part - Englisch Synonyme Wörterbuch


[1] separate , part company , split up , go his/her (or their) separate way(s) , break up , say/bid goodbye (or adieu , etc) , leave , depart , go (away/off)
[2] separate , separate , split , divide , put/pull apart , put asunder
[3] part with , separate , split up , give up , yield , split , break , relinquish , release , break up , sacrifice , forgo , renounce , forsake , let go , surrender
[4] depart , start , start out , set forth , set off , set out , take off
[5] separate , divide
[6] separate , disunite , divide
[1] piece , portion , component part , portion , division , component , constituent , allotment , share , percentage , participation , interest , parcel , fragment , scrap , shard , some
[2] portion , portion , component , factor , constituent , element , ingredient
[3] role , piece , function , duty , responsibility , share , say , voice , influence , participation , involvement , business
[4] role , character
[5] side , region , interest , cause , behalf , faction , party
[6] neighbourhood , function , office , quarter , section , role , district , region , area , corner , vicinity , vicinage , (Colloq) neck of the woods
[7] piece , character , role , portion , segment , theatrical role , persona , section , department , division , component , unit
[8] for the most part , share , portion , mostly , generally , percentage , usually , mainly , in the main , by and large , on the whole , chiefly , principally , essentially , for all practical purposes , to all intents and purposes , in most cases/instances
[9] in part , section , division , partly , partially , to some extent/degree , in some measure , relatively , comparatively , somewhat
[10] on the part of (someone)/on (someone's/one's) part , parting , by , on/(US) in behalf of , (as) for , as regards , as far as (someone) is concerned , in the name of , for the sake of , in support of
[11] take (a) part (in) , voice , participate (in) , join (in) , be (a) party to , play a part/role (in) , be involved (in/with) , associate oneself (with) , have/take a hand in , partake (of) , contribute (to)
[12] contribution , share
[1] partially , partly
[1] partial , fractional , limited