frame - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "frame" in Spanish English Dictionary : 228 result(s)

English Spanish
frame marco [m]
frame esqueleto [m]
frame encuadrar [v]
frame encuadramiento [m]
frame encuadre [m]
frame chico [m]
frame enmarcado [m]
frame bastidor [m]
frame pilastra [f]
frame estructura [f]
frame cuaderna [f]
frame moldura [f]
frame montura [f]
frame armadura [f]
frame enmarcar [v]
frame formular [v]
frame armazón [m/f]
frame cerco [m]
frame chasis [m]
frame batiente [m]
frame cuadro [m]
frame encabalgamiento [m]
frame encaje [m]
frame fotograma [m]
frame marco [m]
frame prendido [m]
frame alma [f]
frame costana [f]
frame encajadura [f]
frame montura [f]
frame orla [f]
frame taja [f]
frame incriminar [v]
frame acriminar [v]
frame ahijar [v]
frame encofrar [v]
frame encuadrar [v]
frame enmarcar [v]
frame recuadro [m]
frame molde [m]
frame soporte [m]
frame lote [m]
frame fotograma [m]
frame cuerpo [m]
frame figura [f]
frame viñeta [f]
frame osamenta [f]
frame fotograma [f]
frame cercar [v]
frame marcar [v]
frame inculpar falsamente [v]
frame levantar la estructura [v]
frame concebir [v]
frame armar [v]
frame tender una trampa a [v]
frame amañar la culpabilidad de [v]
frame expresar [v]
frame telar [m]
frame alma [f]
frame caja [f]
frame forma [f]
frame arreglar [v]
frame construir [v]
frame fabricar [v]
frame forjar [v]
frame formar [v]
frame arreglo [m]
frame talante [m]
frame composición [f]
frame hechura [f]
frame forjadura [f]
frame constitución [f]
frame ajustar [v]
frame idear [v]
frame trazar [v]
frame colocar en un marco [v]
frame servir de cerco [v]
frame encerrar en un marco [v]
frame servir de marco [v]
frame molde para barras de jabón
frame carapacho [m] DO VE
frame escuadro [m] disused
frame galce [m] ES local
frame disposición [f] fig.
frame elaborar [v]
frame engalabernar [v] disused
frame armar un tinglado [v]
frame encasquillar [v]
frame marco [m]
frame bastidor [m]
frame bastidor para bordar [m]
frame bastidor [m]
frame porte [m]
frame incriminara una persona inocente [v]
frame trama [f]
frame estator [m]
frame carcasa [f]
frame masa [f]
frame trama [f]
frame armazón [m/f]
frame chasis [m]
frame batiente [m]
frame elemento [m]
frame repartidor [m]
frame sistema [m]
frame recinto [m]
frame bloque [m]
frame bastidor [m]
frame ciclo [m]
frame distribuido [m]
frame cuadro [m]
frame distribuidor [m]
frame encuadre [m]
frame fotograma [m]
frame castillete [m]
frame cerco [m]
frame marco [m]
frame caballete [m]
frame cabrestante [m]
frame bastidor [m]
frame banco de tornero [m]
frame molde [m]
frame pantalla [f]
frame figura [f]
frame secuencia [f]
frame cercha [f]
frame imagen [f]
frame unidad [f]
frame cadena [f]
frame configuración [f]
frame columna [f]
frame estructura [f]
frame trama [f]
frame cabria [f]
frame construcción [f]
frame caja [f]
frame armazón [m/f]
frame encuadrar [v]
frame enmarcar [v]
frame armar [v]
frame ensamblar [v]
frame encuadrar [v]
frame serie de bits
frame recuadro [m]
frame trama [f]
frame sistema de referencia
frame entramado [m]
frame cuadrar [v]
frame cerco guía [m]
frame unidad de información [f]
frame zona explorada [f]
frame zona explorada
frame unidad de información
frame bastidor [m]
frame marco [m]
frame estructura [f]
frame tirantería [f]
frame marco [m]
frame pórtico [m]
frame esqueleto [m]
frame entramado [m]
frame marco [m]
frame entramado [m]
frame cuaderna [f]
frame armazón [m/f]
frame forjar [v]
frame telar [m]
frame faja [f]
frame poner a tierra [v]
frame reforzar [v]
frame voltear [v]
frame redactar [v]
frame esbozar [v]
frame concentrar [v]
frame embarbillar [v]
frame componer [v]
frame dirigir [v]
frame banco [m]
frame guindaste [m]
frame chasis [m]
frame construcción [f]
frame banco de tornero
frame sistema articulado
frame bastidor [m]
frame bastidor [m]
frame marco [m]
frame embarbillar [v]
frame cuadro [m]
frame fotograma [m]
frame imagen [f]
frame encuadrar [v]
frame encuadrar [v]
frame chasis [m]
frame bastidor [m]
frame bloque [m]
frame cuna [f]
frame armar y escorar las cuadernas
frame macarrón [m]
frame orenga [f]
frame macarrones [m/pl]
frame costillaje [m]
frame costana [f]
frame cuaderna [f]
frame armar y escorar [v]
frame bastidor [m]
frame cuadro de maderos
frame esqueleto [m]
frame marco [m]
frame tirantería [f]
frame estructura [f]
frame armazón [m/f]
frame armar [v]
frame ensamblar [v]
frame bastidor [m]
frame estructura [f]
frame armazón [m/f]
frame cerco-guía [m]
frame fotograma [m]
frame imagen [f]
frame encuadrar [v]
frame encuadrar [v]
frame fotograma [m]
frame bastidor [m]
frame encuadrar [v]
frame encuadrar [v]
frame marco de la raqueta
frame entrada [f]
frame embarbillar [v]

Meanings of "frame" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

English Spanish
window frame ventana [f]
photo frame portarretratos [m]
picture frame portarretratos [m]
frame of mind tesitura [f]
garden roller frame andaraje [m]
fireworks frame árbol de fuego [m]
fireworks frame árbol de pólvora [m]
wooden frame armadijo [m]
stick frame armatoste [m]
circular table wooden frame with legs aro [m]
frame to dry clothes azufrador [m]
stretcher frame bastidor [m]
gun carriage frame brancal [m]
curved piece of a water-wheel frame camón [m]
saddle frame casco [m]
tube frame cuadro [m]
frame made of whale bones emballenado [m]
frame of mind estado de ánimo [m]
time frame horizonte [m]
frame for hanging asparagus lindón [m]
historical frame marco [m]
picture frame marco [m]
hydraulic frame marco hidráulico [m]
picture frame portafotos [m]
picture frame portarretratos [m]
picture frame portarretrato [m]
box frame somier [m]
stagecoach frame tablado [m]
frame of mind talante [m]
bookbinding sewing frame telar [m]
fireworks frame in the shape of a bull toro de fuego [m]
mirror frame for wall mirror tremó [m]
mirror frame for wall mirror tremol [m]
each of two horizontal timbers supporting the frame of a hanging partition aldabía [f]
window frame alfajía [f]
door frame alfajía [f]
metal frame for growing silkworms andana [f]
frame with a hole where the brazier is placed caja [f]
cold frame cajonera [f]
bed frame cama [f]
gun frame caña [f]
time frame extensión [f]
curtain frame galería [f]
cross cloth frame manga [f]
ruling frame pauta [f]
door frame puerta [f]
hook frame for catching octopuses raña [f]
cross frame telera [f]
frame of mind tesitura [f]
fireworks frame in the shape of a bull tora [f]
warping frame urdidera [f]
window frame ventana [f]
door frame vidriera [f]
put a hook nail in a door frame alcayatar [v]
make a frame encofrar [v]
packhorse frame aguaderas [f/pl]
sieve frame varillas [f/pl]
time frame horario [m]
frame of mind plan [m]
stern frame codaste [m]
side-frame larguero [m]
(photo) frame marco (de una foto) [m]
(photo) frame marco de fotos [m]
time frame calendario [m]
climbing frame trepamonos [m]
walking frame andador [m]
saddle frame fuste [m]
bicycle frame marco de bicicleta [m]
bicycle frame cuadro de bicicleta [m]
air-frame fuselaje [m]
time frame plazo [m]
a frame used by rope makers galapo [m]
frame for twisting ropes galapo [m]
frame of mind actitud [f]
leather covering of a saddle frame (fuste) coraza [f]
air-frame estructura (aviones) [f]
put into a frame of mind mentalizar [v]
get into a frame of mind mentalizarse [v]
enclose with a frame encuadrar [v]
frame (incriminate) encasquillar [v]
draw a frame for dibujar un marco para [v]
space frame malla espacial
frame of mind estado de ánimo
frame of reference marco de referencia
door frame marco de la puerta
frame of reference punto de vista
calculating frame ábaco [m]
frame of a garden-roller andaraje [m]
frame for photographic plates chasis [m]
top and bottom pieces of a window-frame cabio [m]
top and bottom pieces of a door-frame cabio [m]
frame (of a door/picture/window) cerco [m]
interior frame (of french window) contramarco [m]
cheek of embroidering-frame banzo [m]
curved piece of a water-wheel frame camón [m]
embroidery-frame bastidor [m]
roller of a silk-frame bastón [m]
frame of band-saw (carpentry) codal [m]
frame for rearing silkworms cañizo [m]
lath frame of plaster ceiling cañizo [m]
frame of car-tilt cañizo [m]
brace of frame for making adobe walls costal [m]
stand/frame for casks combo [m]
part of a door-frame dintel [m]
window frame cuadro [m]
picture frame cuadro [m]
drawing-frame estirador [m]
picture frame marco [m]
cross-piece of a door or window frame peinazo [m]
rebate in a door-panel to fit the frame renvalso [m]
frame for hanging asparagus lindón [m]
shoeing frame potro [m]
tambour frame tambor [m]
thread frame torcedor [m]
warping-frame urdidor [m]
frame of mind temple [m]
frame of a church-bell yugo [m]
frame of a wall-mirror tremó [m]
frame of a wall-mirror tremol [m]
walking frame deambulador [m]
wood frame for windows and doors alfajía [f]
wood frame for windows and doors alfarjía [f]
skeleton pattern or frame for building vaults or arches cercha [f]
frame and structure of the human body contextura [f]
site/frame for beehives banquera [f]
locker of the thumb-plate in a stocking-frame basácula [f]
winding frame devanadera [f]
front of a stocking-frame frontura [f]
hook frame for catching octopuses raña [f]
edge of the canvas covered by the frame revocadura [f]
pin or peg holding the cord of a frame-saw tarabilla [f]
warping-frame urdidera [f]
warping-frame urdidora [f]
frame an excuse achacar [v]
frame timber acoplar [v]
join the panels of a door to the frame entrejuntar [v]
enclose in a frame encuadrar [v]
frame a roof with tie- beams jabalconar [v]
clamps of embroidery-frame barras [f/pl]
frame of a sieve varillas [f/pl]
side stringers of a truck frame tijeras [f/pl]
resistance frame reóstato de cuadro [m]
retouching frame bastidor de retocar [m]
tambour-frame tambor [m]
tambour-frame bastidor para bordar [m]
stern-frame peto de popa [m]
window frame bastidor [m]
window frame marco de ventana [m]
window frame cerco de ventana [m]
stocking-frame telar de medias [m]
time frame período [m]
frame-saw sierra montada [f]
frame-saw sierra de bastidor [f]
lace-frame telar para encajes [f]
stern-frame cuaderna de popa [f]
frame (to make up evidence so as to incriminate a person falsely) inventar [v]
wooden frame loaded with stones used as an anchor sacho [m] CL
glasses frame aro [m] MX HN NI
frame in the form of a large half circle covered with canvas and adorned with flowers, fruit, dolls, and silverwork put together for festivals arco [m] BO:W
frame in the form of a large half circle covered with canvas and adorned with flowers, fruit, dolls, and silverwork put together for festivals arco [m] NI
frame supporting a deck or roof calzonte [m] HN:S,C,W NI
frame supporting a deck or roof calsonte [m] MX NI
cart frame camastrón [m] HN rur.
frame supporting a deck or roof calsonte [m] MX NI
triangular wooden frame used for hauling goods birloche [m] CL:S
chromed frame that adorns the body of an automobile bosel [m] CO
walker (orthopedic frame) burrito [m] CU BO CL
walker (orthopedic frame) burro [m] CU BO
frame rod cacaxte [m] SV rare
(wicker) carrying frame cacaste [m] MX GT SV NI rur.
wooden frame for building the fire bull (loaded with fireworks and carried around town during festivals) cacaste [m] HN SV NI
porter using a large wicker carrying frame cacastero [m] MX SV
wicker carrying frame cacastle [m] MX GT
wicker carrying frame cacaxte [m] SV rare
wooden frame for building the fire bull (loaded with fireworks and carried around town during festivals) cacastle [m] MX GT
carrying frame cacaxte [m] SV rare
(wicker) carrying frame cacastle [m] MX GT
(wicker) carrying frame cacashte [m] GT SV
walking frame caminador [m] DO CO EC
beam on which a ceiling frame is mounted cuartón [m] EC
inverted hairpin, that serves as a support and frame for the two ends of a horse's tack cujón [m] HN
rectangular wooden frame with a metal screen used to sift dirt or sand cernidor [m] BO CL PY
cage-like wooden frame cincolote [m] MX
metal plate for reinforcing a frame or saddle tree cerraje [m] HN
frame made of sticks that form a grating cinchón [m] EC
bed frame frame (inglés) [m] US PR
slightly sweet bread in the form of a square frame made of flour and butter estribo [m] MX
process consisting of casting cement on a frame of iron rods to build a roof colado [m] MX UY
bed frame jergón [m] UY rare
bed frame jergón [m] VE
bicycle frame marco [m] CR
roofing tile frame encañado [m] VE rur.
wall frame encañado [m] BO rur.
wall frame encaño [m] BO
reeds forming the frame of a basket paral [m] HN
wooden frame loaded with stones used as an anchor sacho [m] CL
wooden frame loaded with stones used as an anchor sacho [m] PR rur.
wooden frame covered with cowhide resembling a bull with pyrotechnics that someone wears while running around the square toroencuetado [m] HN
wooden frame covered with cowhide resembling a bull with pyrotechnics that someone wears while running around the square torofuego [m] HN
wooden frame covered with cowhide resembling a bull with pyrotechnics that someone wears while running through a crowd torito [m] GT PE
frame of reeds or sticks for building varazón [m] MX:Se PA
cover made with leathers and palm leaves on a wooden frame to cover boats or cargo transported toldo [m] BO:E
bed frame tambor [m] MX
door frame tapamarco [m] EC
construction system in which a cane frame is filled with stones, mud, and grass taquezal [m] NI
hoop skirt frame arandillo [m] AL
frame work armamento [m] rare
stick frame armandijo [m] rare
wooden frame cacastle (náhuatl) [m] MX GT HN SV
box frame colchón de tela metálica [m] disused
roofing tile frame encañado [m] VE
box frame tambor [m] MX
frame of mind disposición [f]
seat in the shape of a basket (made from wicker or canvas on an iron frame) africana [f] CU
glasses frame armadura [f] CU
frame for barbecuing meat barbacoa [f] MX GT VE PE BO
wood frame used to plant plants and vegetables barbacoa [f] VE
raised frame on wooden stakes to protect the corn from the water/sun/birds barbacoa [f] VE disused
bed formed by a set of pita strings attached to the frame cama de pita [f] HN
rustic bed with canvas and wooden frame cama de viento [f] VE CO:N disused
wooden frame, lined with metal foil and carried by horses (used to transport water) bota [f] HN SV
frame (door/window) cañuela [f] SV
wooden picture frame cañuela [f] DO VE
frame made of sticks that form a grating chapapa [f] BO:E
reed frame loaded with gunpowder used to liven up religious festivities in indigenous towns of ecuador chihuahua [f] EC disused
wood frame, used to form a structural element of concrete formaleta [f] GT HN NI CR PA DO PR CO VE EC
metal sheet to reinforce the frame or molding fajilla [f] HN
wooden truck bed frame compuerta [f] BO
mattress frame parrilla [f] BO AR UY
fireworks in the form of a crown on top of a fireworks tower-like frame paloma [f] EC PE
loom shaft frame saruna [f] AR:Nw rur.
frame to carry fruits or flowers on the back silleta [f] CO:W
chair made from wicker or canvas on an iron frame africana [f] CU
beams of a roof frame alfarda (árabe) [f] CU
chair frame coraza [f] disused
box frame parrilla [f] BO UY
place a frame in order to pour the concrete and give it the desired form formaletear [v] CR PA PR CO
frame a door entamborar [v] VE
finish the walls of an adobe structure or wooden frame with a mixture of mud or clay and straw embarrar [v] BO
bend construction rods to make a skeleton frame grifar [v] CR
be in the frame to win the championship tener una buena posibilidad de ganar el título [v]
be in the right frame of mind estar con el estado de ánimo apropiado [v]
be in the right frame of mind estar predispuesto [v]
be in the right frame of mind estar en equilibrio mental [v]
build a frame to dress with fabric armar una casa [v]
be in the right frame of mind estar con ánimos de hacer (algo)
be in the right frame of mind tener ganas de hacer (algo)
be in the right frame of mind apetecerle a alguien hacer (algo)
easy target for a frame presa fácil para inculpar
easy target for a frame blanco fácil de incriminar
frame something out montar la estructura de algo
frame-up incriminar (a un inocente)
frame-up complot
frame-up conjura
within the frame of dentro del marco de
frame up armar un tinglado [v]
piece of wood from a door or window frame rebaje [m] PY
wooden frame covered with cowhide resembling a bull decorated with mirrors at popular parties torito guapo [m] PA
set of wooden columns supporting the frame of the roof or eaves of a house galería [f] BO:E
frame in the form of a bull's head with the horns soaked in flammable liquid for fun at popular festivals vacaloca [f] CO EC
frame someone escrachar [v] AR UY
time frame marco de tiempo
time frame límite de tiempo
time frame marco temporal
sampling frame marco de muestreo
time frame plazo de tiempo
frame of reference marco de referencia
time frame intervalo de tiempo
Work Safety Terms
roll-over protection frame cuadro de seguridad
roll-over protection frame estribo de protección
safety frame cuadro de seguridad
safety frame estribo de protección
open frame hammer martillo de forja de armazón abierto [m/f]
tender frame armazón rama tersara [m/f]
drawing frame máquina de estirado
ring spinning frame telar para anillos
single frame hammer martillo pilón
swing frame grinder máquina esmeriladora con bastidor oscilante
frame bow sierra bracera
side-frame larguero [m]
side-frame marco lateral [m]
end-frame member miembro del extremo de la montura [m]
side-frame marco lateral
roving frame vaivén [m]
roving frame vaivén [m]
bearded needle frame bastidor de agujas de ganchillo [m]
pin frame bastidor de clavijas [m]
intermediate frame bastidor intermedio [m]
slubbing frame bastidor de mecha [m]
clip frame bastidor de pinzas [m]
stenter frame bastidor de rame [m]
bar frame bastidor de varillas [m]
roving frame mechera [f]
winding frame bobina [f]
winding frame bobinadora [f]
intermediate frame bastidor intermedio
pin frame bastidor de clavijas
bar frame bastidor de varillas
ring-spinning frame continua de hilar de anillos
flyer-spinning frame continua de hilar de aletas
sample frame marco de muestreo
time frame plazo de tiempo
frame spacer separador [m]
stern frame peto [m]
frame-up estratagema para incriminar a una persona inocente
frame-up fabricación de un caso
time frame límite de tiempo
frame of mind estado de ánimo
frame of reference marco de referencia
International Law
frame of reference marco de referencia
time frame marco cronológico
frame of reference punto de referencia
frame of mind estado de ánimo
frame of reference marco de referencia
rod and frame test (rft) test de barra y marco
theoretical frame marco teórico
perceptual reference frame marco de referencia perceptual
frame relay relé de marco [m]
page frame celda de página [f]
web frame bulárcama [f]
frame (of a pistol) armazón [m/f]
reload the frame volver a cargar el marco
frame relay conmutación de tramas
create a new empty frame window crear una nueva ventana con marco vacío
frame alignment signal señal de alineamiento de trama
display frame cuadro de presentación
view frame info ver información de marco
main distributing frame repartidor principal
reload frame volver a cargar el marco
main distribution frame (mdf) repartidor principal
open this frame in a new navigator window abrir este marco en una nueva ventana de navigator
frame buffer memoria de imagen
page frame marco de página
edit frame editar marco
send frame... enviar marco...
same frame el mismo marco
search for text in the current page or frame buscar el texto en la página o marco actual
save a copy of the selected frame guardar una copia del marco seleccionado
page frame table tablas de celdas de página
mounting frame bastidor de montaje
single frame paso a paso
open frame in new window abrir marco en nueva ventana
target frame marco de destino
print frame... imprimir marco...
print the selected frame imprimir el marco seleccionado
frame buffer marco de memoria intermedia
frame grabber tomador de marcos
single frame vista única
main distribution frame (mdf) distribuidor principal
digital distribution frame repartidor digital
intermediate distributing frame repartidor intermedio
save frame as... guardar marco como...
single frame fotograma a fotograma
table of contents in frame tabla de contenido en marco
save current frame as guardar fotograma actual como
view frame source ver origen de marco
view the source of the current frame cell ver el origen de la celda de marco actual
frame window marco de la ventana
data frame secuencia de datos
text frame cuadro de texto
frame slotted system sistema de tramas ranuradas [m]
frame alignment cerramiento de trama [m]
crimp ratchet tool frame alojamiento de herramienta con bloqueo de engarce [m]
lead frame bastidor de conductores [m]
open-frame power supply suministro de energía con armazón abierto [m]
open-frame switching power supply suministro de energía conmutando a armazón abierto [m]
open-frame linear power supply suministro de energía lineal a bastidor abierto [m]
ground frame operation maniobra a pie de obra [f]
end-shift frame carcasa deslizante [f]
skeleton frame carcasa tipo esqueleto [f]
frame yoke culata de estátor [f]
solid frame carcasa maciza [f]
sub-frame subtrama [f]
stator frame armadura del estator [f]
laminated frame carcasa laminada [f]
box frame carcasa cerrada [f]
k frame horquilla [f]
stator frame carcasa de estátor [f]
rotatable frame carcasa orientable [f]
motor frame carcasa de motor [f]
stator frame armadura del estator [f]
metal frame or support of a machine or apparatus fixed to the ground masa [f]
out-of-frame alignment time tiempo de pérdida del cerramiento de trama
frame reference burst salva de referencia de trama
main distribution frame repartidor principal
digital distribution frame repartidor digital
frame-mounted motor motor enteramente suspendido
frame alignment word palabra de alineación de trama
caption frame banco de títulos
frame alignment time-slot ranura de tiempo del cerramiento de trama
frame alignment recovery time tiempo de restablecimiento de alineación de trama
frame length longitud de trama
frame alignment alineación de trama
still frame imagen fija
frame slip deslizamiento de trama
sub-frame sector de trama
distributed frame alignment signal señal de cerramiento de trama repartida
frame surface cooled machine máquina refrigerada por la superficie de la carcasa
lead frame rejilla de conexión
distributed frame alignment signal señal de cerramiento de trama distribuida
frame alignment recovery time tiempo de restablecimiento del cerramiento de trama
frame start principio de trama
lead frame bastidor de conductores
frame alignment signal señal de cerramiento de trama
main distribution frame repartidor de entrada
bunched frame alignment signal señal de cerramiento de trama concentrada
metal frame of the structure marco metálico de la estructura
motor frame marco del motor
frame alignment cerramiento de trama [m]
solid frame carcasa maciza [f]
sampling frame marco de muestreo
lead frame rejilla de conexión
window frame cerco de ventana [m]
gallows frame castillete de extracción [m]
pit frame castillete de extracción [m]
perimeter frame bastidor [m]
mirror frame tremol [m]
frame bounce balanceo [m]
film frame fotograma [m]
mounting frame chasis de montaje [m]
pit head frame castillete de pozo de mina [m]
plate frame portaplacas [m]
self-propelled power frame chasis automotor [m]
frame counter cuentafotogramas [m]
portal frame pórtico [m]
display frame fotograma [m]
distributing frame distribuidor [m]
distributing frame repartidor [m]
distribution frame repartidor [m]
frame grabber fotofijador [m]
multiple frame cuadro [m]
multiple frame panel [m]
rack-mounting frame chasis de montaje en bastidor [m]
rackmounting frame chasis de montaje en bastidor [m]
ship frame costillaje [m]
window frame cerco de ventana [m]
timber of a mine-shaft frame marrano [m]
bed frame castillejo [m]
saw frame codal [m]
rigid frame pórtico [m]
gallows frame castillete [m]
window frame yoke cabecero [m]
wagon frame brancal [m]
a frame caballete a [m]
h frame caballete en h [m]
window frame jambaje [m]
timber frame cuadro [m]
door frame jambaje [m]
hacksaw frame arco de segueta [m]
saw frame arco de la sierra [m]
hacksaw frame arco de sierra para metales [m]
box frame bastidor de cajón [m]
saw frame bastidor de sierra [m]
frame edging bordeado del armazón [m]
doubling-frame dobladora [f]
metal frame armadura metálica [f]
twisting frame retorcedora [f]
frame rate cadencia de cuadros [f]
frame-molding chambrana [f]
space frame armadura tridimensional [f]
ring-frame cuaderna [f]
frame of an apparatus armadura de un aparato [f]
freeze frame imagencongelada [f]
page frame celda de página [f]
page frame mancha [f]
step-frame captura de imágenes una a una [f]
tubular-frame wheelbarrow carretilla tubular [f]
door frame alfajía [f]
door/window frame alfarjía [f]
a frame armadura a [f]
hacksaw frame armadura de segueta [f] CU
timber frame in a shaft cárcel [f]
gallows frame cabria [f]
ship frame cuaderna [f]
gallows frame horca [f]
window frame alfajía [f]
frame cap cubierta del bastidor [f]
a-frame cercha [f]
door frame armazón de puerta [m/f]
fuselage frame armazón del fuselaje [m/f]
field frame armazón polar [m/f]
net frame armazón [m/f]
bow frame armazón del arco [m/f]
frame assembly conjunto de armazón [m/f]
pedestal frame armazón de pedestal [m/f]
ventilated frame armazón ventilado [m/f]
a frame armazón a [m/f]
hacksaw frame armazón para serrucho [m/f] AR
frame timbers together engalabernar [v] CO
frame end to end encabezar [v]
frame (timber) almarbatar [v]
frame with a header beam embrochalar [v]
lead-frame tooling herramientas del bastidor de conductores [f/pl]
frame by frame fotograma a fotograma
timber frame construction entramado de madera
main frame unidad principal
frame of reference estructura de referencia
single-head drawing frame manuar de un pasaje
gimbal frame suspensión cardánica
embroidery-frame tambor de bordar