kill - English Synonyms Dictionary


[1] execute , slay , murder , assassinate , do away with , put to death , cause the death of , liquidate , dispatch/despatch , take (someone's) life , finish (off) , put an end to , write 'finis' to , silence , kill off , administer the coup de grace , eliminate , put (someone) out of (his/her) misery , exterminate , extinguish , obliterate , eradicate , destroy , annihilate , massacre , slaughter , decimate , butcher , (of animals) put down , put to sleep , (Slang) do in , bump/knock off , hit , polish off , snuff (out) , take for a ride , (US) waste , rub out , ice , fit with concrete overshoes/a wooden kimono
[2] destroy , ruin , devastate , ravage , wreak/work havoc (up)on , kill off
[3] muffle , neutralize , deaden , damp , silence , nullify , dull , absorb , smother , stifle , suppress , still
[4] exhaust , shoot down , defeat , tire (out) , fatigue , vote down , vote out , weary , (Colloq) fag (out)
[5] hurt , stamp out , pain , torment , torture
[6] quash , suppress , defeat , veto , cancel
[7] consume , use up , spend , while away , occupy , fill , pass , idle
[8] toss off , pop , bolt down , belt down , pour down , down , drink down
[9] obliterate , wipe out
[1] killing , putting to death
[2] game , prey , quarry
[3] death , killing , end , finish , deathblow , coup de grace , termination , denouement/d , nouement , conclusion