgment emisión de fallo
motion for judgment demanda civil
affirmance of judgment ratificación de la sentencia
motion to vacate conviction/judgment petición para anular la condena
notice of judgment notificación de sentencia
erroneous judgment sentencia errónea
error of judgment error de juicio
estoppel by judgment impedimento por sentencia
abstract of judgment resumen del fallo
clarifying judgment sentencia complementaria
arbitral judgment sentencia arbitral
affirming judgment sentencia confirmatoria
appellate court judgment sentencia de alzada
contradictory judgment sentencia contradictoria
consent judgment sentencia consentida
judgment on the merits sentencia de fondo
lower court judgment sentencia de primera instancia
declaratory judgment sentencia declarativa
final judgment sentencia ejecutoriada
interlocutory judgment sentencia provisional
execution of judgment ejecución de la sentencia
exercise of good judgment uso del buen juicio
accumulated judgment fallo acumulado
accumulative judgment fallo acumulativo
ouster judgment sentencia de desalojo
face of judgment valor nominal de una sentencia
favorable judgment fallo favorable
favourable judgment fallo favorable
partial summary judgment sentencia sumaria parcial
passing judgment el dictar sentencia
final judgment sentencia final
to the judgment ad judicium
alternative judgment sentencia alternativa
foreign judgment sentencia extranjera
ready for judgment visto para sentencia
pre-judgment interest intereses acumulados antes del fallo
appealable judgment sentencia apelable
judgment lien embargo judicial
arrest of judgment suspensión de la sentencia
professional judgment parecer profesional
pronounce judgment dictar sentencia
provisional judgment sentencia provisional
best judgment el mejor juicio
execution of judgment ejecución de sentencia
final judgment sentencia definitiva
rapid judgment fallo rápido
in judgment ante el tribunal
recording of a judgment registro de una sentencia
recovery of judgment obtener una sentencia favorable
judgment roll legajo de sentencia
nonap pea led judgment sentencia ejecutoriada
nonappealed judgment sentencia firme
rendition of judgment pronunciamiento de una sentencia
ineffectual judgment sentencia ineficaz
final judgment fallo definitivo
personal judgment opinión personal
reversal of judgment revocación de sentencia
interlocutory judgment sentencia interlocutoria
ripe for judgment listo para la sentencia
irregular judgment sentencia irregular
judgment book libro de sentencias
judgment by confession sentencia basada en confesión
judgment debt deuda corroborada por fallo judicial
judgment docket registro de sentencias
judgment debtor deudor por fallo
judgment execution ejecución de sentencia
judgment file registro de sentencias
judgment filed sentencia registrada
judgment for the plaintiff sentencia a favor del demandante
judgment in absence sentencia en ausencia
judgment in personam sentencia contra una persona
judgment in rem sentencia contra la cosa
judgment lien privilegio judicial
judgment notwithstanding the verdict sentencia contraria al veredicto
judgment of dismissal sentencia absolutoria
judgment of foreclosure sentencia de ejecución hipotecaria
judgment on the merits sentencia según los méritos
judgment of his peers juicio por jurado
judgment on verdict sentencia basada en el veredicto
judgment proof a prueba de sentencias para cobro
judgment record expediente judicial
judgment roll registro del tribunal
judgment satisfied sentencia cumplida
judgment with costs sentencia más las costas
junior judgment sentencia subordinada
consent judgment sentencia acordada por las partes
lack of judgment falta de juicio
declaratory judgment juicio declarativo
rapid judgment sentencia rápida
judgment docket libro de sentencias
date of judgment fecha del fallo
nonappealable judgment sentencia firme
nonappealable judgment sentencia ejecutoriada
default judgment sentencia en rebeldía
deficiency judgment fallo de deficiencia
unfavorable judgment fallo desfavorable
unfavourable judgment fallo desfavorable
vacation of judgment revocación de sentencia
domestic judgment sentencia de un tribunal doméstico
dormant judgment sentencia no ejecutada
void judgment sentencia nula
enforcement of a judgment ejecución de una sentencia
entry of judgment registro de la sentencia
entry' of judgment registro de la sentencia
entry of judgment registro de sentencia
consent judgment sentencia acordada
judgment of conviction fallo condenatorio
final judgment fallo definitivo
motion for judgment on the pleadings pedimento para decidir el caso a base de los alegatos solamente
motion for judgment n.o.v. pedimento para un fallo distinto del veredicto
International Law
summons to hear judgment citación para sentencia [f]
appeal for review of judgment apelación con efecto devolutivo [f]
appeal barring execution of judgment apelación con efecto suspensivo [f]
judgment preamble cabeza de sentencia
action to obtain execution of judgment acción ejecutiva
res judicata value (of a judgment) autoridad de la cosa juzgada
clarification of judgment aclaratoria de sentencia
vacate a judgment revocar la sentencia que dio lugar al cobro judicial
distribution of judgment funds act ley sobre distribuciones de fondos adjudicados
hypothetical judgment juicio hipotético
categorical judgment categoría [f]
affirmance of judgment confirmación de sentencia [f]
executable judgment sentencia firme
confession of judgment admisión de sentencia
irrevocable judgment sentencia firme
abstract of judgment sumario del fallo
best professional judgment mejor criterio profesional
summary judgment sentencia sumaria
void judgment sentencia nula
qualitative judgment juicio cualitativo
quantitative judgment juicio cuantitativo
judgment call apelación al buen juicio [f]
summary judgment sentencia sumaria
absolute judgment juicio absoluto [m]
moral judgment juicio moral
qualitative judgment juicio cualitativo
good judgment buen juicio
critical judgment juicio crítico
ethical judgment juicio ético
lack of judgment falta de juicio
intuitive judgment juicio intuitivo
comparative judgment juicio comparativo
best judgment el mejor juicio
clinical judgment juicio clínico
value judgment juicio de valores
social judgment theory teoría del juicio social
Real Estate
deficiency judgment sentencia por deficiencia [f]
personal judgment sentencia que impone responsabilidad personal
judgment lien gravamen por orden judicial
pass judgment pronunciar sentencia [v]
enter a judgment dictar una sentencia [v]
enter judgment registrar una sentencia [v]
deliver a judgment dictar una sentencia [v]
render judgment pronunciar una sentencia [v]
pass judgment on emitir juicio sobre [v]
give judgment emitir un fallo [v]
judgment seat tribunal [m]
yardstick (a test, standard, or model used in measurement, comparison, or judgment) patrón [m]
engineering judgment juicio de ingeniería
Industrial Hygiene
error of judgment juicio erróneo
last judgment juicio [m]
final judgment juicio [m]
day of judgment juicio [m]
judgment day juicio [m]
last judgment juicio final [m]
final judgment juicio final [m]
day of judgment juicio final [m]
judgment day juicio final [m]
divine judgment juicio particular [m]
last judgment juicio universal [m]
final judgment juicio universal [m]
day of judgment juicio universal [m]
judgment day juicio universal [m]
god's judgment tribunal de dios [m]
righteous judgment of god justos juicios de dios [m/f]