rooms - German English Dictionary



Meanings of "rooms" in German English Dictionary : 6 result(s)

English German
rooms Wohnung [f]
rooms Gelasse [pl]
rooms Zimmer [pl]
rooms Gemächer [pl]
rooms Räume [pl]
rooms Stuben [pl]

Meanings of "rooms" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 269 result(s)

English German
suite (of rooms) Suite (Zimmer) [f]
let rooms Zimmer vermieten [v]
post rooms Poststellen [pl]
multi-purpose rooms Mehrzweckräume [pl]
non-smoking rooms Nichtraucherzimmer [pl]
nursing rooms Wickelräume [pl]
operating rooms Operationssäle [pl]
operations rooms Operationszentralen [pl]
operations rooms Hauptquartiere [pl]
orderly rooms Wachlokale [pl]
padded rooms Weichzellen [pl]
padded rooms Gummizellen [pl]
painting display rooms Bilderzimmer [pl]
lounge rooms Salonzimmer [pl]
lounge-rooms Wohnzimmer [pl]
lounge-rooms Stuben [pl]
lumber rooms Abstellräume [pl]
lumber rooms Abstellkammern [pl]
luxury rooms Luxuszimmer [pl]
meeting rooms Versammlungssäle [pl]
meeting rooms Versammlungsräume [pl]
meeting rooms Sitzungsräume [pl]
junk rooms Rumpelkammern [pl]
kitchen-cum-dining rooms Essküchen [pl]
kitchen-dining rooms Essküchen [pl]
laundry rooms Waschküchen [pl]
living-rooms Stuben [pl]
living-rooms Wohnzimmer [pl]
locker rooms Umkleiden [pl]
locker rooms Umkleidekabinen [pl]
locker rooms Umkleideräume [pl]
hobby rooms Hobbyräume [pl]
hobby rooms Bastelräume [pl]
fullery rooms Walkereien [pl]
function rooms Veranstaltungsräume [pl]
funeral rooms Aussegnungshallen [pl]
gambling rooms Spielsäle [pl]
gambling rooms Spielsalons [pl]
games rooms Freizeiträume [pl]
games rooms Freizeitzimmer [pl]
gaming rooms Spielsäle [pl]
gaming rooms Spielsalons [pl]
garbage rooms Abfallräume [pl]
gentlemen's rooms Herrenzimmer [pl]
group rooms Arbeitsräume [pl]
group rooms Gruppenräume [pl]
guard rooms Wachlokale [pl]
guest rooms Fremdenzimmer [pl]
exhibition rooms Ausstellungssäle [pl]
exhibition rooms Ausstellungsräume [pl]
fitting rooms Anproben [pl]
fitting rooms Anprobenräume [pl]
double rooms Doppelzimmer [pl]
dressing rooms Umkleideräume [pl]
dressing rooms Umkleidekabinen [pl]
dressing rooms Ankleideräume [pl]
dressing rooms Umkleiden [pl]
damp rooms Feuchträume [pl]
dark rooms Dunkelkammern [pl]
dark rooms Dunkelräume [pl]
diaper-changing rooms Wickelräume [pl]
dissecting rooms Anatomiesäle [pl]
command rooms Kommandoräume [pl]
common rooms Aufenthaltsräume [pl]
common rooms Freizeiträume [pl]
common rooms Tagesräume [pl]
common rooms Gemeinschaftsräume [pl]
conditioned rooms normierte Räume [pl]
conditioned rooms Normalienräume [pl]
conference rooms Sitzungszimmer [pl]
conference rooms Konferenzräume [pl]
consulting rooms Behandlungsräume [pl]
consulting rooms Sprechzimmer [pl]
consulting rooms Behandlungszimmer [pl]
consulting rooms Arztsprechzimmer [pl]
control rooms Bedienstände [pl]
control rooms Warten [pl]
control rooms Leitstände [pl]
control rooms Leitwarten [pl]
control rooms Überwachungskanzeln [pl]
control rooms Steuerräume [pl]
control rooms Zentralen [pl]
break rooms Belegschaftsräume [pl]
break rooms Pausenräume [pl]
break rooms Personalräume [pl]
break rooms Sozialräume [pl]
brewing rooms Sudhäuser [pl]
briefing rooms Besprechungszimmer [pl]
changing rooms Ankleideräume [pl]
changing rooms Ankleidezimmer [pl]
children's rooms Kinderzimmer [pl]
chill-out rooms Ruheräume [pl]
clean rooms Reinräume [pl]
adjoining rooms Nebenzimmer [pl]
ante rooms Wartezimmer [pl]
appliance rooms Gerätehäuser [pl]
auction rooms Auktionslokale [pl]
back rooms Hinterzimmer [pl]
ball rooms Ballsäle [pl]
ball rooms Tanzsäle [pl]
bath rooms Badezimmer [pl]
bed-sitting rooms Wohnschlafräume [pl]
bed-sitting rooms Wohnschlafzimmer [pl]
box rooms Abstellkammern [pl]
box rooms Abstellräume [pl]
utility rooms Allzweckräume [pl]
utility rooms Hauswirtschaftsräume [pl]
waiting rooms Wartesäle [pl]
waiting rooms Warteräume [pl]
waiting rooms Wartehallen [pl]
waiting rooms Wartezimmer [pl]
washing rooms Waschräume [pl]
working rooms Arbeitsräume [pl]
store rooms Lagerräume [pl]
strong rooms Stahlkammern [pl]
suites of rooms Zimmerfluchten [pl]
show rooms Schauräume [pl]
shower rooms Duschräume [pl]
single rooms Einzelzimmer [pl]
single rooms Einbettzimmer [pl]
sitting rooms Wohnstuben [pl]
sitting-rooms Stuben [pl]
sitting-rooms Wohnzimmer [pl]
situation rooms Lageräume [pl]
small rooms Kammern [pl]
small rooms kleine Zimmer [pl]
smoking rooms Raucherzimmer [pl]
throne rooms Thronsäle [pl]
TV rooms Fernsehräume [pl]
TV rooms Fernsehzimmer [pl]
screening rooms Vorführräume [pl]
sets of rooms Zimmerfluchten [pl]
shared rooms Mehrbettzimmer [pl]
reading rooms Lesesäle [pl]
rec rooms Freizeitzimmer [pl]
rec rooms Freizeiträume [pl]
reception rooms Empfangszimmer [pl]
recreation rooms Tagesräume [pl]
recreation rooms Freizeiträume [pl]
recreation rooms Freizeitzimmer [pl]
refreshment rooms Erfrischungsräume [pl]
rooms for events Veranstaltungsräume [pl]
rooms for interpretation Interpretationsspielräume [pl]
rooms for supervisory staff Betreuerzimmer [pl]
rubber rooms Weichzellen [pl]
rubber rooms Gummizellen [pl]
ruckus rooms Freizeiträume [pl]
ruckus rooms Freizeitzimmer [pl]
rumpus rooms Freizeitzimmer [pl]
rumpus rooms Freizeiträume [pl]
test rooms Prüffelder [pl]
training rooms Schulungsräume [pl]
change rooms Umkleideräume [pl]
rooms available Zimmer frei
rooms to let Zimmer zu vermieten
communicating rooms Zimmer mit Verbindungstür
clean rooms staubfreie Räume
rooms designed on a theme thematisch gestaltete Räume
rooms for rent Zimmer zu vermieten
to let rooms Zimmer vermieten
staff rooms Sozialräume [pl]
staff rooms Personalräume [pl]
staff rooms Pausenräume [pl]
staff rooms Belegschaftsräume [pl]
workshop rooms Werkstatträume [pl]
boiler rooms Heizungskeller [pl]
boiler rooms Kesselräume [pl]
cash rooms Kassenräume [pl]
cash rooms Schalterhallen [pl]
cash rooms Schalterräume [pl]
cash rooms Kassaräume [pl]
court rooms Gerichtssäle [pl]
in engine-rooms in Maschinenräumen
in sealed rooms in geschlossenen Räumen
breathing air in sealed rooms Atemluft in geschlossenen Räumen
air-conditioning of two or more rooms Mehrraumklimatisierung
climatic test rooms Klimatesträume [pl]
cold-storage rooms Kühlräume [pl]
cutting rooms Schneideräume [pl]
engine rooms Maschinenräume [pl]
mechanical rooms Apparateräume [pl]
mechanical rooms Gerätekammern [pl]
projection rooms Vorführräume [pl]
pump rooms Brunnenhäuser [pl]
testing/test rooms Prüfstände [pl]
testing/test rooms Prüfräume [pl]
testing/test rooms Versuchsstände [pl]
tool rooms Werkzeugräume [pl]
adjoining rooms Nebenräume [pl]
machine rooms Apparateräume [pl]
class-rooms Klassenräume [pl]
class-rooms Unterrichtsräume [pl]
class-rooms Klassenzimmer [pl]
course rooms Kursräume [pl]
lecture rooms Hörsäle [pl]
teachers' rooms Lehrerzimmer [pl]
seminar rooms Seminarräume [pl]
rooms division manager Leiter Logis [m]
parish rooms Gemeindezentrum [n]
delivery rooms Kreißsäle [pl]
doctor's examination rooms Behandlungszimmer [pl]
doctor's rooms Arztzimmer [pl]
doctor's waiting rooms Arztwartezimmer [pl]
drug consumption rooms Gassenstübli [pl]
drug consumption rooms Druckräume [pl]
drug consumption rooms Fixerstuben [pl]
drug consumption rooms Drogenkonsumräume [pl]
emergency medical treatment rooms Notaufnahmen [pl]
emergency medical treatment rooms Rettungsstellen [pl]
emergency medical treatment rooms Unfallstationen [pl]
emergency medical treatment rooms Notaufnahmestellen [pl]
emergency medical treatment rooms Notfallaufnahmen [pl]
emergency medical treatment rooms Notfallstationen [pl]
emergency rooms Notaufnahmen [pl]
emergency rooms Rettungsstellen [pl]
emergency rooms Notfallaufnahmen [pl]
emergency rooms Unfallstationen [pl]
emergency rooms Notaufnahmestellen [pl]
emergency rooms Notfallstationen [pl]
patient's rooms Krankenzimmer [pl]
postmortem rooms Leichenkammern [pl]
postmortem rooms Leichenkeller [pl]
recovery rooms Aufwachräume [pl]
respirator rooms Atemschutzräume [pl]
treatment rooms Behandlungszimmer [pl]
treatment rooms Behandlungsräume [pl]
sauna rooms Saunaräume [pl]
clean rooms Reinräume [pl]
controlled environment rooms Klimaräume [pl]
soundproof rooms schalldichte Räume
shielded rooms abgeschirmte Räume
enfilade (suite of rooms aligned with each other) Raumflucht (Aneinanderreihung von Räumen) [f]
enfilade (suite of rooms aligned with each other) Raumflucht [f]
enfilade (suite of rooms aligned with each other) Enfilade [f]
set of rooms Zimmerflucht [f]
suite of rooms Zimmerflucht [f]
attic drying-rooms Trockenböden [pl]
attic rooms Dachzimmer [pl]
attic rooms Bodenkammern [pl]
attic rooms Dachkammern [pl]
attic rooms Dachstuben [pl]
attic rooms Mansarden [pl]
attic rooms Mansardenzimmer [pl]
walk-through rooms Durchgangszimmer [pl]
Real Estate
to let rooms Zimmer vermieten [v]
assembly rooms Sitzungsräume [pl]
assembly rooms Plenarsäle [pl]
assembly rooms Versammlungsräume [pl]
assembly rooms Versammlungssäle [pl]
torque rooms Bremsstände [pl]
torque rooms Prüfstände [pl]
torque rooms Prüfräume [pl]
recreation rooms Sozialräume [pl]
shielded rooms Geschirmte Räume
Electrical Engineering
shielded rooms Schirmkabinen [pl]
switch rooms Schalträume [pl]
dining rooms Esszimmer [pl]
dining rooms Speisesäle [pl]
dining rooms Speisezimmer [pl]
hotel rooms Hotelzimmer [pl]
chart rooms Kartenhäuser [pl]
special reading rooms Sonderlesesäle [pl]
fitness rooms Fitnessräume [pl]
weights rooms Krafträume [pl]
weights rooms Kraftkammern [pl]
dressing rooms Umkleidekabine [f]
changing rooms Umkleidekabine [f]
billiard rooms Billardzimmer [pl]
billiard rooms Billardräume [pl]