devil - İngilizce Eşanlam Sözlük


[1] annoy , rag , get to , bother , get at , irritate , rile , nark , nettle , gravel , vex , chafe
[1] Satan , Satan , Lucifer , Old Nick , Lucifer , Mephistopheles , Beelzebub , Beelzebub , the Tempter , Asmodeus , Abaddon , Prince of Darkness , Apollyon , Belial , Lord of the Flies , prince of darkness , spirit of evil , evil spirit , cacodemon/cacodaemon , evil one , wicked one , archfiend , Fiend , deuce , (Scots) Clootie , (Colloq) Old Harry , (Old) Nick , (US) (Old) Scratch
[2] brute , fiend , demon , fiend , demon , daemon , daimon , beast , ogre , monster , rogue , scoundrel , rake , knave , rakehell , villain , ghoul , hell-hound , vampire , barbarian , witch , hell-cat , shrew , termagant , vixen , virago , ogress , harpy , hag , Xanthippe/Xantippe , crone
[3] fellow , deuce , dickens , person , chap , wretch , bloke , guy , beggar , unfortunate , (Colloq) bugger , (Brit) sod
[4] imp , hellion , heller , scamp , rascal , fox , slyboots , sly dog , rapscallion , confidence man , trickster , (Colloq) operator , smoothie , smooth/slick operator , con man , con artist
[5] like the devil , monster , fiend , exceedingly , extremely , demon , ogre , excessively , violently , speedily , confoundedly , deucedly
[6] - the devil , in heaven's name , the dickens , in the world , on God's green earth , in hell