hang - Englisch Synonyme Wörterbuch


[1] suspend , depend , dangle , be poised/suspended , hover , swing
[2] gibbet , send to the gallows , lynch , execute , kill , (Colloq) string up , stretch
[3] drape , fall
[4] hang about/around , loiter , wait , linger , dally , idle , tarry , (Colloq) hang out hang about/around (with) , frequent , haunt , visit , spend time at , associate with , socialize with , hobnob with , rub elbows with , consort with , fraternize with , mix/mingle with , (Colloq) hang out (with)
[5] hang back (from) , hang up , be reluctant , recoil (from) , shrink (from) , hesitate , falter , stay away (from)
[6] hang fire , string up , be delayed , remain unsettled/unfinished , be in suspense/abeyance , stall , hold up , delay
[7] hang on , hang on to , hold on (to) , cling (to) , clutch , grip , grasp , grab wait , stay , stop wait , persist , remain , carry on , persevere , go on , hold out , endure , hold the phone , (Colloq) (US) hang in there hang on to/upon , listen carefully/attentively , give one's undivided attention , be rapt depend/rely (on) , be dependent/contingent (on) , be subject (to) , be conditioned/conditional (on)
[8] hang one's head , fall , flow , be ashamed/humiliated/abashed/humbled/embarrassed
[9] hang over , be put off/postponed/delayed
[10] hang together , attend , advert , unite , be united , pay heed , give ear , be as one , stick together , join forces , cooperate , act in concert/harmony make sense , be logical , be consistent , correspond , match (up) , cohere , be coherent
[11] hang up , break the connection , disconnect , cut off , put down the receiver
[12] cling
[1] bent , knack