slate - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "slate" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 25 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
slate pizarra [f]
slate pizarra [f]
slate vapulear [v]
slate destinar [v]
slate poner por los suelos [v]
slate esquisto [m]
slate empizarrar [v]
slate pizarra (para escribir) [f]
slate cubrir con pizarra [v]
slate censurar [v]
slate criticar severamente [v]
slate hacer polvo a [v]
slate lista de candidatos [f]
slate lista de candidatos
slate esquisto [m]
slate pizarra [f]
slate pizarra para escribir
slate arcilla apizarada [f]
slate chanta [f]
slate pizarra metamórfica
slate regleta [f]
slate pizarra [f]
slate quitar pelo [v]
slate pizarra [f]
slate claqueta [f]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "slate" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 163 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
slate quarry pizarra [m]
cover with slate empizarrar [v]
slate roof empizarrado [m]
slate quarry pizarral [m]
pencil or slate to write or draw on stone slates pizarrín [m]
blank slate pátina [f]
slate used for roofing and flooring pizarra [f]
slate quarry pizarrería [f]
clean slate tabla rasa [f]
clean slate tabula rasa (latín) [f]
slate-colored apizarrado [adj]
slate-colored pizarreño [adj]
looking like a slate pizarroso [adj]
install a slate roof empizarrar [v]
slate a roof empizarrar [v]
slate-clay esquisto [m]
someone that lays slate pizarrero [m]
blank slate tabula rasa (teoría sobre la mente humana en el momento de nacer) [f]
blank slate pizarra en blanco [f]
slate-coloured apizarrado [adj]
roof with slate empizarrar [v]
put on the slate fiar [v]
slate mailer correo electoral masivo
slate roof empizarrado [m]
slate quarry pizarral [m]
slate-cutter pizarrero [m]
slate pencil pizarrín [m]
soft slate used for carpenters' pencils ampelita [f]
slate and lime lechada [f]
slate (for writing) pizarra [f]
slate-colored pizarreño [adj]
slate pencil pizarrete [m]
roofing-slate pizarra de techar [f]
slate quarry cantera de pizarra [f]
slate-coloured de color de pizarra [adj]
slate-coloured pizarreño [adj]
wipe clean off the slate borrar completamente [v]
fenced outdoor space with a slate floor where coca is laid to dry cancha [f] BO:W,C,S
slate gray nevus medalla [f] EC:S disused
land with slate coal hornaguero [adj] disused
slate-colored apizarrada [adj/f]
slate-coloured apizarrada [adj/f]
slate-colored pizarreña [adj/f]
slate-coloured pizarreña [adj/f]
wipe the slate clean barrer con [v]
have a slate loose tener flojo un tornillo [v]
have a slate loose faltarle un tornillo [v]
start with a clean slate doblar la hoja [v]
start with a clean slate volver la hoja [v]
wipe the slate clean hacer borrón y cuenta nueva [v]
wipe the slate clean hacer tabla rasa [v]
wipe the slate clean hacer tabla rasa de algo [v]
clean the slate hacer tabla rasa [v]
clean the slate hacer tabla rasa de algo [v]
start with a clean slate hacer tabla rasa [v]
start with a clean slate hacer tabla rasa de algo [v]
scrub the slate clean hacer borrón y cuenta nueva [v]
start off with a clean slate empezar de cero [v]
start off with a clean slate hacer borrón y cuenta nueva [v]
start off with a clean slate hacer un nuevo comienzo [v]
start over with a clean slate empezar de cero [v]
start over with a clean slate hacer borrón y cuenta nueva [v]
start over with a clean slate hacer un nuevo comienzo [v]
start with a clean slate empezar de cero [v]
wipe the slate clean hacer alguien tabla rasa de algo [v]
wipe the slate clean hacer alguien tabula rasa de algo [v]
with a clean slate en limpio [adv]
a clean slate empezar de cero
a clean slate borrón y cuenta nueva
a clean slate tabla rasa
a clean slate hoja en blanco
a clean slate una nueva página
wipe someone's slate clean hacer borrón y cuenta nueva con alguien
wipe the slate clean borrón y cuenta nueva
wipe the slate clean hacer borrón y cuenta nueva
the slate wiped clean borrón y cuenta nueva
let's clean the slate right now vamos a limpiar la pizarra
wipe the slate clean borrón y cuenta nueva [expr]
slate enterprise establecimiento del estado
slate general budget presupuesto general del estado
slate agency órgano estatal
Work Safety Terms
slate worker's lung neumoconiosis de los pizarreros
slate worker's lung pulmón esquistoso
slate attorney fiscal de estado
slate [us] programa de partido [m]
slate quarry pizarral [m]
slate quarry cantera de pizarra [f]
slate quarry pizarrería [f]
slate-spar afrita [f]
whet-slate novaculita [f]
containing slate apizarrado [adj]
roof with slate empizarrar [v]
slate black negro de pizarra
draw slate pizarra frágil sobre una capa de carbón
slate roof tejado de pizarra
roof slate pizarra de techar
mica slate esquisto micáceo
argillaceous slate pizarra arcillosa
slate-coal hulla antracitosa
slate-coal carbón esquistoso
draw slate falso techo
clay slate esquisto arcilloso
roofing slate pizarra de tejar
clay slate pizarra gredosa
slate flour green slate polvo de pizarra [m]
slate-foliated lignite lignito de pizarra esquistoso [m]
slate-foliated lignite lignito pizarroso [m]
slate flour harina de pizarra
slate-coloured hawk busardo pizarroso
slate-colored hawk busardo pizarroso
slate-colored boubou bubú fúnebre
slate-coloured antbird hormiguero pizarroso
slate-colored antbird hormiguero pizarroso
slate-throated whitestart candelita plomiza
slate-coloured boubou bubú fúnebre
slate-colored grosbeak pepitero pizarroso
bluish-slate antshrike batará azulino
slate-colored seedeater semillero pizarroso
slate-colored solitaire solitario unicolor
slate-throated gnatcatcher perlita pizarrosa
slate-colored fox-sparrow chingolo pizarroso
slate-headed tody-flycatcher titirijí gris
slate-coloured solitaire solitario unicolor
slate-crowned antpitta ponchito enano
slate quarry pizarral [m]
variety of slate filada [f]
slate quarry pizarrería [f]
anjou slate carleta (francés) [f]
slate-colored apizarrado [adj]
spotted slate pizarra moteada
slab of slate hoja de pizarra
slab of slate lámina de pizarra
slate coal hornaguera apizarrada
slate coal hulla apizarrada
splintered slate pizarra astilloso
spotted slate or schist esquisto noduloso
General Medicine
an aluminous slate tecacolote [m]
slate (color) apizarrado [adj]
slate lath listón para pizarra [m]
expanded shale (clay/slate) arcilla expandida [f]
slate roof cubierta de pizarra [f]
slate knife cuchilla para pizarra [f]
slate ax [us] hacha para cortar pizarra [f]
slate splitting hendidura de la pizarra [f]
slate axe [uk] hacha para cortar pizarra [f]
roofing slate pizarra para cubiertas
underwater slate pizarra submarina [f]
camera slate claqueta de cámara [f]
small lightweight attitude transmission equipment (slate) equipo ligero de transmisión de posición
slate worker's lung esquistosis [f]
slate quarry cantera de pizarra [f]
slate quarry cantera de pizarra [f]
slate industry industria de pizarra
anjou slate carleta [f]
slate black negro mineral
draw slate falso techo
slate coal carbón esquistoso
camera slate claqueta de cámara [f]
tail slate claqueta de cola [f]
end slate claqueta final [f]
upside down slate claqueta invertida [f]
British Slang
have a slate loose tener un tornillo flojo [v]
have a slate loose faltarle un tornillo (a alguien) [v]