goal - German English Dictionary



Meanings of "goal" in German English Dictionary : 24 result(s)

English German
goal Ziel [n]
goal Zweck [m]
goal Zielpunkt [m]
goal Zielsetzung [f]
goal Zielmarke [f]
goal Tor [n]
goal persönliches Ziel [n]
goal Sachziel [n]
goal Anliegen [n]
goal Tor beim Fußball
goal Kasten [m]
goal Gehäuse [n]
goal Zweck [m]
goal Ziel [n]
goal Tor [n]
goal Zielpunkt [m]
goal Ziel [n]
goal Zielwert [m]
goal Zielwert [m]
goal Treffer [m]
goal Torerfolg [m]
goal Tor [n]
goal Treffer [m]
goal Tor [n]

Meanings of "goal" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 303 result(s)

English German
goal-oriented gezielt [adj]
goal-oriented zweckgerichtet [adj]
goal-oriented zielgerichtet [adj]
goal-oriented zielorientiert [adj]
goal directed zielgerichtet [adj]
goal directed zielorientiert [adj]
shot on goal Torschuss [m]
match-winning goal Entscheidungstreffer [m]
penalty goal Elfmeter [m]
a common goal ein gemeinsames Ziel [m]
a divine goal ein göttliches Ziel [m]
personal goal statements Zielvorstellung [f]
objective (goal) Zielsetzung [f]
objective (goal) Zielvorstellung [übertragen] [f]
goal difference Tordifferenz [f]
goal differences Tordifferenz [f]
achievement goal theory Zielerreichungstheorie [f]
goal attainment scale Zielerreichungsskala [f]
goal indicator Zielanzeige [f]
performance goal Leistungsziel [n]
poacher's goal (football) Abstaubertor [n]
objective (goal) (sachbezogenes, messbares) Ziel [n]
own goal Eigentor [n]
main goal Hauptziel [n]
intermediate goal Zwischenziel [n]
goal to reduce the deficit to one Anschlusstor [n]
consolation goal (ball sports) Ehrentor [n]
corporate goal Unternehmensziel [n]
sub-goal Teilziel [n]
training goal Trainingsziel [n]
training goal Ausbildungsziel [n]
lifelong goal Lebensziel [n]
penalty goal Straftor [n]
goal in life Lebensziel [n]
goal-directed behavior zielgerichtetes Verhalten [n]
winning goal Siegestor [n]
chief goal Hauptziel [n]
chief goal höchstes Ziel [n]
desired goal gewünschtes Ziel [n]
desired goal angepeiltes Ziel [n]
desired goal angestrebtes Ziel [n]
end goal Endziel [n]
goal weight Zielgewicht [n]
goal weight Wunschgewicht [n]
goal-directed behaviour zielgerichtetes Verhalten [n]
goal-directed behaviour zielgerichtetes Handeln [n]
goal-oriented behavior zielgerichtetes Verhalten [n]
goal-oriented behaviour zielgerichtetes Handeln [n]
his and his team's second goal das zweite Tor von ihm und seinem Team [n]
keep goal Torwart sein [v]
miss the goal am Tor vorbei schießen [v]
reach one's goal zum Ziel gelangen [v]
rifle the ball into the goal den Ball ins Tor donnern/schmettern/knallen [v]
rush the goal auf das Tor losstürmen [v]
create a goal-scoring chance eine Torchance herausspielen [v]
cross the goal line die Torlinie überqueren [v]
disallow a goal ein Tor nicht werten [v]
get one (goal) back den Anschlusstreffer erzielen [v]
head a goal ins Tor köpfen [v]
head/lead the table on goal difference die Tabelle wegen des besseren Torverhältnisses anführen [v]
be consistent with the set goal zielkonform sein [v]
score (a goal) punkten [v]
score a goal ein Tor schießen [v]
score (a goal) from a goal kick mit einem Abschlag ein Tor erzielen [v]
score an own goal ein Eigentor schießen [v]
score (a goal) (ein Tor/Punkte) erzielen [v]
set oneself a goal sich ein Ziel setzen [v]
achieve a goal ein Ziel erreichen [v]
achieve an extremely difficult goal ein sehr wichtiges Ziel erreichen [v]
achieve one's goal sein Ziel erreichen [v]
achieve one's goal sein Ziel erzielen [v]
achieve one's goal seinen Zweck erfüllen [v]
achieve one's goal seine Mission erfüllen [v]
accomplish one's goal sein Ziel erreichen [v]
accomplish one's goal sein Ziel bewältigen [v]
achieve the goal das Ziel erreichen [v]
attain one's goal sein Ziel erreichen [v]
attain one's goal seinen Zweck erreichen [v]
attain the goal das Ziel erreichen [v]
attain the goal den Zweck erreichen [v]
fulfill one's goal sein Ziel erreichen [v]
fulfill one's goal sein Ziel erfüllen [v]
goal areas Torräume [pl]
goal differences Torverhältnisse [pl]
back-goal Plätze hinter dem Tor [pl]
goal-directed processes zielgerichtete Verläufe [pl]
to score a goal ein Tor schießen
goal from open play Treffer aus dem Spiel heraus
goal-oriented ausgerichtet
goal-oriented zielorientiert
a fluky goal ein glückliches Tor
a long goal kick ein weiter Abschlag
suspiciously offside goal abseitsverdächtiges Tor
shot at goal Schuss aufs Tor
the most achievable goal das noch am ehesten erreichbare Ziel
primary goal wichtigstes Ziel
primary goal Hauptziel
to score a goal ein Tor schießen
score an own goal ein Eigentor schießen
penalty-kick goal Elfertor (Fußball) [m]
penalty goal (football) Elfertor (Fußball) [m]
poacher's goal (football) Abstauber (Fußball) [m]
goal conflict Zielkonflikt [m]
goal setting Zwecksetzung [f]
goal programming Zielprogrammierung [f]
ultimate goal Endziel [n]
sales goal Absatzsoll [n]
sales goal Absatzziel [n]
corporate goal Unternehmensziel [n]
educational goal Bildungsziel [n]
goal conflict Zielkonflikt [m]
educational goal Bildungsziel [n]
ball game goal Ballspieltor
protection-goal oriented schutzzielorientiert [adj]
principal goal Hauptzweck [m]
main goal Hauptziel [n]
principal goal Hauptziel [n]
protection goal Schutzziel [n]
design goal Entwurfsziel [n]
educational goal Bildungsziel [n]
study goal Studienziel [n]
goal-oriented course of studies zielgerichtetes Studium
epistemic goal Erkenntnisziel [n]
nursing goal Pflegeintention [f]
mutual goal setting Festlegen gemeinsamer Zielsetzungen
goal intention Zielintention [f]
life goal Lebensziel [n]
educational goal Erziehungsziel [n]
goal of cohesion Kohäsionsziel [n]
preservation goal Erhaltungsziel [n]
protection goal Sanierungsziel [n]
goal post Türstock [m]
goal finding Zielanalyse [f]
long term goal Langzeitziel [n]
macroeconomic goal gesamtwirtschaftliches Ziel
goal of individual economic business einzelwirtschaftliches Ziel
long-term goal langfristiges Ziel
advertising goal Werbeziel [n]
key goal Hauptziel [n]
Gliding Terms
goal flight Zielflug [m]
organizational goal Organisationsziel [n]
goal-driven system zielgesteuertes System [n]
goal satisfaction Erfüllung Zielvorstellung
business goal Geschäftsziel [n]
organizational goal Organisationsziel [n]
enterprise goal Unternehmensziel [n]
SAP Terms
career goal Karriereziel [n]
Electrical Engineering
goal-line decision system Torentscheidungssystem [n]
goal of countless tourists Ferienziel zahlloser Urlauber
goal of countless tourists Urlaubsziel zahlloser Urlauber
consolation goal (ball sports) Ehrentreffer (Ballsport) [m]
consolation goal (ball sports) Ehrentreffer [m]
equalizing goal Ausgleich (Ballsport) [m]
equalizing goal Ausgleich [m]
equalizing goal Ausgleichstreffer [m]
field goal (American football) Torschuss [m]
game-winning goal Siegtreffer [m]
goal area Torraum (Fußball) [m]
goal area Torraum [m]
goal giving team X the lead Führungstreffer (für eine Mannschaft) [m]
goal giving team X the lead Führungstreffer [m]
goal keeper Goalie [Schw.] [m]
goal keeper Goalie [m]
goal keeper Schlussmann [m]
goal keeper Tormann [m]
goal keeper Torwart [m]
goal keeper Torhüter [m]
goal kick (football) Abschlag (Fußball) [m]
goal kick (football) Abschlag [m]
goal kick (football) Abstoß [m]
goal kick (football) Torabschlag [m]
goal poacher (football) Abstauber (Fußballspieler) [m]
goal poacher (football) Abstauber [m]
goal scorer Schütze [m]
goal scorer Goaleator [Ös.] [m]
goal scorer Goaleator [m]
goal scorer Torschütze [m]
goal scorer Torjäger [m]
goal to reduce the deficit to one Anschlusstreffer [m]
goal-getter Goaleator [Ös.] [m]
goal-getter Goaleator [m]
goal-getter Torjäger [m]
match-winning goal Siegtreffer [m]
penalty goal (football) Elfertor [m]
penalty-kick goal Elfertor [m]
poacher's goal (football) Abstauber [m]
square/cross pass in front of goal (football) Stangelpass [m]
winning goal Siegtreffer [m]
poacher's goal Abstauber [m]
scored goal Torerfolg [m]
winning goal Siegestreffer [m]
go-ahead goal Führungstreffer [m]
back-heel goal Hackentreffer [m]
goal line referee Torrichter [m]
byline at goal Torauslinie [f]
goal average Tordifferenz [f]
goal averages Tordifferenz [f]
goal keeper Torfrau [f]
goal keeper Torwartin [f]
goal keeper Torhüterin [f]
goal line Torlinie [f]
goal scorer Torjägerin [f]
goal-getter Torjägerin [f]
goal-scoring chance Torchance [f]
goal-line technology Torlinientechnologie [f]
goal wall Torwand [f]
goal-line technology Torlinientechnik [f]
away goal (ball sports) Auswärtstor [n]
away goal (ball sports) Auswärtstor (Ballsport) [n]
equalizing goal Ausgleichstor [n]
game-winning goal Siegtor (Fußball) [n]
goal against Gegentor [n]
goal average Torverhältnis [n]
goal difference Torverhältnis [n]
goal post (ball sports) Eck (Ballsport) [n]
goal post (ball sports) Eck [n]
goal post (ball sports) Toreck [n]
headed goal Kopfballtor [n]
match-winning goal Siegtor (Fußball) [n]
own goal Eigengoal [n]
own goal Eigengoal [Schw.] [n]
penalty goal (football) Elfmetertor [n]
penalty goal (football) Strafstoßtor [n]
penalty-kick goal Elfmetertor [n]
penalty-kick goal Strafstoßtor [n]
winning goal Siegtor (Fußball) [n]
World Cup-winning goal (ball sports) Weltmeistertor (Ballsport) [n]
World Cup-winning goal (ball sports) Weltmeistertor [n]
own goal Eigentor [n]
goal wall shooting Torwandschießen [n]
goal from a counter attack Kontertor [n]
offside goal Abseitstor [n]
tying goal Ausgleichstor [n]
penalty goal Elfmetertor [n]
opportunist goal Abstaubertor [n]
to bag a goal ein Tor erzielen [v]
to have a shot on goal einen Torschuss abgeben [v]
goal averages Torverhältnisse [pl]
goal keepers Schlussmänner [pl]
goal keepers Torhüterinnen [pl]
goal keepers Goalies [pl]
goal keepers Torhüter [pl]
goal keepers Torwarte [pl]
goal keepers Torfrauen [pl]
goal keepers Tormänner [pl]
goal keepers Torwartinnen [pl]
goal kicks Abstöße [pl]
goal kicks Torabschläge [pl]
goal lines Torlinien [pl]
goal scorers Torjäger [pl]
goal scorers Torjägerinnen [pl]
goal-getters Torjäger [pl]
goal-getters Torjägerinnen [pl]
goal-scoring chances Torchancen [pl]
field goal (American football) Torschuss {m} aus dem Feld heraus
goal kicks Abschläge
thanks to the better goal difference dank der besseren Tordifferenz
the opponent's goal das gegnerische Tor
the opposing team's goal das gegnerische Tor
the woodwork (wooden frame of the soccer goal) das Holz (Pfosten oder Querlatte des Fußballstors)
square/cross pass in front of goal (football) Querpass vors Tor
dangerous in front of goal torgefährlich [adj]
goal area Torraum [m]
goal-getter Torjäger [m]
tap-in/poacher's goal Abstauber [m]
goal-scorer Torschütze [m]
leading goal-scorer Torschützenkönig [m]
goal-kick Torabschlag [m]
goal kick Abschlag [m]
consolation goal Ehrentreffer [m]
goal kick Abstoß [m]
goal-post Torpfosten [m]
honour goal Ehrentreffer [m]
goal-getter Knipser [m]
goal-scoring chance Torchance [f]
goal-line Torlinie [f]
goal difference Tordifferenz [f]
goal line Torlinie [f]
goal post Stange [f]
winning goal Siegtor [n]
away goal Auswärtstor [n]
own goal Eigentor [n]
tap-in/poacher's goal Abstaubertor [n]
Wembley goal Wembley-Tor [n]
goal average Torverhältnis [n]
goal scored from an off-side position Abseitstor [n]
goal fest Tore-Festival [n]
poacher's goal Abstaubertor [n]
take a goal kick einen Abstoß durchführen
score a goal ein Tor schießen
the goal area der Torraum
the own goal das Eigentor
goal post Stange
the goal das Tor
the goal line die Torauslinie
the goal keeper der Torwart
the goal-kick der Abstoß
the goal-getter der Torjäger
the shoot at goal der Torschuss
behind the goal line im Toraus
goal functional Zielfunktional [n]
strategic goal strategisches Ziel
field goal Feldkorb [m]