offensive - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "offensive" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 54 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
offensive ofensiva [f]
offensive ofensivo [adj]
offensive injurioso [adj]
offensive ultrajador [adj]
offensive ultrajante [adj]
offensive vejatorio [adj]
offensive ofensiva [f]
offensive palabrota [f]
offensive acre [adj]
offensive asesino [adj]
offensive atacador [adj]
offensive hiriente [adj]
offensive injurioso [adj]
offensive insultante [adj]
offensive ofensivo [adj]
offensive pesado [adj]
offensive ultrajador [adj]
offensive ultrajante [adj]
offensive ofensividad [f]
offensive hiriente [adj]
offensive agravioso [adj]
offensive contundente [adj]
offensive duro [adj]
offensive ofensiva [adj]
offensive atacante [adj]
offensive repugnante [adj]
offensive chocante [adj]
offensive escandaloso [adj]
offensive horroroso [adj]
offensive gravoso [adj]
offensive pesado [adj]
offensive picante [adj]
offensive perjudicial [adj]
offensive desagradable [adj]
offensive agresivo [adj]
offensive chocante [adj] AMER
offensive ultrajoso [adj] disused
offensive ofensiva [adj/f]
offensive agraviosa [adj/f]
offensive injuriosa [adj/f]
offensive ultrajadora [adj/f]
offensive vejatoria [adj/f]
offensive escandalosa [adj/f]
offensive gravosa [adj/f]
offensive pesada [adj/f]
offensive horrorosa [adj/f]
offensive agresiva [adj/f]
offensive ataque [m]
offensive ultrajoso [adj]
offensive ilícito [adj]
offensive dañino [adj]
offensive malsonante [adj]
offensive hostigamiento [m]
offensive ofensivo [adj]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "offensive" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 167 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
offensive word palabrota [f]
counter-offensive contraofensiva [f]
be offensive to ofender [v]
take the offensive tomar la ofensiva [v]
offensive person afrentador [m]
offensive person afrentadora [f]
offensive words palabrada [f]
wetback (offensive) espalda mojada [m/f]
offensive words picardías [f/pl]
offensive line línea ofensiva [f]
that contains material that might be deemed offensive vulgar [adj]
take the offensive pasar al ataque [v]
go on the offensive pasar al ataque [v]
be offensive ser ofensivo [v]
offensive remark comentario ofensivo
offensive question pregunta ofensiva
offensive smell tufo [m]
jewess (offensive) israelita [f]
offensive expression mazada [f]
offensive remark vareta [f]
offensive to pious ears malsonante [adj]
emit an offensive smell heder [v]
offensive words picardías [f/pl]
have an offensive smell oler que apesta [v]
in cockfighting (an offensive move) cadeneo [m] HN NI
repeated joke or jibe, that can be offensive and in bad taste at times chalequeo [m] VE
mulatto (offensive) capirreo [m] CU
man whore (offensive) chimón [m] GT
offensive nickname epíteto [m] DO PR derog.
offensive epithet epíteto [m] DO PR derog.
person who talks a lot and uses vulgar and offensive words jetón [m] HN SV NI derog.
offensive saying venenazo [m] GT
offensive person afrentoso [m] DO
public scolding with offensive words bandeada [f] GT disused
public scolding with offensive words bandeada [f] SV
slut (offensive) chimona [f] GT
offensive hand gesture guatusa [f] NI
offensive hand gesture guatuza [f] NI
person who talks a lot and uses vulgar and offensive words jetona [f] HN SV NI derog.
vulgar and offensive reply perrada [f] SV NI
offensive person afrentosa [f] DO
offensive word soberbia [f] disused
black (offensive in united states) albarazado [adj] MX PE rare
offensive (person or thing) entrañudo [adj] GT
do or tell something inappropriate or offensive azotarse gacho [v] MX
say something offensive to someone acabar [v] DO EC
annoy someone using offensive jokes cabulear [v] MX
hurt someone using offensive jokes cabulear [v] MX
put oneself on the offensive cuadrarse [v] NI DO PR VE
scold or insult with offensive or vulgar words jetear [v] HN NI
be offensive to someone darle a alguien un bajonazo [v]
say offensive words mentarle la madre a alguien [v]
say offensive words sacarle la madre a alguien [v]
take the offensive pasar a la ofensiva [v]
go on the offensive pasar a la ofensiva [v]
go on the offensive tomar la ofensiva [v]
on the offensive a la ofensiva
discredit someone using offensive words poner como un chuica [v] CR disused
be inconvenient or offensive azotarse gacho [v] MX
offensive remark quemazón [f]
go on the offensive tomar la ofensiva [v]
offensive joke bayuncada [f] GT HN SV
offensive and malicious act fulastrería [f] CU
provocation with offensive and mocking words or gestures rambulería [f] PA
anonymous offensive letter paulina [f] rare
bear with a person's offensive behavior aguantar pulgas, [v] PE
slut (offensive) alegrón [adj] NI PE BO
nigga (offensive) negro (ofensivo)
nigger (offensive) negro (ofensivo)
man whore (offensive) chingador [m] HN SV
man whore (offensive) chingón [m] PR
slut (offensive) chingadora [f] HN SV
slut (offensive) chingona [f] PR
insult or scolding with offensive or vulgar words jeteada [f] HN
slope (offensive) asiático derog.
offensive comment comentario ofensivo [m]
offensive remark comentario ofensivo [m]
offensive statement declaración ofensiva [f]
offensive strategy estrategia ofensiva
sales offensive ofensiva comercial
commercial offensive ofensiva comercial
offensive comment comentario ofensivo [m]
offensive remark comentario ofensivo [m]
highly offensive conduct fechoría [f]
offensive statement declaración ofensiva [f]
offensive exhibition exhibición ofensiva
offensive language lenguaje ofensivo
offensive words palabras ofensivas
offensive behavior conducta ofensiva
offensive behaviour conducta ofensiva
offensive conduct conducta ofensiva
offensive weapon arma mortal
democratic leftist offensive ofensiva izquierda democrática BO
all-out offensive ofensiva en todo el frente
air offensive ofensiva aérea
all-out offensive ofensiva total
big offensive gran ofensiva
offensive comment comentario ofensivo [m]
offensive remark comentario ofensivo [m]
offensive conduct conducta ofensiva
offensive behavior conducta ofensiva
offensive language lenguaje ofensivo
offensive behavior comportamiento ofensivo
offensive behaviour conducta ofensiva
offensive breath aliento fétido
offensive breath halitosis
offensive breath mal aliento
offensive breath foetor ex ore
assume the offensive tomar la ofensiva [v]
underwing offensive armament armamento ofensivo debajo de las alas [m]
offensive armament armamento ofensivo [m]
offensive formation formación ofensiva
offensive combat combate ofensivo
all out offensive ofensiva en todo el f rente
sustained offensive ofensiva sostenida
air offensive ofensiva aérea
offensive avionics system sistema de aviónica ofensiva
offensive formation formación de ataque
sustained offensive ofensiva continua
offensive defense defensa ofensiva
offensive avionics system (oas) sistema de aviónica ofensiva
offensive weapon arma ofensiva
offensive combat acción ofensiva
offensive air fuerza aérea ofensiva
offensive odor olor desagradable
being an offensive abrir trinchera [v]
offensive air support operations operaciones de apoyo aéreo ofensivo
offensive counter-air operations operaciones contra aéreas ofensivas
offensive sector ata zona de ataque
offensive-defensive grenade granada ofensiva-defensiva
offensive fencing move atajo [m]
record a defensive or offensive play by a player or a team (baseball) acreditar [v] VE
offensive set posición atacante
offensive action acción ofensiva
offensive game juego ofensivo
offensive player jugador ofensivo
offensive play juego ofensivo
offensive tactics táctica ofensiva
American Football
offensive infraction infracción ofensiva
offensive line los siete frontales
defensive/offensive player of the year jugador defensivo/ofensivo del año
defensive/offensive coordinator coordinador defensivo/ofensivo
offensive player of the week jugador ofensivo de la semana
offensive/defensive penalty penalidad ofensiva/defensiva (esppn)
offensive/defensive charge carga ofensiva/defensiva
offensive/defensive lineman liniero/lindero ofensivo/defensivo
defensive/offensive player of the week jugador defensivo/ofensivo de la semana
offensive/defensive team cuadro ofensivo/defensivo
offensive player of the year jugador ofensivo del año
offensive/defensive coordinator coordinador ofensivo/defensivo
offensive tackle tackle/atajador ofensivo
offensive/defensive holding sujetando a la ofensiva/defensiva
offensive/defensive interference interferencia ofensiva/defensiva
pick up an offensive foul/charge sacar una falta de ataque [v]
offensive rebound rebote ofensivo
offensive foul falta de ataque
offensive set posición atacante
British Slang
piece (for women's vagina/piece of meat offensive mainly north London) pedazo de carne (ofensivo para mujeres)
chocolate drop (offensive) negro (insulto)
coon (offensive) negro (insulto)
egg and spoon (cockney rhyming slang for coon) (offensive) negro (insulto)
jungle bunny (offensive) persona de raza negra (ofensivo)
offensive support respaldo ofensivo [m]
offensive change cambio ofensivo [m]
failure of a defensive player to catch the ball or throw it to a teammate, allowing an offensive player to take one or more bases error [m] NI CU PR
show offensive power (team) atacar [v] NI VE
offensive tactics táctica ofensiva