cold - English Synonyms Dictionary


[1] common cold
[2] coldness , low temperature , frigidity , frigidness
[3] coldness
[4] coldness , frigidity , iciness
[5] head/chest/common cold , influenza , ague , (la/the) grippe , (Technical) coryza , gravedo , (Colloq) sniffles , the flu , bug , sneezles and wheezles
[1] completely , thoroughly , entirely , absolutely , unhesitatingly , promptly , immediately , unreservedly , abruptly
[1] chill , chilly , frosty , icy , keen , nippy , freezing , frigid , ice-cold , stone-cold , bitter , bitter-cold , raw , biting , biting-cold , numbing , gelid , wintry , hibernal , brumal , arctic , glacial , polar , hyperborean/hyperboreal , Siberian
[2] chilly , chilled , unheated , heatless
[3] indifferent , apathetic , chilly , chilling , cool , icy , dispassionate , unsympathetic , aloof , unresponsive , spiritless , frigid , unfriendly , uncordial , lukewarm , frigid , cold-blooded , insensitive , uncaring , unemotional , undemonstrative , reserved , unmoved , spiritless , callous , remote , distant , standoffish , unapproachable , stony-hearted , emotionless , unfeeling , cold-hearted
[4] depressing , cheerless , chilling , gloomy , dispiriting , deadening , disheartening , bleak , dismal , discouraging
[5] unmoving , stale , trite , stereotyped , dead
[6] weak , faint , stale , old , dead
[7] unprepared , unready
[8] getting cold , far , distant , remote , off the track
[9] stale , dusty , moth-eaten
[10] frigid
[11] cold-blooded , inhuman , insensate